relating to the establishment of a task force on lowering the |
incidence of premature births and improving the care of premature |
infants. |
SECTION 1. (a) In this section: |
(1) "Executive commissioner" means the executive |
commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission. |
(2) "Department" means the Department of State Health |
Services. |
(3) "Premature infant" means an infant born before 39 |
weeks of gestation. |
(4) "Task force" means the Task Force on Premature |
Infants established under this section. |
(b) The executive commissioner shall establish a task force |
to assist the department and appropriate health and human services |
agencies in developing recommendations for: |
(1) lowering the incidence of births before 39 weeks |
of gestation; and |
(2) ensuring the proper care of premature infants |
after they are discharged from the hospital. |
(c) The executive commissioner shall determine the number |
of members to serve on the task force. The task force must include: |
(1) one or more neonatologists; |
(2) a representative from the March of Dimes; |
(3) representatives from parent organizations; and |
(4) representatives from statewide hospital |
associations. |
(d) The executive commissioner shall designate a member of |
the task force to serve as presiding officer. The members of the |
task force shall elect any other necessary officers. |
(e) The task force shall meet at the call of the executive |
commissioner. |
(f) A member of the task force serves at the will of the |
executive commissioner. |
(g) A member of the task force may not receive compensation |
for serving on the task force but is entitled to reimbursement for |
travel expenses incurred by the member while conducting the |
business of the task force as provided by the General |
Appropriations Act. |
(h) The task force shall investigate: |
(1) rehospitalization of premature infants in this |
state; and |
(2) primary causes for births before 39 weeks of |
gestation in this state. |
(i) The task force shall develop recommendations to: |
(1) lower the incidence of births before 39 weeks of |
gestation in this state; |
(2) promote continuity of care for premature infants; |
and |
(3) improve reporting and data collection on |
nonmedically indicated cesarean sections and labor inductions |
performed before 39 weeks of gestation. |
(j) The task force shall develop: |
(1) a standard discharge tool for use by hospitals to |
reduce the rate of premature infant rehospitalization; and |
(2) educational materials and planning tools, |
including identification of community resources, for the family of |
a premature infant who is discharged from a hospital. |
(k) Not later than January 1, 2013, the task force shall |
submit a report to the executive commissioner, the governor, the |
lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, |
and the chairs of the appropriate legislative committees on its |
findings and recommendations required by this section. |
(l) The task force is abolished and this Act expires August |
31, 2013. |
SECTION 2. The executive commissioner of the Health and |
Human Services Commission shall appoint members to the Task Force |
on Premature Infants, as created by this Act, as soon as practicable |
after the effective date of this Act. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |