82R10537 YDB-D
  By: King of Parker H.B. No. 2879
  relating to the abolishment of the Texas Historical Commission and
  the transfer of its duties to the Parks and Wildlife Commission, the
  General Land Office, and the Texas State Library and Archives
         SECTION 1.  The heading to Chapter 442, Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.  Section 442.001, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 442.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Commission" means the Parks and Wildlife
               (2)  "Department" means the Parks and Wildlife
               (3)  "Historic courthouse" means a county courthouse
  that is at least 50 years old.
               (4) [(2)]  "Historic courthouse project" means a
  project to preserve or restore a historic courthouse.
               (5) [(3)]  "Historic structure" means a structure that:
                     (A)  is included on the National Register of
  Historic Places;
                     (B)  is designated as a Recorded Texas Historic
                     (C)  is designated as a State Archeological
                     (D)  is determined by the land office [Texas
  Historical Commission] to qualify as eligible property under
  criteria for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places
  or for designation as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark or as a
  State Archeological Landmark;
                     (E)  is certified by the commission [Texas
  Historical Commission] to other state agencies as worthy of
  preservation; or
                     (F)  is designated by an ordinance of a
  municipality with a population of more than 1.5 million as
               (6)  "Land office" means the General Land Office.
               (7)  "Library and archives commission" means the Texas
  State Library and Archives Commission.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter A, Chapter 442, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 442.0011 to read as follows:
         Sec. 442.0011.  REFERENCE IN OTHER LAW. Except as
  specifically provided by this chapter or other law, a reference in
  this chapter or other law to the Texas Historical Commission means
  the Parks and Wildlife Commission.
         SECTION 4.  The heading to Section 442.005, Government Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 5.  Section 442.005, Government Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a), (d), (e), (f), (g), (n), (o), (p), and (q)
  and adding Subsections (a-1) and (a-2) to read as follows:
         (a)  The land office [commission] shall furnish leadership,
  coordination, and services to persons of this state interested in
  the preservation of historic courthouses and certain historic
  properties, including properties described by Subsection (f).
         (a-1)  The library and archives commission shall:
               (1)  furnish leadership, coordination, and services to
  county historical commissions, historical societies, historic
  cemeteries, and museums;
               (2)  identify, evaluate, and interpret the historic and
  cultural resources of this state; and
               (3)  act as a clearinghouse and information center for
  the duties imposed under this subsection and this chapter.
         (a-2)  The commission shall furnish leadership,
  coordination, and services to[, and] the organizations, agencies,
  institutions, museums, and individuals of this state interested in
  the preservation of archeological or historical heritage and shall
  act as a clearinghouse and information center for that work in this
  state. The commission may delegate to the department a duty imposed
  on the commission under this chapter or other law.
         (d)  The department [commission] shall compile and furnish
  to the land office and the Texas Facilities [State Purchasing and
  General Services] Commission a list of the names and addresses of
  individuals and organizations that are interested in the
  preservation of historic structures. The list shall be updated at
  least once each year.
         (e)  The land office [commission] shall administer the
  federal National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and may
  prepare, maintain, and keep up to date a statewide comprehensive
  historic preservation plan.
         (f)  The land office [commission] by rule may establish a
  reasonable fee to recover its costs arising from review of a
  rehabilitation project on an income-producing property included in
  the National Register of Historic Places. Any fee established is
  payable by the applicant for the rehabilitation project.
         (g)  The commission or land office may apply to any
  appropriate agency or officer of the United States for
  participation in any federal program pertaining to historic
         (n)  Not later than December 1 before each regular session of
  the legislature, the commission, land office, and library and
  archives commission each shall make a report of its activities to
  the governor and to the legislature.
         (o)  The commission, department, land office, or library and
  archives commission may enter into contracts with other state
  agencies or institutions and with qualified private institutions to
  carry out the purposes of this chapter.
         (p)  The commission, department, land office, or library and
  archives commission may accept a gift, grant, devise, or bequest of
  money, securities, services, or property to carry out any purpose
  of this chapter, including funds raised or services provided by a
  volunteer or volunteer group to promote the work of the commission,
  department, land office, or library and archives commission. The
  commission, department, land office, or library and archives
  commission may participate in the establishment and operation of an
  affiliated nonprofit organization whose purpose is to raise funds
  for or provide services or other benefits to the commission,
  department, land office, or library and archives commission.
