82R9140 PMO-F
  By: Eiland H.B. No. 2152
  relating to the method of payment of insurance benefits.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 1102, Insurance Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
         Sec. 1102.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Insurance policy" means a policy, certificate, or
  contract of:
                     (A)  life, term, or endowment insurance,
  including an annuity or pure endowment contract;
                     (B)  group life or term insurance, including a
  group annuity contract;
                     (C)  industrial life insurance;
                     (D)  accident or health insurance;
                     (E)  group accident or health insurance;
                     (F)  hospitalization insurance;
                     (G)  group hospitalization insurance;
                     (H)  medical or surgical insurance;
                     (I)  group medical or surgical insurance; or
                     (J)  fraternal benefit insurance.
               (2)  "Insurer" means any insurer, including a:
                     (A)  life, accident, health, or casualty
  insurance company;
                     (B)  mutual life insurance company;
                     (C)  mutual insurance company other than a life
  insurance company;
                     (D)  mutual or natural premium life insurance
                     (E)  general casualty company;
                     (F)  Lloyd's plan or a reciprocal or
  interinsurance exchange;
                     (G)  fraternal benefit society; or
                     (H)  group hospital service corporation.
               (3)  "Life insurance policy" means a policy,
  certificate, or contract of:
                     (A)  life, term, or endowment insurance,
  including an annuity or pure endowment contract;
                     (B)  group life or term insurance, including a
  group annuity contract;
                     (C)  industrial life insurance; or
                     (D)  fraternal benefit insurance, other than
  insurance for:
                           (i)  benefits for hospital, medical, or
  nursing expenses resulting from sickness, bodily infirmity, or
  accident; or
                           (ii)  other accident or health insurance.
               (4)  "Retained asset account" means a checking or draft
  account into which an insurer, on behalf of a beneficiary, deposits
  proceeds payable under a life insurance policy for withdrawal by
  the beneficiary at the beneficiary's discretion.
         Sec. 1102.002.  RULES. The commissioner may adopt
  reasonable rules to accomplish the purposes of this chapter,
  including rules requiring:
               (1)  appropriate reserves for insurance policies
  subject to this chapter; or
               (2)  prudent investment of premiums collected from
  insurance policies subject to this chapter regardless of any other
  provision of this code related to the investment of money by an
  insurance company.
         Sec. 1102.051 [1102.002].  BENEFITS PAYABLE IN CURRENCY.
  Each benefit payable under an insurance policy delivered, issued,
  or used in this state by an insurer shall be payable in currency.
         Sec. 1102.052 [1102.003].  STATEMENT REGARDING VALUE OF
  FOREIGN CURRENCY. (a) An insurance policy described by Section
  1102.051 [1102.002] providing that benefits are payable in foreign
  currency must include a conspicuous statement that the value of the
  currency denominated in the policy can fluctuate as compared to the
  value of United States currency.
         (b)  The statement must be:
               (1)  included as part of the policy; or
               (2)  attached to the insurance policy at the time it is
         Sec. 1102.053 [1102.004].  PREVIOUSLY APPROVED INSURANCE
  disapprove or withdraw approval of a previously approved insurance
  policy form that provides benefits payable in foreign currency if
  the commissioner determines that the foreign currency has been less
  stable than United States currency in the previous 20-year period.
         (b)  This section does not require the resubmission for
  approval of any previously approved insurance policy form unless:
               (1)  withdrawal of approval is authorized under this
  section or Chapter 1701; or
               (2)  after notice and hearing, the commissioner
  determines that approval was obtained by improper means, including
  by misrepresentation, fraud, or a misleading statement or document.
         [Sec. 1102.005.   RULES. The commissioner may adopt
  reasonable rules to accomplish the purposes of this chapter,
  including rules requiring:
               [(1)     appropriate reserves for insurance policies
  subject to this chapter; or
               [(2)     prudent investment of premiums collected from
  insurance policies subject to this chapter regardless of any other
  provision of this code related to the investment of money by an
  insurance company.]
         Sec. 1102.101.  RETAINED ASSET ACCOUNT ELECTION. (a) An
  insurer may not transfer proceeds payable under a life insurance
  policy to a retained asset account unless the insurer obtains the
  written consent of the beneficiary or, in the case of a group
  contract, the policy owner before transferring the proceeds to the
         (b)  An insurer may not use a retained asset account as the
  insurer's default method of payment of proceeds under a life
  insurance policy.
         Sec. 1102.102.  DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS. (a) The claim
  form for payment of proceeds under a life insurance policy must
  include a statement, written in plain language and in boldfaced
  type, disclosing benefit payment options available under the
  policy, including payment through the use of a retained asset
  account or by check directly to the claimant.
         (b)  An insurer may not transfer proceeds payable under a
  life insurance policy to a retained asset account unless the
  insurer, before transferring the proceeds and in a written document
  signed by the claimant, discloses to the claimant, or advises the
  claimant concerning, the following information:
               (1)  a recommendation to consult a tax, investment, or
  other financial advisor about tax liability and investment options;
               (2)  the initial interest rate for the retained asset
  account, when and how the interest rate may change, and any
  dividends and other gains that may be paid or distributed to the
  account holder;
               (3)  the name and address of the custodian of the
  retained asset account;
               (4)  any coverage of the retained asset account
  guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the
  amount of the coverage;
               (5)  any limitations on withdrawal of funds from the
  retained asset account, including any minimum or maximum benefit
  payment amounts;
               (6)  the anticipated duration of any delays that the
  retained asset account holder might encounter in completing an
  authorized transaction;
               (7)  any fees for services provided, including a list
  of the fees and the method of the fee calculation;
               (8)  the nature and frequency with which statements
  concerning the retained asset account are issued, which must be not
  less than once annually;
               (9)  that some or all of the benefit may be paid through
  check, draft, or other instrument;
               (10)  that the entire proceeds are available to the
  retained asset account holder by the use of a single check, draft,
  or other instrument;
               (11)  whether the insurer or a related party may earn
  income from the retained asset account, in addition to any fees
  charged on the account, from the total gains received on the
  investment of the balance of funds in the account;
               (12)  the telephone number, address, and other contact
  information, including website address, to obtain additional
  information regarding the retained asset account;
               (13)  a description of the insurer's policy regarding
  retained asset accounts that may become inactive; and
               (14)  any other information prescribed by the
  commissioner by rule.
         Sec. 1102.103.  INACTIVE ACCOUNTS. Not later than the 30th
  day after the date a retained asset account becomes inactive, an
  insurer shall return to the beneficiary the remaining balance of
  the account. For purposes of this section, a retained asset account
  is inactive if:
               (1)  for a period of three years, no amount of money is
  withdrawn from the account; and
               (2)  no affirmative directive on the disposition of the
  account has been provided to the insurer by the beneficiary.
         SECTION 2.  This Act applies only to a claim made under a
  life insurance policy on or after September 1, 2011. A claim made
  before September 1, 2011, is governed by the law as it existed
  immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.