82R3815 MTB-D
  By: Elkins H.B. No. 2550
  relating to the process under which state agencies and other
  entities are periodically reviewed under the Texas Sunset Act.
         SECTION 1.  (a)  The Sunset Advisory Commission is abolished
  October 1, 2011. On the abolition of the commission:
               (1)  the records and other property in the custody of
  the commission are transferred to the Texas Facilities Commission;
               (2)  the unobligated and unexpended appropriations of
  the commission lapse.
         (b)  A statutory provision that makes a state agency or other
  entity subject to Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas Sunset Act),
  and that provides for the abolition of the agency or other entity on
  a date after October 1, 2011, is ineffective to cause the abolition
  or to make the agency or entity subject to review under Chapter 325.
         (c)  The expiration of Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas
  Sunset Act), on October 1, 2011, does not affect the continuance or
  abolition of a state agency or other entity under that chapter
  before that date.
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 325, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Section 325.025 to read as follows:
  CHAPTER. The commission is abolished and this chapter, except this
  section and Section 325.017, expires October 1, 2011. This section
  and Section 325.017 expire October 1, 2012.
         SECTION 3.  Section 74.127, Agriculture Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 74.127.  DISSOLUTION [SUNSET] PROVISION. (a) [The
  board of directors of the official cotton growers' boll weevil
  eradication foundation is subject to Chapter 325, Government Code
  (Texas Sunset Act).     Unless continued in existence as provided by
  that chapter, the board is abolished and this subchapter expires
  September 1, 2021.
         [(b)]  The commissioner may order the dissolution of the
  foundation at any time the commissioner determines that the
  purposes of this subchapter have been fulfilled or that the
  foundation is inoperative and abandoned. Dissolution shall be
  conducted in accordance with Section 74.112 of this code.
         (b) [(c)]  If the foundation [is abolished] or the program is
  discontinued for any reason, assessments approved, levied, or
  otherwise collectible on the date of discontinuance [abolishment]
  remain valid as necessary to pay the financial obligations of the
         SECTION 4.  Section 80.028, Agriculture Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 80.028.  DISSOLUTION [SUNSET] PROVISION. (a) [The
  board of directors of the official citrus producers' pest and
  disease management corporation is subject to Chapter 325,
  Government Code (Texas Sunset Act).     Unless continued in existence
  as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished and this chapter
  expires September 1, 2021.
         [(b)]  The commissioner may order the dissolution of the
  corporation at any time the commissioner determines that the
  purposes of this chapter have been fulfilled or that the
  corporation is inoperative and abandoned.  Dissolution shall be
  conducted in accordance with Section 80.014.
         (b) [(c)]  If the corporation [is abolished] or the
  suppression program is discontinued for any reason, assessments
  approved, levied, or otherwise collectible on the date of
  discontinuance [abolishment] remain valid as necessary to pay the
  financial obligations of the corporation.
         SECTION 5.  Section 5.01, Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission is an agency of the state.
         [(b)     The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission is subject to
  Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas Sunset Act).     Unless continued
  in existence as provided by that chapter, the commission is
  abolished and Subchapter A, Chapter 5, expires September 1, 2019.]
         SECTION 6.  Section 88.524, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  LAW[; SUNSET ACT]. [(a)] The advisory committee is subject to the
  open meetings law, Chapter 551, Government Code, and the
  administrative procedure law, Chapter 2001, Government Code.
         [(b)     The Equine Research Account Advisory Committee is
  subject to Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas Sunset Act).     Unless
  continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the advisory
  committee is abolished and this subchapter expires September 1,
         SECTION 7.  Section 81.113(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), the state bar
  shall credit an attorney licensed in this state with meeting the
  minimum continuing legal education requirements of the state bar
  for a reporting year if during the reporting year the attorney is
  employed full-time as an attorney by:
               (1)  the senate;
               (2)  the house of representatives;
               (3)  a committee, division, department, or office of
  the senate or house;
               (4)  the Texas Legislative Council;
               (5)  the Legislative Budget Board;
               (6)  the Legislative Reference Library; or
               (7)  the office of the state auditor[; or
               [(8)  the Sunset Advisory Commission].
