82R10002 PMO-D
  By: Simpson H.B. No. 2356
  relating to the exercise of the power of eminent domain by certain
  private entities.
         SECTION 1.  Section 111.019(b), Natural Resources Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  In the exercise of the power of eminent domain granted
  under the provisions of Subsection (a) of this section, a common
               (1)  may enter on and condemn the land, rights-of-way,
  easements, and property of any person or corporation necessary for
  the construction, maintenance, or operation of the common carrier
  pipeline and only to transport commodities authorized under this
  chapter; and
               (2)  may not enter on or condemn the land,
  rights-of-way, easements, and property of any person or
                     (A)  only for business administration or
  management purposes;
                     (B)  to explore for, produce, or process
  commodities authorized to be transported under this chapter by the
  common carrier; or
                     (C)  to transport or dispose of oil and gas waste
  as defined by Section 91.1011.
         SECTION 2.  Section 111.0192(b), Natural Resources Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The right of eminent domain granted under this chapter
  to any pipeline transporting coal in whatever form shall not
  include the power to take land or any interest in land, by exercise
  of the power of eminent domain, for the purpose of drilling for,
  mining, or producing any oil, gas, geothermal,
  geothermal/geopressured, lignite, coal, sulphur, uranium,
  plutonium, or other mineral. Subject to Section 111.019(b), [but]
  this provision does not impair the right of any such entity to
  acquire title to real property for pipelines, including cooling
  ponds and related surface installations and equipment.
         SECTION 3.  Section 161.121, Utilities Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 161.121.  GENERAL POWERS. An electric cooperative may:
               (1)  sue and be sued in its corporate name;
               (2)  adopt and alter a corporate seal and use the seal
  or a facsimile of the seal as required by law;
               (3)  acquire, own, hold, maintain, exchange, or use
  property or an interest in property, including plants, buildings,
  works, machinery, supplies, equipment, apparatus, and transmission
  and distribution lines or systems that are necessary, convenient,
  or useful, except as provided by Section 161.125;
               (4)  dispose of, mortgage, or lease as lessor any of its
  property or assets;
               (5)  borrow money and otherwise contract indebtedness,
  issue obligations for its indebtedness, and secure the payment of
  indebtedness by mortgage, pledge, or deed of trust on any or all of
  its property or revenue;
               (6)  accept gifts or grants of money, services, or
               (7)  make any contracts necessary or convenient for the
  exercise of the powers granted by this chapter;
               (8)  conduct its business and have offices inside or
  outside this state;
               (9)  adopt and amend bylaws not inconsistent with the
  articles of incorporation for the administration and regulation of
  the affairs of the cooperative; and
               (10)  except as provided by Section 161.125, perform
  any other acts for the cooperative or its members or for another
  electric cooperative or its members, and exercise any other power,
  that may be necessary, convenient, or appropriate to accomplish the
  purpose for which the cooperative is organized, including other or
  additional purposes that benefit members and nonmembers, either
  directly or through affiliates, described in Sections 2.002 and
  22.051, Business Organizations Code [Section A, Article 2.01, Texas
  Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article 1396-2.01, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes)].
         SECTION 4.  Section 161.125, Utilities Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 161.125.  EMINENT DOMAIN. (a) An electric cooperative
  may exercise the power of eminent domain:
               (1)  to acquire real property only to transmit or
  distribute electric energy; and
               (2)  in the manner provided by state law for acquiring
  private property for public use.
         (b)  An electric cooperative may not exercise the power of
  eminent domain to acquire real property to generate or accumulate
  electric energy.
         (c)  The power does not apply to state property or property
  of a political subdivision in this state.
         SECTION 5.  Section 163.013(a), Utilities Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  A participating entity may:
               (1)  use its means and assets to plan, acquire,
  construct, own, operate, and maintain its interest in an electric
               (2)  issue bonds and other securities to raise money
  for a purpose described by Subdivision (1) in the same manner and to
  the same extent and subject to the same conditions as would be
  applicable if the entity had sole ownership of the electric
               (3)  acquire, for the use and benefit of each
  participating entity, land, easements, and property for an electric
  facility by purchase or by exercising the power of eminent domain,
  except as provided by Section 163.014; and
               (4)  transfer or otherwise convey the acquired land,
  property, or property interest or otherwise cause the land,
  property, or interest to become vested in other participating
  entities to the extent to which and in the manner in which the
  participating entities agree.
         SECTION 6.  Section 163.014, Utilities Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
         (f)  A participating private entity may not exercise the
  power of eminent domain to acquire real property for a purpose other
  than to transmit or distribute electric energy.
         SECTION 7.  Sections 181.004, 181.007, and 181.008,
  Utilities Code, are amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 181.004.  CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY. A gas or electric
  corporation has the right and power to enter on, condemn, and
  appropriate the land, right-of-way, easement, or other property of
  any person or corporation only to transport, transmit, or
  distribute gas, electric current, or power.
  Except as provided by Section 181.004, a [A] gas or electric
  corporation has the power to own, hold, or use land, a right-of-way,
  an easement, a franchise, or a building or other structure as
  necessary for the purpose of the corporation.
  Except as provided by Section 181.004, a [A] gas or electric
  corporation has the power to generate, make, manufacture,
  transport, and sell gas, electric current, and power to an
  individual, the public, or a municipality for any purpose.
         (b)  A gas or electric corporation may:
               (1)  impose reasonable charges for an action taken
  under Subsection (a); and
               (2)  except as provided by Section 181.004, construct,
  maintain, and operate power plants and substations and any
  machinery, apparatus, pipe, pole, wire, device, or arrangements as
  necessary to operate its lines in this state.
         SECTION 8.  The changes in law made by this Act to Sections
  111.019 and 111.0192, Natural Resources Code, and Sections 161.121,
  161.125, 163.013, 163.014, 181.004, 181.007, and 181.008,
  Utilities Code, apply only to a condemnation proceeding in which
  the petition is filed on or after the effective date of this Act and
  to any property condemned through the proceeding. A condemnation
  proceeding in which the petition is filed before the effective date
  of this Act and any property condemned through the proceeding is
  governed by the law in effect immediately before that date, and that
  law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.