         (q)  The commission, land office, or library and archives
  commission each may adopt rules as it considers proper for the
  effective administration of its duties under this chapter.
         SECTION 6.  Section 442.0055, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  GUIDELINES. (a) The commission, land office, or library and
  archives commission shall adopt rules governing the relationship
  between the agency [commission] and an affiliated nonprofit
  organization formed under Section 442.005(p), including rules
  that, at a minimum:
               (1)  define the extent to which the agency's
  [commission] employees with regulatory responsibilities, including
  the executive director, may participate in activities that raise
  funds for an affiliated nonprofit organization, which may not
  include the direct solicitation of funds; and
               (2)  define the relationship between the agency's
  [commission] employees and an affiliated nonprofit organization.
         (b)  The commission, land office, or library and archives
  commission shall establish guidelines for identifying and defining
  the administrative and financial support the commission, land
  office, or library and archives commission, as applicable, may
  provide for an affiliated nonprofit organization formed under
  Section 442.005(p).
         SECTION 7.  Section 442.008, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 442.008.  COUNTY COURTHOUSES. (a) A county may not
  demolish, sell, lease, or damage the historical or architectural
  integrity of any building that serves or has served as a county
  courthouse without notifying the land office [commission] of the
  intended action at least six months before the date on which it
         (b)  If the land office [commission] determines that a
  courthouse has historical significance worthy of preservation, the
  land office [commission] shall notify the commissioners court of
  the county of that fact not later than the 30th day after the date on
  which the land office [commission] received notice from the county.
  A county may not demolish, sell, lease, or damage the historical or
  architectural integrity of a courthouse before the 180th day after
  the date on which it received notice from the land office
  [commission]. The land office [commission] shall cooperate with
  any interested person during the 180-day period to preserve the
  historical integrity of the courthouse.
         (c)  A county may carry out ordinary maintenance of and
  repairs to a courthouse without notifying the land office
         SECTION 8.  Section 442.0081, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  [commission] shall administer a historic courthouse preservation
         (b)  A county that owns a historic courthouse may apply to
  the land office [commission] for a grant or loan for a historic
  courthouse project. The application must:
               (1)  state the location of the courthouse;
               (2)  state whether the courthouse is or is likely to
  become a historic structure;
               (3)  state the amount of money or in-kind contributions
  that the county promises to contribute to the project;
               (4)  state whether the courthouse is currently
  functioning as a courthouse;
               (5)  include any plans, including a master preservation
  plan, that the county may have for the project; and
               (6)  include any other information that the land office
  [commission] by rule may require.
         (c)  The land office [commission] may grant or loan money to
  a county that owns a historic courthouse, for the purpose of
  preserving or restoring the courthouse, if the county's application
  meets the standards of the historic courthouse preservation
  program. In considering whether to grant an application, the land
  office [commission] shall consider the preferences and factors
  listed in this section as well as any other factors that it may
  provide by rule.
         (d)  In considering whether to grant an application, the land
  office [commission] shall give preference to:
               (1)  a proposed project to preserve or restore a
                     (A)  that is or is likely to become a historic
  structure; and
                     (B)  that:
                           (i)  is still functioning as a courthouse;
                           (ii)  was built before 1875; or
                           (iii)  is subject to a conservation easement
  held by the land office [commission]; and
               (2)  a county that will provide or has provided at least
  15 percent of the project's costs, including:
                     (A)  in-kind contributions; and
                     (B)  previous expenditures for master planning
  and renovations on the courthouse that are the subject of the
         (e)  In considering whether to grant an application, the land
  office [commission] shall also consider the following factors:
               (1)  the amount of money available for a grant or loan
  and the percentage of the costs that the county will contribute;
               (2)  whether the county will contribute any in-kind
  contribution such as labor or materials;
               (3)  the cost to preserve or restore the courthouse;
               (4)  the architectural style of the courthouse;
               (5)  the historic significance of the courthouse;
               (6)  the county's master preservation plan; and
               (7)  any other factors that the land office 
  [commission] by rule may provide.