         SECTION 8.  Section 321.013(c), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (c)  The State Auditor shall recommend the audit plan for the
  state for each year to the committee. In devising the plan, the
  State Auditor shall consider recommendations concerning
  coordination of agency functions made jointly by representatives of
  the Legislative Budget Board[, Sunset Advisory Commission,] and
  State Auditor's Office. The State Auditor shall also consider the
  extent to which a department has received a significant increase in
  appropriations, including a significant increase in federal or
  other money passed through to the department, and shall review
  procurement activities for compliance with Section 2161.123. The
  plan shall provide for auditing of federal programs at least as
  often as required under federal law and shall ensure that audit
  requirements of all bond covenants and other credit or financial
  agreements are satisfied. The committee shall review and approve
  the plan.
         SECTION 9.  Section 321.0134, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 321.0134.  EFFECTIVENESS AUDIT. [(a)] An
  effectiveness audit is an audit to determine, according to
  established or designated program objectives, responsibilities or
  duties, statutes and regulations, program performance criteria, or
  program evaluation standards:
               (1)  whether the objectives and intended benefits are
  being achieved efficiently and effectively; and
               (2)  whether the program duplicates, overlaps, or
  conflicts with another state program.
         [(b)     An effectiveness audit may be scheduled only when the
  audited entity is not scheduled for review under the Texas Sunset
  Act (Chapter 325).]
         SECTION 10.  The heading to Section 326.003, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 11.  Section 326.003(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  The State Auditor's Office and [,] Legislative Budget
  Board[, and Sunset Advisory Commission] shall form a committee to
  make recommendations relating to the coordination of the agencies'
         SECTION 12.  Section 434.002, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE LAWS. [(a) The Texas Veterans Commission
  is subject to Chapter 325 (Texas Sunset Act).     Unless continued in
  existence as provided by that chapter, the commission is abolished
  September 1, 2013.
         [(b)]  The commission is subject to Chapter 551[,] and
  Chapter 2001.
         SECTION 13.  The heading to Section 442.002, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 442.002.  COMMISSION; MEMBERS[; SUNSET ACT].
         SECTION 14.  Section 444.002, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  Commission on the Arts is subject to Chapter 325 (Texas Sunset
  Act).     Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter,
  the commission is abolished and this chapter expires September 1,
         [(b)]  The commission is subject to the open meetings law,
  Chapter 551, and the administrative procedure law, Chapter 2001.
         SECTION 15.  Section 2056.002(d), Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (d)  A state agency shall send two copies of each plan to both
  the Legislative Reference Library and the state publications
  clearinghouse of the Texas State Library and one copy each to:
               (1)  the governor;
               (2)  the lieutenant governor;
               (3)  the speaker of the house of representatives;
               (4)  the Legislative Budget Board;
               (5)  [the Sunset Advisory Commission;
               [(6)]  the state auditor;
               (6) [(7)]  the comptroller; and
               (7) [(8)]  the Department of Information Resources.
         SECTION 16.  Section 2056.010, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  comptroller, [the Sunset Advisory Commission,] the state auditor,
  the Legislative Budget Board, or another agency that conducts
  performance audits of a state agency shall consider in the
  evaluation of an agency the extent to which the agency conforms to
  the agency's strategic plan.
         SECTION 17.  Section 2102.009, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 2102.009.  ANNUAL REPORT. The internal auditor shall
  prepare an annual report and submit the report before November 1 of
  each year to the governor, the Legislative Budget Board, [the
  Sunset Advisory Commission,] the state auditor, the state agency's
  governing board, and the administrator. The state auditor shall
  prescribe the form and content of the report, subject to the
  approval of the legislative audit committee.
