82R22553 SGA-F
  By: Price H.B. No. 2166
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 2166:
  By:  Lucio III C.S.H.B. No. 2166
  relating to the procedures for and appeals of desired future
  conditions adopted by groundwater management areas.
         SECTION 1.  Section 36.001, Water Code, is amended by adding
  Subdivision (30) to read as follows:
               (30)  "Desired future condition" means a quantitative
  description, adopted in accordance with Section 36.108, of the
  desired condition of the groundwater resources in a management area
  at one or more specified future times.
         SECTION 2.  Section 36.063, Water Code, is amended to read as
         Sec. 36.063.  NOTICE OF MEETINGS. (a) Except as provided by
  Subsections (b) and (c), notice [Notice] of meetings of the board
  shall be given as set forth in the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551,
  Government Code. Neither failure to provide notice of a regular
  meeting nor an insubstantial defect in notice of any meeting shall
  affect the validity of any action taken at the meeting.
         (b)  At least 10 days before a hearing under Section
  36.108(d-2) or a meeting at which a district will adopt a desired
  future condition under Section 36.108(d-4), the board must post
  notice that includes:
               (1)  the proposed desired future conditions and a list
  of any other agenda items;
               (2)  the date, time, and location of the meeting or
               (3)  the name, telephone number, and address of the
  person to whom questions or requests for additional information may
  be submitted;
               (4)  the names of the other districts in the district's
  management area; and
               (5)  information on how the public may submit comments.
         (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), notice of a
  hearing described by Subsection (b) must be provided in the manner
  prescribed for a rulemaking hearing under Section 36.101(d).
         SECTION 3.  Sections 36.1071(a) and (e), Water Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Following notice and hearing, the district shall, in
  coordination with surface water management entities on a regional
  basis, develop a comprehensive management plan which addresses the
  following management goals, as applicable:
               (1)  providing the most efficient use of groundwater;
               (2)  controlling and preventing waste of groundwater;
               (3)  controlling and preventing subsidence;
               (4)  addressing conjunctive surface water management
               (5)  addressing natural resource issues;
               (6)  addressing drought conditions;
               (7)  addressing conservation, recharge enhancement,
  rainwater harvesting, precipitation enhancement, or brush control,
  where appropriate and cost-effective; and
               (8)  addressing [in a quantitative manner] the desired
  future conditions adopted by the district under Section 36.108 [of
  the groundwater resources].
         (e)  In the management plan described under Subsection (a),
  the district shall:
               (1)  identify the performance standards and management
  objectives under which the district will operate to achieve the
  management goals identified under Subsection (a);
               (2)  specify, in as much detail as possible, the
  actions, procedures, performance, and avoidance that are or may be
  necessary to effect the plan, including specifications and proposed
               (3)  include estimates of the following:
                     (A)  managed available groundwater in the
  district based on the desired future condition adopted
  [established] under Section 36.108;
                     (B)  the amount of groundwater being used within
  the district on an annual basis;
                     (C)  the annual amount of recharge from
  precipitation, if any, to the groundwater resources within the
                     (D)  for each aquifer, the annual volume of water
  that discharges from the aquifer to springs and any surface water
  bodies, including lakes, streams, and rivers;
                     (E)  the annual volume of flow into and out of the
  district within each aquifer and between aquifers in the district,
  if a groundwater availability model is available;
                     (F)  the projected surface water supply in the
  district according to the most recently adopted state water plan;
                     (G)  the projected total demand for water in the
  district according to the most recently adopted state water plan;
               (4)  consider the water supply needs and water
  management strategies included in the adopted state water plan.
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter D, Chapter 36, Water Code, is amended
  by amending Section 36.108 and adding Sections 36.1081 through
  36.1087 to read as follows:
         Sec. 36.108.  JOINT PLANNING IN MANAGEMENT AREA. (a) In
  this section:
               (1)  "Development [, "development] board" means the
  Texas Water Development Board.
               (2)  "District representative" means the presiding
  officer or the presiding officer's designee for any district
  located wholly or partly in the management area.