         (f)  The land office [commission] shall adopt rules
  regarding the way in which it will consider the following factors in
  analyzing a county's contribution to project costs under Subsection
               (1)  the period during which past expenditures can be
               (2)  the amount of past expenditures that can be
  considered; and
               (3)  the amount and type of in-kind contributions that
  can be considered.
         (g)  The land office [commission] shall appoint a Texas
  Courthouse Preservation Program Advisory Committee. The committee
  shall assist the land office [commission] on matters relating to
  the historic courthouse preservation program. The land office
  [commission] may reimburse a committee member's travel expenses and
  provide a per diem for other expenses from funds appropriated to the
  land office [commission], but not from funds in the historic
  courthouse preservation fund account created by this chapter.
  Chapter 2110 applies to the committee, but the committee must
               (1)  members from the different geographical areas of
  the state;
               (2)  an equal number of members from counties with a
  population of:
                     (A)  24,999 or less;
                     (B)  25,000 to 75,000; and
                     (C)  75,001 or more; and
               (3)  at least the following members:
                     (A)  one or more elected county officials;
                     (B)  one or more members of historical
  organizations or persons with knowledge of and experience in
  preservation who are not elected county officials; and
                     (C)  one or more members of the general public who
  do not meet the requirements of Paragraph (A) or (B).
         (g-1)  To help protect courthouses that have benefited from
  the historic courthouse preservation program, the land office
  [commission] shall develop and implement a maintenance program to
  assist counties receiving money under the preservation program in
  continuing to maintain, repair, and preserve the courthouses.  The
  maintenance program may include offering to periodically inspect
  the courthouses and offering counties technical assistance and
  information on best practices in maintaining the courthouses.
         (h)  The land office [commission] shall adopt rules
  necessary to implement the historic courthouse preservation and
  maintenance programs.
         SECTION 9.  Sections 442.0082(a), (b), (c), and (e),
  Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Before incurring any expenses payable from funds
  received from the land office [commission] under the historic
  courthouse preservation program, a county must have a master
  preservation plan for its historic courthouse project. The land
  office [commission] by rule shall prescribe the minimum standards
  for a master preservation plan.
         (b)  A county that receives money under the historic
  courthouse preservation program must use recognized preservation
  standards for work on a historic courthouse project. The land
  office [commission] by rule shall establish standards regarding the
  quality of the work performed on a historic courthouse project.
         (c)  A county that receives money under the historic
  courthouse preservation program for a historic courthouse project
  may use the money only for eligible preservation and restoration
  expenses that the land office [commission] by rule shall prescribe.
  Eligible expenses may include costs for:
               (1)  structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing
  systems and weather protection and emergency public safety issues
  not covered by insurance;
               (2)  code and environmental compliance, including
  complying with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
  and its subsequent amendments, Chapter 469 [Article 9102, Revised
  Statutes], and other state laws relating to accessibility
  standards, hazardous materials mitigation rules, and other similar
               (3)  replication of a missing architectural feature;
               (4)  removal of an inappropriate addition or
  modification; and
               (5)  restoration of a courtroom or other significant
  public space in a functional and historically appropriate manner.
         (e)  The land office [commission] by rule shall provide for
  oversight procedures on a project. These rules shall provide for
  reasonable inspections by the land office [commission] as well as
  periodic reports by a county on a project's progress.
         SECTION 10.  Sections 442.0083(a), (b), (c), (d), (f), (g),
  and (h), Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The historic courthouse preservation fund account is a
  separate account in the general revenue fund. The account consists
  of transfers made to the account, payments on loans made under the
  historic courthouse preservation program, grants and donations
  made for the purposes of the historic courthouse preservation
  program, and income earned on investments of money in the account.
  Appropriations to the land office [commission] for the historic
  courthouse preservation program shall be deposited to the credit of
  the account. Notwithstanding Section 404.071, income earned on
  money in the account shall be deposited to the credit of the
         (b)  Except as otherwise provided by Subsection (c), the land
  office [commission] may use money in the historic courthouse
  preservation fund account to provide a grant or loan to a county
  that owns a historic courthouse for a historic courthouse project.