         SECTION 18.  Section 2102.0091(a), Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A state agency shall file with [the Sunset Advisory
  Commission,] the budget division of the governor's office, the
  state auditor, and the Legislative Budget Board a copy of each
  report submitted to the state agency's governing board or the
  administrator of the state agency if the state agency does not have
  a governing board by the agency's internal auditor.
         SECTION 19.  Section 2210.002, Insurance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 2210.002.  SHORT TITLE[; SUNSET PROVISION]. [(a)]
  This chapter may be cited as the Texas Windstorm Insurance
  Association Act.
         [(b)     The association is subject to review under Chapter 325,
  Government Code (Texas Sunset Act), but is not abolished under that
  chapter.     The association shall be reviewed during the period in
  which state agencies abolished in 2015 are reviewed.     The
  association shall pay the costs incurred by the Sunset Advisory
  Commission in performing the review of the association under this
  subsection.     The Sunset Advisory Commission shall determine the
  costs of the review performed under this subsection, and the
  association shall pay the amount of those costs promptly on receipt
  of a statement from the Sunset Advisory Commission regarding those
  costs.     This subsection expires September 1, 2015.]
         SECTION 20.  Section 2210.0025, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 2210.0025.  BIENNIAL REPORT TO LEGISLATURE. On or
  before December 31 of each even-numbered year, the board of
  directors shall submit to the commissioner and [,] the appropriate
  committees of each house of the legislature[, and the Sunset
  Advisory Commission] a written report relating to the operations of
  the association during the preceding biennium.  The report must
               (1)  any proposed changes in the laws relating to
  regulation of the association and a statement of the reasons for the
  changes; and
               (2)  any information regarding association operations
  or procedures that is requested by the department to be addressed in
  the report.
         SECTION 21.  The heading to Subchapter A, Chapter 201, Labor
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 22.  The heading to Subchapter A, Chapter 401, Labor
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 23.  Section 31.156(a), Natural Resources Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The division shall review the real property inventory of
  each state agency not less than every four years[, and a review
  shall be made during the calendar year before the agency is
  scheduled for abolition under the Texas Sunset Act (Chapter 325,
  Government Code)]. The division may verify the accuracy of
  inventory records provided by an agency.
         SECTION 24.  Section 201.403(c), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (c)  Not later than February 1 of each year, the director
  shall report to the commission and [,] each house of the
  legislature[, and the Sunset Advisory Commission] on the
  department's progress in the recruitment and hiring of women and
  minority applicants.
         SECTION 25.  Section 13.063(b), Utilities Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  The office shall prepare annually a report on the
  office's activities during the preceding year and submit the report
  to the standing legislative committees that have jurisdiction over
  the office, the house appropriations committee, and the senate
  finance committee[, and the Sunset Advisory Commission].  At a
  minimum, the report must include:
               (1)  a list of the types of activities conducted by the
  office and the time spent by the office on each activity;
               (2)  the number of hours billed by the office for
  representing residential or small commercial consumers in
               (3)  the number of staff positions and the type of work
  performed by each position; and
               (4)  the office's rate of success in representing
  residential or small commercial consumers in appealing commission
         SECTION 26.  The following provisions are repealed:
               (1)  Section 11.003, Agriculture Code (Department of
               (2)  Section 161.027, Agriculture Code (Texas Animal
  Health Commission);
               (3)  Section 201.025, Agriculture Code (State Soil and
  Water Conservation Board);
               (4)  Section 7.004, Education Code (Texas Education
               (5)  Section 51.153(e), Education Code (Western
  Information Network Association);
               (6)  Section 51.168(d), Education Code (information
  network association);
               (7)  Section 54.603, Education Code (Prepaid Higher
  Education Tuition Board);
               (8)  Section 57.12, Education Code (Texas Guaranteed
  Student Loan Corporation);
               (9)  Section 61.0211, Education Code (Texas Higher
  Education Coordinating Board);
               (10)  Section 88.1016, Education Code (Texas Forest
               (11)  Section 11.108, Finance Code (Finance Commission
  of Texas);
               (12)  Section 12.109, Finance Code (office of banking
               (13)  Section 13.012, Finance Code (office of savings
  and mortgage lending commissioner and Department of Savings and
  Mortgage Lending);
               (14)  Section 14.066, Finance Code (Office of Consumer
  Credit Commissioner);
               (15)  Section 15.212, Finance Code (Credit Union
  Department and Credit Union Commission);
               (16)  Section 33.003, Government Code (State
  Commission on Judicial Conduct);
               (17)  Section 52.014, Government Code (Court Reporters
  Certification Board);
               (18)  Section 57.051, Government Code (licensed court
  interpreter advisory board);
               (19)  Section 81.003, Government Code (State Bar of
               (20)  Section 82.006, Government Code (Board of Law
               (21)  Section 111.003, Government Code (Guardianship
  Certification Board);
               (22)  Sections 411.002(c), (d), and (e), Government
  Code (Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas);
               (23)  Section 419.003, Government Code (Texas
  Commission on Fire Protection);
               (24)  Section 431.023, Government Code (adjutant
  general's department);
               (25)  Section 441.001(q), Government Code (Texas State
  Library and Archives Commission);
               (26)  Section 442.002(k), Government Code (Texas
  Historical Commission);
               (27)  Section 443.002, Government Code (State
  Preservation Board);
               (28)  Section 443.0081(j), Government Code (historical
  representation advisory committee);
               (29)  Section 448.002, Government Code (Texas
  Emancipation Juneteenth Cultural and Historical Commission);
               (30)  Section 449.002, Government Code (Texas
  Holocaust and Genocide Commission);
               (31)  Section 466.003, Government Code (lottery
  division of the Texas Lottery Commission);
               (32)  Section 467.002, Government Code (Texas Lottery
               (33)  Section 481.003, Government Code (Texas Economic
  Development and Tourism Office);
               (34)  Section 487.002, Government Code (Texas
  Department of Rural Affairs);
               (35)  Section 492.012, Government Code (Texas Board of
  Criminal Justice and Texas Department of Criminal Justice);
               (36)  Section 501.132, Government Code (Correctional
  Managed Health Care Committee);
               (37)  Section 508.051, Government Code (Board of
  Pardons and Paroles);
               (38)  Section 511.003, Government Code (Commission on
  Jail Standards);
               (39)  Section 531.004, Government Code (Health and
  Human Services Commission);
               (40)  Section 531.703, Government Code (Advisory
  Committee on Qualifications for Health Care Translators and
               (41)  Section 531.805, Government Code (Council on
  Children and Families);
               (42)  Section 571.022, Government Code (Texas Ethics
               (43)  Section 751.003, Government Code (Office of
  State-Federal Relations);
               (44)  Section 776.007, Government Code (Texas Invasive
  Species Coordinating Committee);
               (45)  Section 801.107, Government Code (State Pension
  Review Board);
               (46)  Section 825.006, Government Code (board of
  trustees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas);
               (47)  Section 1232.072, Government Code (Texas Public
  Finance Authority);
               (48)  Section 2003.023, Government Code (State Office
  of Administrative Hearings);
               (49)  Section 2003.102, Government Code (tax division
  of the State Office of Administrative Hearings);
               (50)  Section 2054.005, Government Code (Department of
  Information Resources);
               (51)  Section 2055.003, Government Code (Electronic
  Government Program Management Office of the Department of
  Information Resources);
               (52)  Section 2151.0041, Government Code (transfer of
  certain powers and duties to the comptroller);
               (53)  Section 2152.002, Government Code (Texas
  Building and Procurement Commission);
               (54)  Section 2306.022, Government Code (Texas
  Department of Housing and Community Affairs);
               (55)  Section 2306.5521, Government Code (Texas State