         (b)  If two or more districts are located within the
  boundaries of the same management area, each district shall prepare
  a comprehensive management plan as required by Section 36.1071
  covering that district's respective territory.  On completion and
  approval of the plan as required by Section 36.1072, each district
  shall forward a copy of the new or revised management plan to the
  other districts in the management area.  The boards of the districts
  shall consider the plans individually and shall compare them to
  other management plans then in force in the management area.
         (c)  The district representatives [The presiding officer, or
  the presiding officer's designee, of each district located in whole
  or in part in the management area] shall meet at least annually to
  conduct joint planning with the other districts in the management
  area and to review the management plans, the [and] accomplishments
  of [for] the management area, and proposals to adopt new or amend
  existing desired future conditions.  In reviewing the management
  plans, the districts shall consider:
               (1)  the goals of each management plan and its impact on
  planning throughout the management area;
               (2)  the effectiveness of the measures established by
  each management plan for conserving and protecting groundwater and
  preventing waste, and the effectiveness of these measures in the
  management area generally;
               (3)  any other matters that the boards consider
  relevant to the protection and conservation of groundwater and the
  prevention of waste in the management area; and
               (4)  the degree to which each management plan achieves
  the desired future conditions established during the joint planning
         (d)  Not later than September 1, 2010, and every five years
  thereafter, the districts shall consider groundwater availability
  models and other data or information for the management area and
  shall propose for adoption [establish] desired future conditions
  for the relevant aquifers within the management area. Before
  voting on the proposed [In establishing the] desired future
  conditions of the aquifers under Subsection (d-2) [this section],
  the districts shall consider:
               (1)  aquifer uses or conditions within the management
  area, including conditions that differ substantially from one
  geographic area to another;
               (2)  the water supply needs and water management
  strategies included in the state water plan;
               (3)  hydrological conditions, including for each
  aquifer in the management area the total estimated recoverable
  storage as provided by the executive administrator, and the average
  annual recharge, inflows, and discharge;
               (4)  other environmental impacts, including impacts on
  spring flow and other interactions between groundwater and surface
               (5)  the impact on subsidence;
               (6)  socioeconomic impacts reasonably expected to
               (7)  the impact on the interests and rights in private
  property, including ownership and the rights of management area
  landowners and their lessees and assigns in groundwater as
  recognized under Section 36.002;
               (8)  whether the desired future conditions are
  physically possible; and
               (9)  any other information relevant to the specific
  desired future conditions [uses or conditions of an aquifer within
  the management area that differ substantially from one geographic
  area to another].
         (d-1)  The districts may establish different desired future
  conditions for:
               (1)  each aquifer, subdivision of an aquifer, or
  geologic strata located in whole or in part within the boundaries of
  the management area; or
               (2)  each geographic area overlying an aquifer in whole
  or in part or subdivision of an aquifer within the boundaries of the
  management area.
         (d-2) [(d-1)]  The desired future conditions proposed
  [established] under Subsection (d) must provide a balance between
  the highest practicable level of groundwater production and the
  conservation, preservation, protection, recharging, and prevention
  of waste of groundwater and control of subsidence in the management
  area.  This subsection does not prohibit the establishment of
  desired future conditions that provide for the reasonable long-term
  management of groundwater resources consistent with the management
  goals under Section 36.1071(a).  The desired future conditions
  proposed under Subsection (d) must be approved [adopted] by a
  two-thirds vote of all the district representatives for
  distribution to the districts in the management area. A period of
  not less than 30 or more than 90 days for public comments begins on
  the day the proposed desired future conditions are mailed to the
  districts. During the public comment period and after posting
  notice as required by Section 36.063, each district shall hold a
  public hearing on the proposed desired future conditions relevant
  to that district. During the public comment period, the district
  shall make available in its office a copy of the proposed desired
  future conditions and any supporting materials, such as the
  documentation of factors considered under Subsection (d) and
  groundwater availability model run results. After the public
  hearing, the district shall compile for consideration at the next
  joint planning meeting a summary of relevant comments received, any
  suggested revisions to the proposed desired future conditions, and
  the basis for the revisions [present at a meeting:
               [(1)     at which at least two-thirds of the districts
  located in whole or in part in the management area have a voting
  representative in attendance; and
               [(2)     for which all districts located in whole or in
  part in the management area provide public notice in accordance
  with Chapter 551, Government Code.