  The grant or loan may be in the amount and according to the terms
  that the land office [commission] by rule shall determine.
         (c)  The land office [commission] may use money in the
  historic courthouse preservation fund account to provide a loan
  under the historic courthouse preservation program only to the
  extent that the legislature provides in the General Appropriations
  Act that money appropriated to the land office [commission] for the
  program may be used to make loans.
         (d)  As a condition for providing the money under this
  section, the land office [commission] may require creation of a
  conservation easement in the property, as provided by Chapter 183,
  Natural Resources Code, in favor of the state and may require
  creation of other appropriate covenants in favor of the state. The
  land office [commission] may take any necessary action to enforce
  repayment of a loan or any other agreements made under this section
  and Sections 442.0081 and 442.0082.
         (f)  Biennial appropriations to the land office [commission]
  for administering the historic courthouse preservation and
  maintenance programs during a state fiscal biennium, including
  providing oversight for historic courthouse projects, may not
  exceed 2-1/2 percent of the amount appropriated for implementing
  the historic courthouse preservation and maintenance programs
  during the state fiscal biennium.
         (g)  The land office [commission] by rule may set a limit on
  the loan amount for a historic courthouse project. This amount may
  be expressed as a dollar amount or as a percentage of the total
  amount appropriated for implementing the historic courthouse
  preservation program during the state fiscal biennium.
         (h)  The land office [commission] may accept a gift, grant,
  or other donation for the historic courthouse preservation program
  or a specific historic courthouse project.
         SECTION 11.  Sections 442.0084(b) and (c), Government Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  To ensure that the diverse history of Texas is
  accurately represented on land owned by the state other than the
  Capitol Complex, the library and archives commission [Texas
  Historical Commission] shall:
               (1)  collect information relating to each monument on
  land owned by the state other than the Capitol Complex; and
               (2)  in cooperation with the chair of the history
  department at Prairie View A&M University, at The University of
  Texas at Austin, or at any other land grant university in the state,
  as determined by the library and archives commission, ensure the:
                     (A)  historical accuracy of the monuments; and
                     (B)  equitable representation of all Texans,
  including African slaves, African Americans, Hispanic Americans,
  Native Americans, women in Texas history, and Texans exemplifying
  military service and rural heritage in monuments on land owned by
  the state other than the Capitol Complex.
         (c)  The library and archives commission shall make the
  information collected under this section available to the public.
         SECTION 12.  Section 442.0085, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 442.0085.  STATE REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES. (a) The
  library and archives commission shall develop and maintain a state
  register of historic places using existing statutory
  classifications of those places, including Recorded Texas Historic
  Landmarks, National Register listings, subject markers, and state
  archeological landmarks.
         (b)  The library and archives commission shall adopt rules to
  implement this section.
         SECTION 13.  Section 442.0086, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 442.0086.  MILITARY SITES PROGRAM. (a) The library and
  archives commission shall identify sites in and outside this state
  that are historically significant to this state because of:
               (1)  military action or service at the sites; or
               (2)  other significant events of a military nature at
  the sites that shaped the history of this state.
         (b)  In carrying out its duties under Subsection (a), the
  library and archives commission shall assist other governmental
  entities, including other states, institutions, organizations, and
  other entities in identifying military sites outside this state
  where Texans served with distinction.
         (c)  The library and archives commission may designate or
  encourage the designation of sites identified under Subsections (a)
  and (b) through existing history programs, including:
               (1)  local community landmark programs;
               (2)  the state historical marker program under Section
               (3)  the National Register of Historic Places;
               (4)  the National Historic Landmarks program;
               (5)  the World Heritage List; and
               (6)  other appropriate programs.
         (d)  The library and archives commission may provide
  information regarding the significance of the sites designated
  under this section using:
               (1)  historical markers and monuments;
               (2)  publications and films; and
               (3)  other appropriate media.
         (e)  The library and archives commission may seek assistance
  from other state and local governmental entities in carrying out
  the library and archives commission's duties under this section.
         (f)  The library and archives commission may seek and accept
  gifts, grants, and donations from public or private sources,
  including seeking available federal funds, to accomplish the
  purposes of this section.
