82R4435 VOO-F
  By: Frullo H.B. No. 2464
  relating to textbooks adopted by the State Board of Education for
  public schools.
         SECTION 1.  Section 31.023, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 31.023.  TEXTBOOK LISTS.  (a)  For each subject and
  grade level, the State Board of Education shall adopt an exemplary
  list, a conforming list, and a nonconforming list [two lists] of
  textbooks.  The exemplary list includes each textbook that complies
  with the requirements of Subsection (a-1).  The conforming list
  includes each textbook submitted for the subject and grade level
  that does not qualify for the exemplary list but meets applicable
  physical specifications adopted by the State Board of Education and
  contains material covering each element of the essential knowledge
  and skills of the subject and grade level in the student version of
  the textbook, as well as in the teacher version of the textbook, as
  determined by the State Board of Education under Section 28.002 and
  adopted under Section 31.024. The nonconforming list includes each
  textbook submitted for the subject and grade level that:
               (1)  meets applicable physical specifications adopted
  by the State Board of Education;
               (2)  contains material covering at least half, but not
  all, of the elements of the essential knowledge and skills of the
  subject and grade level in the student version of the textbook, as
  well as in the teacher version of the textbook; and
               (3)  is adopted under Section 31.024.
         (a-1)  The exemplary list includes each textbook submitted
  for the subject and grade level that:
               (1)  meets requirements of the conforming list under
  Subsection (a); and
               (2)  incorporates technological and multimedia-based
  elements in at least 50 percent of the textbook, as determined by
  the State Board of Education, including:
                     (A)  interactive simulations such as
  three–dimensional models illustrating diagrams or concepts that
  are paired with worksheets, assessments, projects, or other
  materials delivered by technology;
                     (B)  realistic applications of textbook subject
  matter such as recorded interviews with experts, industry case
  studies, and information on career options in the subject area; and
                     (C)  multisensory instruction that accommodates
  different learning styles of students, including auditory, visual,
  and kinesthetic learners.
         (b)  Each textbook on an exemplary, [a] conforming, or
  nonconforming list must be free from factual errors.
         SECTION 2.  Section 31.024, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 31.024.  ADOPTION BY STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION.  (a)  By
  majority vote, the State Board of Education shall:
               (1)  place each submitted textbook on an exemplary, [a]
  conforming, or nonconforming list; or
               (2)  reject a textbook submitted for placement on an
  exemplary, [a] conforming, or nonconforming list.
         (b)  Not later than December 1 of the year preceding the
  school year for which the textbooks for a particular subject and
  grade level will be purchased under the cycle adopted by the board
  under Section 31.022, the board shall provide the lists of adopted
  textbooks to each school district. Each nonconforming list must
  include the reasons an adopted textbook is not eligible for the
  exemplary or conforming list.
         SECTION 3.  Sections 31.0241(b) and (c), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The State Board of Education shall place an open-source
  textbook for a secondary-level course submitted for adoption by an
  eligible institution on an exemplary, [a] conforming, or
  nonconforming list if:
               (1)  the textbook is written, compiled, or edited
  primarily by faculty of the eligible institution who specialize in
  the subject area of the textbook;
               (2)  the eligible institution identifies each
  contributing author;
               (3)  the appropriate department of the eligible
  institution certifies the textbook for accuracy; and
               (4)  the eligible institution determines that the
  textbook qualifies for placement on the exemplary, conforming, or
  nonconforming list based on the extent to which the textbook covers
  the essential knowledge and skills identified under Section 28.002
  for the subject for which the textbook is written and certifies
                     (A)  for a textbook for a senior-level course, a
  student who successfully completes a course based on the textbook
  will be prepared, without remediation, for entry into the eligible
  institution's freshman-level course in that subject; or
                     (B)  for a textbook for a junior-level and
  senior-level course, a student who successfully completes the
  junior-level course based on the textbook will be prepared for
  entry into the senior-level course.
         (c)  This section does not prohibit an eligible institution
  from submitting a textbook for placement on an exemplary, [a]
  conforming, or nonconforming list through any other adoption
  process provided by this chapter.
         SECTION 4.  Section 31.025, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 31.025.  LIMITATION ON COST.  (a)  The State Board of
  Education shall set a limit on the cost that may be paid from the
  state textbook fund for a textbook placed on the exemplary,
  conforming, or nonconforming list for a particular subject and
  grade level. The board may not reject a textbook for placement on
  the exemplary, conforming, or nonconforming list because the
  textbook's price exceeds the limit established under this
         (b)  Subject to Section 31.151, if a school district or
  open-enrollment charter school selects a textbook from an
  exemplary, [a] conforming, or nonconforming list that exceeds the
  limit established under Subsection (a):
               (1)  the state shall pay the publisher an amount equal
  to the limit established under Subsection (a) multiplied by the
  number of textbooks the district or school requisitions; and
               (2)  the district or school is responsible for the
  remainder of the cost.