         [(d-2)     Each district in the management area shall ensure
  that its management plan contains goals and objectives consistent
  with achieving the desired future conditions of the relevant
  aquifers as adopted during the joint planning process].
         (d-3)  After the earlier of the date on which all the
  districts have submitted their district summaries or the expiration
  of the public comment period under Subsection (d-2), the district
  representatives shall reconvene to review the reports, consider any
  district's suggested revisions to the proposed desired future
  conditions, and finally adopt the desired future conditions for the
  management area. The desired future conditions must be adopted as a
  resolution by a two-thirds vote of all the district
  representatives. The district representatives shall produce a
  desired future conditions explanatory report for the management
  area and submit to the development board and each district in the
  management area proof that notice was posted for the joint planning
  meeting, a copy of the resolution, and a copy of the explanatory
  report. The report must:
               (1)  identify each desired future condition;
               (2)  provide the policy and technical justifications
  for each desired future condition;
               (3)  include documentation that the factors under
  Subsection (d) were considered by the districts and a discussion of
  how the adopted desired future conditions impact each factor;
               (4)  list other desired future condition options
  considered, if any, and the reasons why those options were not
  adopted; and
               (5)  discuss reasons why recommendations made by
  advisory committees and public comments received by the districts
  were or were not incorporated into the desired future conditions.
         (d-4)  As soon as possible after a district receives the
  desired future conditions resolution and explanatory report under
  Subsection (d-3), the district shall adopt the desired future
  conditions in the resolution and report that apply to the district.
         (e)  Except as provided by this section, a [A] joint meeting
  under this section must be held in accordance with Chapter 551,
  Government Code.  Each district shall comply with Chapter 552,
  Government Code.  The district representatives may elect one
  district to be responsible for providing the notice of a joint
  meeting that this section would otherwise require of each district
  in the management area.  Notice of a joint [the] meeting must be
  provided at least 10 days before the date of the meeting by:
               (1)  providing notice to the secretary of state;
               (2)  providing notice to the county clerk of each
  county located wholly or partly in a district that is located wholly
  or partly in the management area; and
               (3)  posting notice at a place readily accessible to
  the public at the district office of each district located wholly or
  partly in the management area.
         (e-1)  The secretary of state and the county clerk of each
  county described by Subsection (e) shall post notice of the meeting
  in the manner provided by Section 551.053, Government Code.
         (e-2)  Notice of a joint meeting must include:
               (1)  the date, time, and location of the meeting;
               (2)  a summary of any action proposed to be taken;
               (3)  the name of each district located wholly or partly
  in the management area; and
               (4)  the name, telephone number, and address of one or
  more persons to whom questions, requests for additional
  information, or comments may be submitted.
         (e-3)  The failure or refusal of one or more districts to
  post notice for a joint meeting under Subsection (e)(3) does not
  invalidate an action taken at the joint meeting [shall be given in
  accordance with the requirements for notice of district board of
  directors meetings under that Act].
  PLANNING. (a)  On request, the commission and the Texas Water
  Development Board shall make technical staff available to serve in
  a nonvoting advisory capacity to assist with the development of
  desired future conditions during the joint planning process under
  Section 36.108.
         (b)  During the joint planning process under Section 36.108,
  the district representatives may appoint and convene nonvoting
  advisory subcommittees who represent social, governmental,
  environmental, or economic interests to assist in the development
  of desired future conditions.
