82R6725 KCR-D
  By: Thompson H.B. No. 2711
  relating to the sealing of the records of juveniles who are the
  victims of human trafficking and have been adjudicated to have
  engaged in certain delinquent conduct.
         SECTION 1.  Section 58.003, Family Code, is amended by
  adding Subsections (c-3) and (c-4) and amending Subsection (d) to
  read as follows:
         (c-3)  This subsection applies only to a child who is the
  victim of an offense under Section 20A.02, Penal Code, or is
  otherwise described as a victim by Article 42.0191, Code of
  Criminal Procedure. Notwithstanding Subsections (a) and (c) and
  subject to Subsection (b), a juvenile court shall order the sealing
  of records concerning a child adjudicated as having engaged in
  delinquent conduct that violated a provision of Chapter 43, Penal
  Code, when the child, as applicable, successfully completes the
  term of the child's probation or is discharged from the Texas Youth
  Commission. The court shall order the sealing of the records
  immediately and without a hearing.
         (c-4)  A prosecuting attorney or juvenile probation
  department may maintain until a child's 17th birthday a separate
  record of the child's name and date of birth and the date the child
  successfully completed the term of the child's probation or was
  discharged from the Texas Youth Commission, if the child's records
  are sealed under Subsection (c-3). The prosecuting attorney or
  juvenile probation department, as applicable, shall send the record
  to the court as soon as practicable after the child's 17th birthday
  to be added to the child's other sealed records.
         (d)  The court may grant the relief authorized in Subsection
  (a), [or] (c-1), or (c-3) at any time after final discharge of the
  person or after the last official action in the case if there was no
  adjudication, subject, if applicable, to Subsection (e).  If the
  child is referred to the juvenile court for conduct constituting
  any offense and at the adjudication hearing the child is found to be
  not guilty of each offense alleged, the court shall immediately and
  without any additional hearing order the sealing of all files and
  records relating to the case.
         SECTION 2.  The change in law made by this Act applies to the
  sealing of records in the adjudication of a juvenile case on or
  after the effective date of this Act, regardless of when the conduct
  that is the subject of the adjudication occurred.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.