By: Miller of Erath H.B. No. 2810
  relating to the exemption from limited sales, excise and use
  taxation of tangible personal property incorporated into or
  attached to certain specific purpose agricultural structures.
         SECTION 1.  Section 151.316(a), Tax Code, is amended as
         (a)  The following items are exempted from the taxes imposed
  by this chapter:
               (1)  horses, mules, and work animals;
               (2)  animal life, the products of which ordinarily
  constitute food for human consumption;
               (3)  feed for farm and ranch animals;
               (4)  feed for animals that are held for sale in the
  regular course of business;
               (5)  seeds and annual plants the products of which:
                     (A)  ordinarily constitute food for human
                     (B)  are to be sold in the regular course of
  business; or
                     (C)  are used to produce feed for animals exempted
  by this section;
               (6)  fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides,
  herbicides, defoliants, and desiccants exclusively used or
  employed on a farm or ranch in the production of:
                     (A)  food for human consumption;
                     (B)  feed for animal life; or
                     (C)  other agricultural products to be sold in the
  regular course of business;
               (7)  machinery and equipment exclusively used or
  employed on a farm or ranch in the building or maintaining of roads
  or water facilities or in the production of:
                     (A)  food for human consumption;
                     (B)  grass;
                     (C)  feed for animal life; or
                     (D)  other agricultural products to be sold in the
  regular course of business;
               (8)  machinery and equipment exclusively used in, and
  pollution control equipment required as a result of, the
  processing, packing, or marketing of agricultural products by an
  original producer at a location operated by the original producer
  for processing, packing, or marketing the producer's own products
                     (A)  50 percent or more of the products processed,
  packed, or marketed at or from the location are produced by the
  original producer and not purchased or acquired from others; and
                     (B)  the producer does not process, pack, or
  market for consideration any agricultural products that belong to
  other persons in an amount greater than five percent of the total
  agricultural products processed, packed, or marketed by the
               (9)  ice exclusively used by commercial fishing boats
  in the storing of aquatic species including but not limited to
  shrimp, other crustaceans, finfish, mollusks, and other similar
               (10)  tangible personal property, including a tire,
  sold or used to be installed as a component part of a motor vehicle,
  machinery, or other equipment exclusively used or employed on a
  farm or ranch in the building or maintaining of roads or water
  facilities or in the production of:
                     (A)  food for human consumption;
                     (B)  grass;
                     (C)  feed for animal life; or
                     (D)  other agricultural products to be sold in the
  regular course of business;
               (11)  machinery and equipment exclusively used in an
  agricultural aircraft operation, as defined by 14 C.F.R. Section
  137.3; [and]
               (12)  tangible personal property incorporated into a
  structure that is used for the disposal of poultry carcasses in
  accordance with Section 26.303, Water Code; and
               (13)  tangible personal property incorporated into or
  attached to a commercial dairy free stall barn, a commercial dairy
  structure used solely for maternity purposes, or a commodity
  structure used as batch plants to measure, mix and process finished
  feed for dairy cows.
         SECTION 2.  The change in law made by this Act by the
  amendment of Section 151.316(a), Tax Code, does not affect tax
  liability accruing before the effective date of this Act.  That
  liability continues in effect as if this Act had not been enacted,
  and the former law is continued in effect for the collection of
  taxes due and for civil and criminal enforcement of the liability
  for those taxes.  This Act shall not, however, be cited or utilized
  for the purpose of asserting that the changes made by this Act
  indicate that a tax liability was properly accrued for any prior
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.