         Sec. 36.1082.  PETITION FOR INQUIRY.  (a)  In this section,
  "affected person" means, with respect to a management area:
               (1)  an owner of land in the management area;
               (2)  a district in or adjacent to the management area;
               (3)  a regional water planning group with a water
  management strategy in the management area;
               (4)  a person who holds or is applying for a permit from
  a district in the management area;
               (5)  a person who, under Section 36.002, has an
  ownership interest in groundwater in the management area; or
               (6)  any other person defined as affected by commission
         (b)  An affected person [(f) A district or person with a
  legally defined interest in the groundwater within the management
  area] may file a petition with the commission requesting an inquiry
  for any of the following reasons:
               (1)  a district fails to submit its management plan to
  the executive administrator;
               (2)  [if] a district fails [or districts refused] to
  participate [join] in the joint planning process under Section
               (3)  a district fails to adopt rules;
               (4)  a district fails to adopt the applicable desired
  future conditions adopted by the management area at a joint
               (5)  a district fails to update its management plan
  before the second anniversary of the adoption of desired future
  conditions by the management area;
               (6)  a district fails to update its rules to implement
  the applicable desired future conditions before the first
  anniversary of the date it updated its management plan with the
  adopted desired future conditions;
               (7)  [or the process failed to result in adequate
  planning, including the establishment of reasonable future desired
  conditions of the aquifers, and the petition provides evidence
               [(1)     a district in the groundwater management area has
  failed to adopt rules;
               [(2)]  the rules adopted by a district are not designed
  to achieve the desired future conditions adopted by [condition of
  the groundwater resources in] the [groundwater] management area
  [established] during the joint planning process;
               (8) [(3)]  the groundwater in the management area is
  not adequately protected by the rules adopted by a district; or
               (9) [(4)]  the groundwater in the [groundwater]
  management area is not adequately protected due to the failure of a
  district to enforce substantial compliance with its rules.
         (c) [(g)]  Not later than the 90th day after the date the
  petition is filed, the commission shall review the petition and
               (1)  dismiss the petition if the commission finds that
  the evidence is not adequate to show that any of the conditions
  alleged in the petition exist; or
               (2)  select a review panel as provided in Subsection
  (d) [(h)].
         (d) [(h)]  If the petition is not dismissed under Subsection
  (c) [(g)], the commission shall appoint a review panel consisting
  of a chairman and four other members.  A director or general manager
  of a district located outside the [groundwater] management area
  that is the subject of the petition may be appointed to the review
  panel.  The commission may not appoint more than two members of the
  review panel from any one district.  The commission also shall
  appoint a disinterested person to serve as a nonvoting recording
  secretary for the review panel.  The recording secretary may be an
  employee of the commission.  The recording secretary shall record
  and document the proceedings of the panel.
         (e) [(i)]  Not later than the 120th day after appointment,
  the review panel shall review the petition and any evidence
  relevant to the petition and, in a public meeting, consider and
  adopt a report to be submitted to the commission.  The commission
  may direct the review panel to conduct public hearings at a location
  in the [groundwater] management area to take evidence on the
  petition.  The review panel may attempt to negotiate a settlement or
  resolve the dispute by any lawful means.
         (f) [(j)]  In its report, the review panel shall include:
               (1)  a summary of all evidence taken in any hearing on
  the petition;
               (2)  a list of findings and recommended actions
  appropriate for the commission to take and the reasons it finds
  those actions appropriate; and
               (3)  any other information the panel considers
         (g) [(k)]  The review panel shall submit its report to the
  commission.  The commission may take action under Section 36.3011.
  CONDITIONS. (a) In this section:
               (1)  "Affected person" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 36.1082.
               (2)  "Development board" means the Texas Water
  Development Board.
               (3)  "Office" means the State Office of Administrative
         (b)  Not later than the 180th day after the date on which a
  district adopted a desired future condition under Section
  36.108(d-4), an affected person may file a petition with the
  district requesting that the district contract with the office to
  conduct a hearing to appeal the desired future condition, including
  the reasonableness of the desired future condition.
         (c)  Not later than the 45th day after receiving a request
  under Subsection (b), the district shall:
               (1)  contract with the office;
               (2)  request a contested case hearing; and
               (3)  submit a copy of the petition to the office.
         (d)  The hearing must be held at a location described by
  Section 36.403(c). The hearing shall be conducted in accordance
  with Chapter 2001, Government Code, and rules of the office.
         (e)  The district may adopt rules for notice and hearings
  conducted under this section that are consistent with the
  procedural rules of the office.  In the manner prescribed by
  district and office rules, the district shall provide general
  notice of the hearing and individual notice of the hearing to the
  petitioner, any other party in the hearing identified under
  Subsection (f)(3), each nonparty district and regional water
  planning group in the management area, the development board, and
  the commission. Only an affected person may participate as a party
  in the hearing.