         SECTION 14.  Section 442.0087, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 442.0087.  FORT BLISS MUSEUM AND STUDY CENTER. (a) The
  library and archives commission may assist Fort Bliss Military
  Reservation in El Paso in the establishment and operation at Fort
  Bliss of a museum and study center devoted to the history of the
  United States air defense system.
         (b)  To accomplish the purposes of this section, the library
  and archives commission may:
               (1)  seek and accept gifts, grants, and donations of
  funds or property from public and private sources, including
  seeking available federal funds; and
               (2)  contribute funds appropriated to the library and
  archives commission for the purpose.
         (c)  The library and archives commission may provide
  assistance and contribute funds under this section only if the
  library and archives commission receives appropriate assurances
  that, subject to the security requirements of the military
  reservation, the museum and study center will be open for use by the
  general public.
         SECTION 15.  Section 442.0145, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  (a) The library and archives commission shall administer a program
  to assist municipalities, counties, museums, and county historical
  commissions with:
               (1)  the development or improvement of museum
  facilities used to display historical artifacts discovered in Texas
  that are significant in Texas or American history; and
               (2)  the acquisition of historical artifacts
  discovered in Texas that are significant in Texas or American
         (b)  The Texas Historical Artifacts Program fund is created
  as a separate account in the general revenue fund. The fund is
  composed of money appropriated to the fund, money deposited to the
  fund under Subsection (c), and interest received from investments
  of money in the fund that the comptroller shall allocate to the
  fund. Sections 403.095 and 404.071 do not apply to the fund or to
  interest received from investments of money in the fund. Money in
  the fund may be spent only as provided by the library and archives
  commission under this section.
         (c)  The library and archives commission may accept, for
  deposit in the Texas Historical Artifacts Program fund, grants or
  other donations from any source.
         (d)  The library and archives commission shall establish
  rules governing the use, administration, and distribution of the
  Texas Historical Artifacts Program fund. The rules must ensure
  that money in the fund is used only for the purposes prescribed by
  Subsection (a), including paying the expenses of administering the
         SECTION 16.  Sections 442.015(a), (b), (c), (d), (f), and
  (g), Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Notwithstanding Sections 403.094 and 403.095, the Texas
  preservation trust fund account is a separate account in the
  general revenue fund.  The account consists of transfers made to
  the account, loan repayments, grants and donations made for the
  purposes of this program, proceeds of sales, earnings on the
  account, and any other money received under this
  section.  Distributions from the account may be used only for the
  purposes of this section and may not be used to pay operating
  expenses of the land office [commission].  Money allocated to the
  land office's [commission's] historic preservation grant program
  shall be deposited to the credit of the account.  Earnings on the
  account shall be deposited to the credit of the account.
         (b)  The land office [commission] may use distributions from
  the Texas preservation trust fund account to provide financial
  assistance to public or private entities for the acquisition,
  survey, restoration, or preservation, or for planning and
  educational activities leading to the preservation, of historic
  property in the state that is listed in the National Register of
  Historic Places or designated as a State Archeological Landmark or
  Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, or that the land office 
  [commission] determines is eligible for such listing or
  designation.  The financial assistance may be in the amount and form
  and according to the terms that the land office [commission] by rule
  determines.  The land office [commission] shall give priority to
  property the land office [commission] determines to be endangered
  by demolition, neglect, underuse, looting, vandalism, or other
  threat to the property.  Gifts and grants deposited to the credit of
  the account specifically for any eligible projects may be used only
  for the type of projects specified.  If such a specification is not
  made, the gift or grant shall be unencumbered and accrue to the
  benefit of the Texas preservation trust fund account.  If such a
  specification is made, the entire amount of the gift or grant may be
  used during any period for the project or type of project specified.
         (c)  As a condition of providing financial assistance under
  this section, the land office [commission] shall require the
  creation of a preservation easement in the property, as provided by
  Chapter 183, Natural Resources Code, in favor of the state, the
  designation of the property as a State Archeological Landmark, as
  provided by Chapter 191, Natural Resources Code, or the creation of
  other appropriate covenants in favor of the state. The land office
  [commission] may take any necessary action to enforce repayment of
  a loan made under this section.
