82R8241 CAS-D
  By: Villarreal H.B. No. 2517
  relating to eligibility for state credits for college tuition and
  fees for public high school students who receive diplomas by
  demonstrating early readiness for college.
         SECTION 1.  The heading to Section 28.0253, Education Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.  Section 28.0253, Education Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (b), (e), and (f) and adding Subsections (g)
  and (h) to read as follows:
         (b)  A research university that chooses to participate in the
  early college readiness diploma [pilot] program under this section
               (1)  not later than September 1 of each year, make
  available on the university's Internet website detailed standards
  for use in the program regarding:
                     (A)  the specific competencies that demonstrate a
  student's mastery of each subject area for which the Texas Higher
  Education Coordinating Board and the commissioner have adopted
  college readiness standards;
                     (B)  the specific competencies that demonstrate a
  student's mastery of a language other than English; and
                     (C)  acceptable assessments or other means by
  which a student may demonstrate the student's early readiness for
  college with respect to each subject area and the language
  described by this subdivision, subject to Subsection (c);
               (2)  partner with at least 10 school districts that
  reflect the geographic diversity of this state and the student
  compositions of which reflect the socioeconomic diversity of this
  state; and
               (3)  assist school administrators, school counselors,
  and other educators in each of those school districts in designing
  the specific requirements of and implementing the program in the
         (e)  A student who receives a high school diploma through the
  [pilot] program is considered to have completed the recommended
  high school program adopted under Section 28.025(a).  The student
  is not guaranteed admission to any institution of higher education
  or to any academic program at an institution of higher education
  solely on the basis of having received the diploma through the
         (f)  A student who receives a high school diploma through the
  program and is admitted to a public or private institution of higher
  education in this state is eligible for a state credit to apply
  toward tuition and mandatory fees under Subchapter K, Chapter 56,
  if the student satisfies other eligibility requirements under
  Section 56.203. At the end of each school year, the agency shall
  determine the average amount per student that will be saved the
  following school year, by the state and by school districts
  partnering with a research university under this section, as a
  result of early graduation through the program in the current
  school. The amount of a student's state credit is, as determined
  under this subsection, the sum of the amount equal to 50 percent of
  the average amount per student that will be saved by the state and
  the amount equal to 50 percent of the average amount per student
  that will be saved by partnering school districts as a result of
  early graduation through the program.
         (g)  Administrative costs to the agency or to a research
  university under this section shall be paid from money saved by the
  state as a result of the early graduation of students receiving a
  high school diploma through the program.
         (h)  A research university that participates in the [pilot]
  program shall enter into an agreement with an education research
  center established under Section 1.005 to conduct an evaluation  of
  the program with respect to that university and the school
  districts with which the university partners.  Not later than
  January 1, 2013, the education research center shall provide a
  written report of the evaluation to the commissioner and the
  commissioner of higher education and make the report available on
  the center's Internet website.  The report may include an analysis
  of the effects of the program on the university's admissions review
  process. This subsection expires January 31, 2013.
         SECTION 3.  Section 42.005, Education Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows:
         (a-1)  In computing the sum of attendance under Subsection
  (a), for each day of the minimum number of days of instruction, 50
  percent of the students who received a high school diploma in the
  preceding school year through the program under Section 28.0253
  shall be considered in attendance for each day of the current school
  year in the school district from which the student graduated.
         SECTION 4.  Section 56.202(b), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  A portion of the savings to the Foundation School
  Program that occur as a result of the program, including a portion
  of the savings that occur as a result of the program under Section
  28.0253, is dedicated to state credits for tuition or tuition and
  mandatory fees, as applicable, provided to an eligible person under
  the program.