         (f)  The office shall hold a prehearing conference to
  determine preliminary matters including:
               (1)  whether the petition should be dismissed for
  failure to state a claim on which relief can be granted;
               (2)  whether a person is an affected person and
  eligible to participate as a party in the hearing; and
               (3)  naming parties to the hearing.
         (g)  The petitioner shall pay all costs associated with the
  contract for the hearing and shall deposit with the district an
  amount sufficient to pay the contract amount before the hearing
  begins. At the conclusion of the hearing, the district shall refund
  any excess money to the petitioner.
         (h)  If the administrative law judge finds that a technical
  analysis is needed related to the hydrogeology of the area or
  matters within the development board's expertise, the judge may
  request a study from the development board. In conducting the
  technical analysis, the development board shall consider any
  relevant information provided in the petition, as well as any
  groundwater availability models, published studies, or other
  information the development board considers relevant.  The study
  must be completed and delivered to the office not later than the
  120th day after the date of the request for admission into the
  evidentiary record for consideration at the hearing.  The
  development board shall make available the relevant staff as expert
  witnesses during the hearing if requested by any party or the
  administrative law judge.
         (i)  On receipt of the administrative law judge's findings of
  fact and conclusions of law in a proposal for decision, including a
  dismissal of a petition under Subsection (f), the district's board
  shall issue a final order stating the district's decision on the
  contested matter and the district's findings of fact and
  conclusions of law.  The board may change a finding of fact or
  conclusion of law made by the administrative law judge, or may
  vacate or modify an order issued by the administrative law judge in
  the same manner as a state agency under Section 2001.058(e),
  Government Code.  If the district in its final order finds that a
  desired future condition is unreasonable, the districts in the
  management area shall reconvene in a joint planning meeting not
  later than the 30th day after the date of the final order to revise
  the desired future condition.
         (j)  A district's final order finding that a desired future
  condition is unreasonable does not invalidate the desired future
  condition for a district not subject to the petition.
  final district order under Section 36.1083 may be appealed to the
  Travis County district court under the substantial evidence
  standard of review as provided by Section 2001.174, Government
  Code. If the court finds that a desired future condition is
  unreasonable, the court shall strike the desired future condition
  and order the districts in the management area to reconvene in a
  joint planning meeting not later than the 30th day after the date of
  the court's decision to revise the desired future condition.
         Sec. 36.1085.  MANAGED AVAILABLE GROUNDWATER.  (a)  The
  Texas Water Development Board shall require the [(l)     A person with
  a legally defined interest in the groundwater in the groundwater
  management area, a district in or adjacent to the groundwater
  management area, or a regional water planning group for a region in
  the groundwater management area may file a petition with the
  development board appealing the approval of the desired future
  conditions of the groundwater resources established under this
  section.   The petition must provide evidence that the districts did
  not establish a reasonable desired future condition of the
  groundwater resources in the groundwater management area.
         [(m)     The development board shall review the petition and any
  evidence relevant to the petition.     The development board shall
  hold at least one hearing at a central location in the management
  area to take testimony on the petition.   The development board may
  delegate responsibility for a hearing to the executive
  administrator or to a person designated by the executive
  administrator.   If the development board finds that the conditions
  require revision, the development board shall submit a report to
  the districts that includes a list of findings and recommended
  revisions to the desired future conditions of the groundwater
         [(n)     The districts shall prepare a revised plan in
  accordance with development board recommendations and hold, after
  notice, at least one public hearing at a central location in the
  groundwater management area.   After consideration of all public and
  development board comments, the districts shall revise the
  conditions and submit the conditions to the development board for
         [(o)  The] districts in a management area to [shall] submit
  to the executive administrator not later than the 60th day after the
  date on which the districts adopted desired future conditions under
  Section 36.108(d-3):
               (1)  the desired future conditions adopted
  [established] under Section 36.108;
               (2)  proof that notice was posted for the joint
  planning meeting; and
               (3)  the desired future conditions explanatory report
  [this section to the executive administrator].