  Affordable Housing Corporation);
               (56)  Section 2308.005, Government Code (Texas
  Workforce Investment Council);
               (57)  Section 11.003, Health and Safety Code (Texas
  Board of Health and Texas Department of Health);
               (58)  Section 102.003, Health and Safety Code (Cancer
  Prevention and Research Institute of Texas);
               (59)  Section 113.002, Health and Safety Code (Texas
  Organ, Tissue, and Eye Donor Council);
               (60)  Section 115.002, Health and Safety Code, as added
  by Chapter 733 (S.B. 395), Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2009 (Early Childhood Health and Nutrition Interagency
               (61)  Section 115.012, Health and Safety Code, as added
  by Chapters 835 (S.B. 1824) and 1133 (H.B. 2196), Acts of the 81st
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2009 (Interagency Task Force for
  Children With Special Needs);
               (62)  Section 182.052, Health and Safety Code (Texas
  Health Services Authority);
               (63)  Section 367.003, Health and Safety Code (On-Site
  Wastewater Treatment Research Council);
               (64)  Section 532.002, Health and Safety Code (Texas
  Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation);
               (65)  Section 771.032, Health and Safety Code
  (Commission on State Emergency Communications);
               (66)  Section 1001.003, Health and Safety Code
  (Department of State Health Services);
               (67)  Section 21.002, Human Resources Code (Texas
  Department of Human Services);
               (68)  Section 40.003, Human Resources Code (Department
  of Family and Protective Services);
               (69)  Section 61.020, Human Resources Code (Texas Youth
               (70)  Section 64.054, Human Resources Code (office of
  independent ombudsman of the Texas Youth Commission);
               (71)  Section 73.023, Human Resources Code
  (Interagency Council on Early Childhood Intervention);
               (72)  Section 81.004, Human Resources Code (Texas
  Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing);
               (73)  Section 91.001, Human Resources Code (Texas
  Commission for the Blind);
               (74)  Section 101.002, Human Resources Code (Texas
  Department on Aging);
               (75)  Section 111.012, Human Resources Code (Texas
  Rehabilitation Commission);
               (76)  Section 112.023, Human Resources Code (Texas
  Council for Developmental Disabilities);
               (77)  Section 115.005, Human Resources Code (Governor's
  Committee on People with Disabilities);
               (78)  Section 117.003, Human Resources Code
  (Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services);
               (79)  Section 122.006, Human Resources Code (Texas
  Council on Purchasing from People with Disabilities);
               (80)  Section 141.012, Human Resources Code (Texas
  Juvenile Probation Commission);
               (81)  Section 161.003, Human Resources Code
  (Department of Aging and Disability Services);
               (82)  Section 31.004, Insurance Code (Texas Department
  of Insurance, including the division of workers' compensation);
               (83)  Section 501.003, Insurance Code (office of public
  insurance counsel);
               (84)  Section 1805.060, Insurance Code (authority
  relating to advisory organizations);
               (85)  Section 301.008, Labor Code (Texas Workforce
               (86)  Section 312.002, Labor Code (Interagency
  Literacy Council);
               (87)  Section 404.003, Labor Code (office of injured
  employee counsel);
               (88)  Section 412.021(f), Labor Code (risk management
  board and State Office of Risk Management);
               (89)  Section 32.003, Natural Resources Code (School
  Land Board);
               (90)  Section 33.211, Natural Resources Code (Coastal
  Coordination Council);
               (91)  Section 81.01001, Natural Resources Code
  (Railroad Commission of Texas);
               (92)  Section 153.044, Natural Resources Code
  (Prescribed Burning Board);
               (93)  Section 161.0111, Natural Resources Code
  (Veterans' Land Board);
               (94)  Section 51.002, Occupations Code (Texas
  Commission of Licensing and Regulation and Texas Department of
  Licensing and Regulation);
               (95)  Section 101.306(c), Occupations Code (office of
  patient protection);
               (96)  Section 151.004, Occupations Code (Texas Medical
               (97)  Section 201.004, Occupations Code (Texas Board of
  Chiropractic Examiners);
               (98)  Section 202.002, Occupations Code (Texas State
  Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners);