         SECTION 5.  Section 31.0261, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  TEXTBOOKS. The State Board of Education may execute a contract for
  the printing of an open-source textbook listed on the exemplary,
  conforming, or nonconforming list. The contract must allow a school
  district to requisition printed copies of an open-source textbook
  as provided by Section 31.103.
         SECTION 6.  Sections 31.035(a), (d), and (e), Education
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter,
  the State Board of Education may adopt supplemental textbooks that
  are not on the exemplary, conforming, or nonconforming list under
  Section 31.023.  The State Board of Education may adopt a
  supplemental textbook under this section only if the textbook:
               (1)  contains material covering one or more primary
  focal points or primary topics of a subject in the required
  curriculum under Section 28.002, as determined by the State Board
  of Education;
               (2)  is not designed to serve as the sole textbook for a
  full course;
               (3)  meets applicable physical specifications adopted
  by the State Board of Education; and
               (4)  is free from factual errors.
         (d)  A school district or open-enrollment charter school may
  requisition a supplemental textbook adopted under this section only
  if the district or school:
               (1)  uses textbook credits received under Section
  31.1011 to purchase the supplemental textbook; or
               (2)  instead of requisitioning a textbook on the
  exemplary or conforming list under Section 31.023 for a course in
  the foundation curriculum under Section 28.002, requisitions the
  supplemental textbook along with other supplemental textbooks or
  textbooks on the nonconforming list under Section 31.023 that in
  combination cover each element of the essential knowledge and
  skills for the course for which the district or school is
  requisitioning the supplemental textbooks.
         (e)  If the total cost for the supplemental textbooks
  requisitioned by a school district or open-enrollment charter
  school under Subsection (d)(2) for a course is less than the limit
  on the cost under Section 31.025(a) for a single textbook on the
  exemplary or conforming list for the course, the district or school
  is entitled to receive credit under Section 31.1011 in the same
  manner as if the single textbook were selected. If the total cost
  for the supplemental textbooks requisitioned by a school district
  or open-enrollment charter school under Subsection (d)(2) for a
  course is greater than the limit on the cost under Section 31.025(a)
  for a single textbook on the exemplary or conforming list for the
  course, the district or school may apply credits received under
  Section 31.1011 toward the difference for the supplemental
         SECTION 7.  Section 31.072(a), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  A state-developed open-source textbook must:
               (1)  be evaluated by teachers or other experts, as
  determined by the commissioner, before purchase; and
               (2)  meet the requirements for inclusion on an
  exemplary, [a] conforming, or nonconforming textbook list under
  Section 31.023.
         SECTION 8.  Sections 31.101(a), (b), (c), (d), and (e),
  Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Each year, during a period established by the State
  Board of Education, the board of trustees of each school district
  and the governing body of each open-enrollment charter school
               (1)  for a subject in the foundation curriculum, notify
  the State Board of Education of the textbooks selected by the board
  of trustees or governing body for the following school year from
  among the textbooks on the appropriate exemplary, conforming, or
  nonconforming list, including the list adopted under Section
  31.0231; or
               (2)  for a subject in the enrichment curriculum:
                     (A)  notify the State Board of Education of each
  textbook selected by the board of trustees or governing body for the
  following school year from among the textbooks on the appropriate
  exemplary, conforming, or nonconforming list, including the list
  adopted under Section 31.0231; or
                     (B)  notify the State Board of Education that the
  board of trustees or governing body has selected a textbook that is
  not on the exemplary, conforming, or nonconforming list.
         (b)  If a school district or open-enrollment charter school
  selects a textbook for a particular subject in the enrichment
  curriculum and grade level that is not on the exemplary,
  conforming, or nonconforming list, the state shall pay to the
  district or school an amount equal to the lesser of:
               (1)  70 percent of the cost to the district of the
  textbook, multiplied by the number of textbooks the district or
  school needs for that subject and grade level; or
               (2)  70 percent of the limitation established under
  Section 31.025 for a textbook for that subject and grade level,
  multiplied by the number of textbooks the district or school needs
  for that subject and grade level.