         (b)  The executive administrator shall provide each district
  and regional water planning group located wholly or partly in the
  management area with the managed available groundwater in the
  management area based upon the desired future conditions adopted by
  the districts [condition of the groundwater resources established
  under this section].
  district in the management area shall ensure that its management
  plan contains goals and objectives consistent with achieving the
  desired future conditions of the relevant aquifers as adopted
  during the joint planning process.
  AREA. [(p)]  Districts located within the same [groundwater]
  management areas or in adjacent management areas may contract to
  jointly conduct studies or research, or to construct projects,
  under terms and conditions that the districts consider beneficial.  
  These joint efforts may include studies of groundwater availability
  and quality, aquifer modeling, and the interaction of groundwater
  and surface water; educational programs; the purchase and sharing
  of equipment; and the implementation of projects to make
  groundwater available, including aquifer recharge, brush control,
  weather modification, desalination, regionalization, and treatment
  or conveyance facilities.  The districts may contract under their
  existing authorizations including those of Chapter 791, Government
  Code, if their contracting authority is not limited by Sections
  791.011(c)(2) and (d)(3) and Section 791.014, Government Code.
         SECTION 5.  Section 36.3011, Water Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
  45th day after receiving the review panel's report under Section
  36.1082 [36.108], the executive director or the commission shall
  take action to implement any or all of the panel's recommendations.  
  The commission may take any action against a district it considers
  necessary in accordance with Section 36.303 if the commission finds
               (1)  the [a] district has failed to submit its
  management plan to the executive administrator;
               (2)  the district has failed to participate in the
  joint planning process under Section 36.108;
               (3)  the [(2)  a] district has failed to adopt rules;
               (4)  the district has failed to adopt the applicable
  desired future conditions adopted by the management area at a joint
               (5)  the district has failed to update its management
  plan before the second anniversary of the adoption of desired
  future conditions by the management area;
               (6)  the district has failed to update its rules to
  implement the applicable desired future conditions before the first
  anniversary of the date it updated its management plan with the
  adopted desired future conditions;
               (7) [(3)]  the rules adopted by the district are not
  designed to achieve the desired future conditions adopted by 
  [condition of the groundwater resources in] the [groundwater]
  management area during the joint planning process; [or]
               (8) [(4)]  the groundwater in the management area is
  not adequately protected by the rules adopted by the district; [,]
               (9)  the groundwater in the management area is not
  adequately protected because of the district's failure to enforce
  substantial compliance with its rules.
         SECTION 6.  The notice provisions of Sections 36.063(b) and
  (c), Water Code, as added by this Act, apply only to a meeting or
  hearing of a groundwater conservation district or a joint planning
  meeting of groundwater conservation districts held on or after the
  effective date of this Act. A meeting or hearing held before the
  effective date of this Act is subject to the notice provisions in
  effect at the time of the meeting or hearing, and those provisions
  are continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 7.  The requirement that a groundwater conservation
  district's management plan under Section 36.1071(e), Water Code, as
  amended by this Act, include the desired future conditions adopted
  under Section 36.108, Water Code, as amended by this Act, for
  submission to the executive administrator of the Texas Water
  Development Board before the plan is considered administratively
  complete applies only to a district management plan submitted to
  the executive administrator on or after the effective date of this
  Act. A management plan submitted before the effective date of this
  Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the plan was
  submitted, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 8.  The procedures for the adoption and reporting of
  desired future conditions of groundwater resources in a management
  area under Section 36.108, Water Code, as amended by this Act, and
  Section 36.1085, Water Code, as added by this Act, apply only to the
  adoption of desired future conditions that occurs on or after the
  effective date of this Act. Desired future conditions adopted
  before the effective date of this Act are governed by the law in
  effect on the date the desired future conditions were adopted, and
  that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 9.  A petition filed and pending on the effective
  date of this Act before the Texas Water Development Board to appeal
  the adoption of desired future conditions by a groundwater
  management area under former Section 36.108(l), Water Code, shall
  be handled by the Texas Water Development Board in compliance with
  Sections 36.108(l), (m), and (n), Water Code, as those sections
  existed before the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 10.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.