82R9388 SLB-F
  By: Eiland H.B. No. 2148
  relating to oyster shells and an oyster shell recovery and
  replacement program.
         SECTION 1.  Section 76.020, Parks and Wildlife Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  The commission by proclamation may establish and conduct a program
  to require the recovery of oyster shell or other suitable cultch
  material from, and replacement of oyster shell in, the coastal
  waters of the state to maintain or enhance public oyster reefs.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter A, Chapter 76, Parks and Wildlife
  Code, is amended by adding Section 76.021 to read as follows:
  ACCOUNT; FEE. (a)  The oyster shell recovery and replacement
  program account is a separate account in the game, fish, and water
  safety account.  The account consists of money deposited to the
  account under this section.  The account is exempt from the
  application of Section 403.095, Government Code.
         (b)  The department may accept grants and donations of money
  or materials from private or public sources to be applied to the
  oyster shell recovery and replacement program account.
         (c)  The department shall collect a fee of 20 cents or an
  amount set by the commission, whichever is greater, from a licensed
  commercial oyster fisherman for each box of oysters harvested by
  the fisherman from the water of this state.
         (d)  The commission by rule shall adopt policies and
  procedures for the issuance of oyster shell recovery tags or other
  means to collect the fee imposed by this section.  A tag required by
  this section must:
               (1)  be affixed to the outside of each box of oysters at
  the time of harvest, in the location of harvest;
               (2)  contain information required by the Department of
  State Health Services under the National Shellfish Sanitation
  Program; and
               (3)  remain affixed during transportation of the
  oysters to a dealer.
         (e)  The department shall deposit to the credit of the oyster
  shell recovery and replacement program account all revenue, less
  allowable costs, from the following sources:
               (1)  all fees collected under Subsection (c); and
               (2)  grants and donations received under Subsection
         (f)  Interest earned on the oyster shell recovery and
  replacement program account shall be credited to the account.
         (g)  Money in the oyster shell recovery and replacement
  program account may be appropriated only for the recovery and
  enhancement of public oyster reefs under Section 76.020.
         (h)  The department shall consult with members of the oyster
  industry regarding the management of oyster beds in this state.
         SECTION 3.  Section 76.115, Parks and Wildlife Code, is
  amended by amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsections (d), (e),
  and (f) to read as follows:
         (c)  Before closing any area, the commissioner shall provide
  notice 72 hours before the closing [post notices of the closing in
  fish and oyster houses in two towns nearest the area to be closed
  and shall publish notice in a daily newspaper of general
  circulation in the area to be closed. The notices shall be posted
  and published at least three days before the effective date of the
         (d)  Areas closed under this section must reopen by the
  beginning of the next public oyster season unless sound biological
  data indicates that the need for closure still exists.
         (e)  The commission by rule may establish procedures and
  criteria for closing areas under Subsection (a).
         (f)  The commission may delegate to the executive director
  the duties and responsibilities under this section.
         SECTION 4.  Not later than January 1, 2012, the Parks and
  Wildlife Commission shall adopt rules:
               (1)  for the recovery of oyster shells in accordance
  with this Act; and
               (2)  necessary for the implementation of this Act.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.