               (99)  Section 203.006, Occupations Code (midwifery
               (100)  Section 251.005, Occupations Code (State Board
  of Dental Examiners);
               (101)  Section 301.003, Occupations Code (Texas Board
  of Nursing);
               (102)  Section 301.157(d-11), Occupations Code
  (certain nursing programs);
               (103)  Section 351.004, Occupations Code (Texas
  Optometry Board);
               (104)  Section 401.002, Occupations Code (State Board
  of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology);
               (105)  Section 402.002, Occupations Code (State
  Committee of Examiners in the Fitting and Dispensing of Hearing
               (106)  Section 452.002, Occupations Code (Executive
  Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners);
               (107)  Section 453.002, Occupations Code (Texas Board
  of Physical Therapy Examiners);
               (108)  Section 454.003, Occupations Code (Texas Board
  of Occupational Therapy Examiners);
               (109)  Section 501.005, Occupations Code (Texas State
  Board of Examiners of Psychologists);
               (110)  Section 502.003, Occupations Code (Texas State
  Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists);
               (111)  Section 503.005, Occupations Code (Texas State
  Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors);
               (112)  Section 505.005, Occupations Code (Texas State
  Board of Social Worker Examiners);
               (113)  Section 551.005, Occupations Code (Texas State
  Board of Pharmacy);
               (114)  Section 603.005, Occupations Code (Texas State
  Perfusionist Advisory Committee);
               (115)  Section 605.003, Occupations Code (Texas Board
  of Orthotics and Prosthetics);
               (116)  Section 651.002, Occupations Code (Texas
  Funeral Service Commission);
               (117)  Section 701.003, Occupations Code (Texas State
  Board of Examiners of Dietitians);
               (118)  Section 801.003, Occupations Code (State Board
  of Veterinary Medical Examiners);
               (119)  Section 901.006, Occupations Code (Texas State
  Board of Public Accountancy);
               (120)  Section 1001.005, Occupations Code (Texas Board
  of Professional Engineers);
               (121)  Section 1002.003, Occupations Code (Texas Board
  of Professional Geoscientists);
               (122)  Section 1051.003, Occupations Code (Texas Board
  of Architectural Examiners);
               (123)  Section 1071.003, Occupations Code (Texas Board
  of Professional Land Surveying);
               (124)  Section 1101.006, Occupations Code (Texas Real
  Estate Commission);
               (125)  Section 1103.006, Occupations Code (Texas
  Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board);
               (126)  Section 1301.003, Occupations Code (Texas State
  Board of Plumbing Examiners);
               (127)  Section 1701.002, Occupations Code (Commission
  on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education);
               (128)  Section 11.0111, Parks and Wildlife Code (Parks
  and Wildlife Department);
               (129)  Section 173.005, Transportation Code
  (intermunicipal commuter rail districts);
               (130)  Section 201.204, Transportation Code (Texas
  Department of Transportation);
               (131)  Section 451.459, Transportation Code (certain
  rapid transit authorities);
               (132)  Section 1001.005, Transportation Code (Texas
  Department of Motor Vehicles);
               (133)  Section 12.005, Utilities Code (Public Utility
  Commission of Texas);
               (134)  Section 13.002, Utilities Code (Office of Public
  Utility Counsel);
               (135)  Section 39.908, Utilities Code (Public Utility
  Commission of Texas);
               (136)  Section 41.060(c), Utilities Code (Public
  Utility Commission of Texas);
               (137)  Section 5.014, Water Code (Texas Natural
  Resource Conservation Commission);
               (138)  Section 6.013, Water Code (Texas Water
  Development Board);
               (139)  Section 18.01, Texas Racing Act (Article 179e,
  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) (Texas Racing Commission);
               (140)  Subsection O, Section 2, The Securities Act
  (Article 581-2, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) (State Securities
               (141)  Section 21(h), Texas Local Fire Fighters
  Retirement Act (Article 6243e, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)
  (office of fire fighters' pension commissioner); and
               (142)  Section 4(c), Self-Directed Semi-Independent
  Agency Project Act (Article 8930, Revised Statutes).
         SECTION 27.  This Act takes effect October 1, 2011.