         (c)  A school district or open-enrollment charter school
  that selects a textbook that is not on the exemplary, conforming, or
  nonconforming list or that selects an electronic textbook or
  instructional material that is on the list adopted under Section
               (1)  is responsible for the portion of the cost of the
  textbook that is not paid by the state under Subsection (b); and
               (2)  may use funds received from the state under
  Subsection (b) or (b-1), as applicable, for purchasing the
  textbook, electronic textbook, or instructional material for which
  the funds were received or supplementing the allotment under
  Section 32.005 to purchase technological equipment according to
  rules adopted by the commissioner.
         (d)  For a textbook that is not on the exemplary, conforming,
  or nonconforming list, a school district or open-enrollment charter
  school must use the textbook for the period of the review and
  adoption cycle the State Board of Education has established for the
  subject and grade level for which the textbook is used.
         (e)  A school district or open-enrollment charter school
  that selects a subscription-based electronic textbook or
  instructional material on the exemplary or conforming list under
  Section 31.023 or the list adopted under Section 31.0231 may cancel
  the subscription and subscribe to a new electronic textbook or
  instructional material on the exemplary or conforming list under
  Section 31.023 or the list adopted under Section 31.0231 before the
  end of the state contract period under Section 31.026 if:
               (1)  the district or school has used the electronic
  textbook or instructional material for at least one school year;
               (2)  the agency approves the change based on a written
  request to the agency by the district or school that specifies the
  reasons for changing the electronic textbook or instructional
  material used by the district or school.
         SECTION 9.  Section 31.1011(c), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (c)  Fifty percent of the total textbook credit of a school
  district or open-enrollment charter school shall be credited to the
  state textbook fund, and 50 percent of the credit shall be credited
  to the district or school to apply toward the requisition of:
               (1)  additional textbooks or electronic textbooks that
  are on the exemplary, conforming, or nonconforming list under
  Section 31.023 or the components of such textbooks, including any
  electronic components;
               (2)  supplemental textbooks as provided by Section
               (3)  electronic textbooks or instructional materials
  on the list adopted under Section 31.0231; or
               (4)  technological equipment under Section 31.021(f).
         SECTION 10.  Sections 31.103(b) and (c), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A requisition for textbooks for the following school
  year shall be based on the maximum attendance reports under
  Subsection (a), plus an additional 10 percent, except as otherwise
  provided. A school district or open-enrollment charter school
  shall make a requisition for a textbook on the exemplary, 
  conforming, or nonconforming list through the commissioner to the
  state depository designated by the publisher or as provided by
  State Board of Education rule, as applicable, not later than June 1
  of each year. The designated state depository or, if the publisher
  or manufacturer does not have a designated textbook depository in
  this state under Section 31.151(a)(6)(B), the publisher or
  manufacturer shall fill a requisition approved by the agency at any
  other time in the case of an emergency. As made necessary by
  available funds, the commissioner shall reduce the additional
  percentage of attendance for which a district or school may
  requisition textbooks. The commissioner may, on application of a
  district or school that is experiencing high enrollment growth,
  increase the additional percentage of attendance for which the
  district or school may requisition textbooks.
         (c)  In making a requisition under this section, a school
  district or open-enrollment charter school may requisition
  textbooks on the exemplary, conforming, or nonconforming list for
  grades above the grade level in which a student is enrolled, except
  that the total quantity of textbooks requisitioned under this
  section may not exceed the limit prescribed by Subsection (b).
         SECTION 11.  Section 31.1031, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  school district or open-enrollment charter school does not have a
  sufficient number of copies of a textbook used by the district or
  school for use during the following school year, and a sufficient
  number of additional copies will not be available from the
  depository or the publisher within the time specified by Section
  31.151(a)(8), the district or school is entitled to:
               (1)  be reimbursed from the state textbook fund, at a
  rate and in the manner provided by State Board of Education rule,
  for the purchase of a sufficient number of used adopted textbooks;
               (2)  return currently used textbooks to the
  commissioner in exchange for sufficient copies, if available, of
  other textbooks on the exemplary, conforming, or nonconforming list
  to be used during the following school year.
         SECTION 12.  The change in law made by Section 31.023,
  Education Code, as amended by this Act, applies only to the adoption
  of textbooks for which the State Board of Education publishes
  notice of the review and adoption cycle under Section 31.022(d),
  Education Code, on or after the effective date of this Act.  The
  adoption of textbooks for which the State Board of Education
  publishes notice of the review and adoption cycle before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the
  date of the publication of the notice of the review and adoption
  cycle, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 13.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.