         (d)  The land office [commission], after considering the
  recommendations of the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker
  of the house of representatives, shall appoint an advisory board
  composed of:
               (1)  one representative of a bank or savings and loan
               (2)  one attorney with a recognized background in
  historic preservation;
               (3)  two architects with substantial experience in
  historic preservation;
               (4)  two archeologists with substantial experience in
  Texas archeology;
               (5)  one real estate professional with experience in
  historic preservation;
               (6)  two persons with demonstrated commitment to
  historic preservation; and
               (7)  two directors of nonprofit historic preservation
         (f)  The advisory board shall recommend to the land office
  [commission] rules for administering Subsections (a)-(e).
         (g)  The land office [commission] may accept grants or other
  donations of money or other property and services from any source.
  Money received under this subsection shall be deposited to the
  credit of the Texas preservation trust fund account.
         SECTION 17.  Section 442.0155, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  money paid to the commission, department, land office, or library
  and archives commission under this chapter is subject to Subchapter
  F, Chapter 404.
         SECTION 18.  Sections 442.016(b), (d), (f), (g), and (h),
  Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A person is liable to the land office [commission] for
  damages if the person:
               (1)  demolishes, causes to be demolished, or otherwise
  adversely affects the structural, physical, or visual integrity of
  a historic structure or property that is not located in a
  municipality that has a demolition permit and a building permit
  procedure; and
               (2)  does not obtain written permission from the land
  office [commission] before beginning to demolish, cause the
  demolition of, or otherwise adversely affect the structural,
  physical, or visual integrity of the structure or property.
         (d)  Instead of accepting monetary damages, the land office
  [commission] may permit the liable person to construct, using as
  many of the original materials as possible, a structure or property
  that is a reasonable facsimile of the demolished historic structure
  or property or to restore, using as many of the original materials
  as possible, the historic structure or property and to pay the cost
  of attorney's, architect's, and appraiser's fees and other costs
  related to the enforcement of this section.
         (f)  The construction of a facsimile structure or property
  under Subsection (d) must be undertaken at the location designated
  by the land office [commission], which may be the same location as
  that of the demolished historic structure or property.
         (g)  The land office [commission] may make contracts and
  adopt rules as necessary to carry out this section.
         (h)  The land office [commission] shall file in the real
  property records of the county clerk's office in each county in
  which a historic structure or property that is included on the
  National Register of Historic Places or that is designated as a
  Recorded Texas Historic Landmark is located a verified written
  instrument listing each structure or property located in that
  county by:
               (1)  the street address, if available in the land
  office [commission] files;
               (2)  the legal description of the real property on
  which the structure or property is located; and
               (3)  the name of the owner of the real property, if
  available in the land office [commission] files.
         SECTION 19.  Section 442.017, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  CEMETERIES. (a) The library and archives commission should
  establish a program to identify and preserve abandoned cemeteries
  across the state.
         (b)  The library and archives commission is encouraged to use
  volunteers to the maximum extent possible to implement the program
  and to model the program to the extent appropriate on the
  "Adopt-A-Beach" program conducted by the General Land Office.
         (c)  The library and archives commission may accept gifts,
  grants, and in-kind donations from public and private entities for
  the implementation of the program. The legislature may appropriate
  money to the library and archives commission to implement the
         (d)  The library and archives commission may adopt rules
  reasonably necessary to implement the program.
         SECTION 20.  Section 442.018, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  archives commission should establish a program to identify and
  preserve Texas Underground Railroad Historical Sites.
         (b)  The library and archives commission is encouraged to use
  volunteers to the maximum extent possible to implement the program
  and to model the program to the extent appropriate on the
  "Adopt-A-Beach" program conducted by the General Land Office.
         (c)  The library and archives commission may accept gifts,
  grants, and in-kind donations from public and private entities for
  the implementation of the program. The legislature may appropriate
  money to the library and archives commission to implement the
         (d)  The library and archives commission may adopt rules
  reasonably necessary to implement the program.