         SECTION 5.  Sections 56.203(a), (b), and (c), Education
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  To be eligible for an award through the Early High
  School Graduation Scholarship program, a person must:
               (1)  have graduated from a public high school in this
                     (A)  in not more than 41 consecutive months and
  successfully completed the recommended or advanced high school
  program established under Section 28.025, if the person graduated
  on or after September 1, 2005;
                     (B)  in not more than 46 consecutive months, with
  at least 30 hours of college credit, and successfully completed the
  recommended or advanced high school program established under
  Section 28.025, if the person graduated on or after September 1,
  2005; [or]
                     (C)  by receiving a high school diploma through
  the program established under Section 28.0253, notwithstanding
  Paragraph (A) or (B); or  
                     (D)  in not more than 36 consecutive months after
  successfully completing the requirements for a high school diploma,
  if the person graduated before September 1, 2005, regardless of
  whether the person successfully completed the recommended or
  advanced high school program established under Section 28.025;
               (2)  have attended one or more public high schools in
  this state for the majority of time the person attended high school;
               (3)  be a citizen of the United States or otherwise
  lawfully authorized to be present in the United States.
         (b)  The eligibility for the Early High School Graduation
  Scholarship program of a person described by Subsection (a)(1)(A),
  [or] (B), or (C) ends on the sixth anniversary of the date that the
  person first becomes eligible to participate in the program, unless
  the person is provided additional time to participate in the
  program under Subsection (c).
         (c)  The coordinating board shall adopt rules to provide a
  person described by Subsection (a)(1)(A), [or] (B), or (C) who is
  otherwise eligible to participate in the Early High School
  Graduation Scholarship program additional time to use a state
  credit for tuition and mandatory fees under the program.  The rules
  must require a person seeking an extension under this subsection to
  show hardship or other good cause that prevents the person from
  enrolling in or continuing enrollment in an eligible institution
  during the period provided by Subsection (b).  For purposes of this
  subsection, hardship or other good cause includes a severe illness
  or other debilitating condition, responsibility for the care of a
  sick, injured, or needy person, or active duty or other service in
  the United States armed forces.
         SECTION 6.  Section 56.204(a), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  An eligible person under the Early High School
  Graduation Scholarship program is entitled to a state credit to
  apply toward tuition or tuition and mandatory fees, as applicable,
  at a public or private institution of higher education in this state
  in the following amounts:
               (1)  $2,000 to apply toward tuition and mandatory fees
  if the person successfully completed the recommended or advanced
  high school program established under Section 28.025 and graduated
  from high school on or after September 1, 2005, in 36 consecutive
  months or less and an additional $1,000 to apply toward tuition and
  mandatory fees if the person graduated with at least 15 hours of
  college credit;
               (2)  $500 to apply toward tuition and mandatory fees if
  the person successfully completed the recommended or advanced high
  school program established under Section 28.025 and graduated from
  high school on or after September 1, 2005, in more than 36
  consecutive months but not more than 41 consecutive months and an
  additional $1,000 to apply toward tuition and mandatory fees if the
  person graduated with at least 30 hours of college credit;
               (3)  $1,000 to apply toward tuition and mandatory fees
  if the person successfully completed the recommended or advanced
  high school program established under Section 28.025 and graduated
  from high school on or after September 1, 2005, in more than 41
  consecutive months but not more than 45 consecutive months with at
  least 30 hours of college credit; [or]
               (4)  the amount determined as the amount of the
  student's state credit under Section 28.0253(f) to apply toward
  tuition and mandatory fees if the person received a high school
  diploma through the program established under Section 28.0253,
  notwithstanding Subdivision (1), (2), or (3); or
               (5)  $1,000 to apply only toward tuition if the person
  graduated before September 1, 2005, after successfully completing
  the requirements for a high school diploma in not more than 36
  consecutive months.
         SECTION 7.  Section 56.206(d), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (d)  Subject to Section 56.203(b), an eligible person may use
  the state credit for enrollment in an eligible institution of
  higher education during any semester or summer session, except the
  initial use of the credit by a person who qualifies for an award
  under Section 56.203(a)(1)(A), [or] (B), or (C) may not be for
  enrollment during any term of a summer session immediately
  following the person's graduation from high school.
         SECTION 8.  The amendments to Section 28.0253, Education
  Code, and Subchapter K, Chapter 56, Education Code, made by this Act
  apply only to students who receive a high school diploma through the
  program under Section 28.0253, Education Code, as amended by this
  Act, in the 2011-2012 school year or a later school year.
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2011.