         SECTION 21.  Section 442.072(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  The following historic sites and parks [formerly under
  the jurisdiction of the Parks and Wildlife Department] are under
  the commission's jurisdiction:
               (1)  Acton State Historic Site;
               (2)  Caddoan Mounds State Historic Site;
               (3)  Casa Navarro State Historic Site;
               (4)  Confederate Reunion Grounds State Historic Site;
               (5)  Eisenhower Birthplace State Historic Site;
               (6)  Fannin Battleground State Historic Site;
               (7)  Fort Griffin State Historic Site;
               (8)  Fort Lancaster State Historic Site;
               (9)  Fort McKavett State Historic Site;
               (10)  Fulton Mansion State Historic Site;
               (11)  Landmark Inn State Historic Site;
               (12)  Levi Jordan State Historic Site;
               (13)  Magoffin Home State Historic Site;
               (14)  Sabine Pass Battleground State Historic Site;
               (15)  Sam Bell Maxey House State Historic Site;
               (16)  San Felipe State Historic Site;
               (17)  Starr Family Home State Historic Site;
               (18)  Varner-Hogg Plantation State Historic Site.
         SECTION 22.  Section 318.001, Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 318.001.  DEFINITIONS [DEFINITION]. In this
               (1)  "Commission"[, "commission"] means the county
  historical commission.
               (2)  "Texas Historical Commission" means the Texas
  State Library and Archives Commission.
         SECTION 23.  Section 191.003(1), Natural Resources Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
               (1)  "Committee" means the Parks and Wildlife [Texas
  Historical] Commission.
         SECTION 24.  Sections 13.005(c) and (d), Parks and Wildlife
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (c)  The department shall formulate plans for the
  preservation and development of historical sites. Before
  formulating a plan for a specific site, the department shall
  conduct an archeological survey of the site. In formulating plans,
  the department shall:
               (1)  consider the results from the archeological survey
  for the site if the plan is for a specific site;
               (2)  consider the resources necessary to manage a site;
               (3)  meet with and consider comments made by the
  General Land Office [Texas Historical Commission].
         (d)  The department [and the Texas Historical Commission]
  shall [form a joint panel to] establish criteria for determining
  whether a site is of statewide significance under Subsection (a)
  and to promote the continuity of a historic sites program.
         SECTION 25.  The following provisions are repealed:
               (1)  Sections 442.002, 442.0021, 442.0022, 442.0023,
  442.003, and 442.004, Government Code;
               (2)  Sections 442.005(l), (s), and (t), Government
               (3)  Sections 442.009, 442.0095, 442.010, 442.014,
  442.021, 442.022, 442.023, 442.025, 442.026, and 442.075,
  Government Code; and
               (4)  Section 13.0051, Parks and Wildlife Code.
         SECTION 26.  On September 1, 2011:
               (1)  the position of executive director of the Texas
  Historical Commission is abolished, except that the Parks and
  Wildlife Department may hire the executive director for a position
  in the department;
               (2)  an employee of the Texas Historical Commission
  becomes an employee of the Parks and Wildlife Department unless
  otherwise specifically provided by the transition plan under
  Section 28 of this Act;
               (3)  except as otherwise provided by this Act, a
  reference in law to the Texas Historical Commission means the Parks
  and Wildlife Commission;
               (4)  all money, contracts, leases, rights, and
  obligations of the Texas Historical Commission are transferred to
  the Parks and Wildlife Commission unless otherwise specifically
  provided by the transition plan under Section 28 of this Act;
               (5)  all property, including records, in the custody of
  the Texas Historical Commission becomes the property of the Parks
  and Wildlife Commission unless otherwise specifically provided by
  the transition plan under Section 28 of this Act; and
               (6)  all funds appropriated by the legislature to the
  Texas Historical Commission are transferred to the Parks and
  Wildlife Commission unless otherwise specifically provided by the
  transition plan under Section 28 of this Act.
         SECTION 27.  All functions and activities performed by the
  Texas Historical Commission are transferred to the Parks and
  Wildlife Commission, the General Land Office, and the Texas State
  Library and Archives Commission, as appropriate, as provided by
  this Act.
         SECTION 28.  The Texas Historical Commission and the Parks
  and Wildlife Commission, the Parks and Wildlife Department, the
  General Land Office, and the Texas State Library and Archives
  Commission shall establish a transition plan for the transfer
  described in Sections 26 and 27 of this Act.
         SECTION 29.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.