By: Woolley H.B. No. 2931
  relating to debt cancellation agreements.
         SECTION 1.  Section 348.124, Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 348.124.  DEBT CANCELLATION AGREEMENTS.  (a)  In
  connection with a retail installment transaction under this
  chapter, a retail seller may offer to the retail buyer a debt
  cancellation agreement, including but not limited to a guaranteed
  asset protection waiver or other similarly named agreement. The
  retail seller may not require that the purchase of a debt
  cancellation agreement by the retail buyer be made in order to enter
  into a retail installment transaction.
         (b)  A debt cancellation agreement, including a guaranteed
  asset protection waiver, is not considered an insurance product.
         (c)  The commissioner may not promulgate rates, adopt rules,
  or issue interpretation letters for debt cancellation agreements,
  including guaranteed asset protection waivers, that include
  insurance coverage as part of retail buyer's responsibility to
  holder sold in this state. [The amount charged for a debt
  cancellation agreement made in connection with a retail installment
  contract must be reasonable.]
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 348, Finance Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter G to read as follows:
         Sec. 348.601.  DEFINITIONS.
         (A)  "Creditor" means:
               (i)  the lender in a loan or credit transaction;
               (ii)  the lessor in a lease transaction;
               (iii)  any retail seller, as defined in 348.001(8), of
  motor vehicles that provides credit to "retail buyers," as defined
  in 348.001(5), of such motor vehicles provided that such entities
  comply with the provisions of this section;
               (iv)  the seller in commercial retail installment
  transactions; or
               (v)  the assignees of any of the foregoing to whom the
  credit obligation is payable.
         (B)  "Finance agreement" means a loan, lease or retail
  installment sales contract for the purchase or lease of a motor
         (C)  "Free look period" means the period of time from the
  effective date of the guaranteed asset protection waiver until the
  date the borrower may cancel the contract without penalty, fees or
  costs to the borrower. This period of time must not be shorter than
  30 days.
         (D)  "Guaranteed asset protection waiver" or "GAP waiver"
  means a contractual agreement, regardless of how the agreement is
  titled, wherein a creditor agrees for a separate charge to cancel or
  waive all or part of amounts due on a borrower's finance agreement
  in the event of a total physical damage loss or unrecovered theft of
  the motor vehicle, which agreement must be part of, or a separate
  addendum to, the finance agreement.
         (E)  For purposes of this subchapter, "Motor vehicle" means
  self-propelled or towed vehicles designed for personal or
  commercial use, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks,
  motorcycles, recreational vehicles, all-terrain vehicles,
  snowmobiles, campers, boats, personal watercraft, and personal
  watercraft trailers.
         Sec. 348.6011.  SCOPE OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter only
  applies to debt cancellation agreements, including guaranteed
  asset protection waivers, that include insurance coverage as part
  of retail buyer's responsibility to holder sold in this state.
         (A)  A guaranteed asset protection waiver maybe offered,
  sold or provided to borrowers in this state in compliance with this
         (B)  A guaranteed asset protection waiver may, at the option
  of the creditor, be sold for a single payment or may be offered with
  a monthly or periodic payment option.
         (C)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any cost to
  the borrower for a guaranteed asset protection waiver entered into
  in compliance with The Truth in Lending Act (15 USC 1601 et. seq.)
  and its implementing regulations, as they may be amended from time
  to time, must be separately stated and is not to be considered a
  finance charge or interest.
         (D)  A guaranteed asset protection waiver remains a part of
  the finance agreement upon the assignment, sale or transfer of such
  finance agreement by the creditor.
         (E)  Neither the extension of credit, the term of credit, nor
  the term of the related motor vehicle sale or lease may be
  conditioned upon the purchase of a GAP waiver.
         (A)  A guaranteed asset protection waiver must disclose, as
  applicable, in writing and in clear, understandable language that
  is easy to read, the following:
               (1)  The name and address of the initial creditor and
  the borrower at the time of sale, and the identity of any
  administrator if different from the creditor.
               (2)  The purchase price and the terms of the guaranteed
  asset protection waiver, including without limitation, the
  requirements for protection, conditions, or exclusions associated
  with the Debt cancellation agreement.
               (3)  That the borrower may cancel the guaranteed asset
  protection waiver within a free look period as specified in the
  waiver, and will be entitled to a full refund of the purchase
  price, so long as no benefits have been provided. In the event
  benefits have been provided, the borrower may receive a full or
  partial refund pursuant to the terms of the waiver.
               (4)  The procedure the borrower must follow, if any, to
  obtain the guaranteed asset protection waiver benefits under the
  terms and conditions of the waiver, including a telephone number
  and address where the borrower may apply for waiver benefits.
               (5)  Whether or not the guaranteed asset protection
  waiver is cancellable after the free look period and the conditions
  under which it may be cancelled or terminated including the
  procedures for requesting any refund due.
               (6)  In order to receive any refund due in the event of
  a borrower's cancellation of the guaranteed asset protection waiver
  or early termination of the finance agreement after the free look
  period of the guaranteed asset protection waiver, the borrower, in
  accordance with terms of the waiver, must provide a written request
  to cancel to the creditor, administrator or such other party,
  within ninety days of the occurrence of the event terminating the
  finance agreement.
               (7)  The methodology for calculating any refund of the
  unearned purchase price of the guaranteed asset protection waiver
  due, in the event of cancellation of the guaranteed asset
  protection waiver or early termination of the finance agreement.
               (8)  That neither the extension of credit, the terms of
  the credit, nor the terms of the related motor vehicle sale or
  lease, may be conditioned upon the purchase of the guaranteed asset
  protection waiver.
         (A)  A guaranteed asset protection waiver may be cancellable
  or non-cancellable after a free look period. A guaranteed asset
  protection waiver must provide that if a borrower cancels a waiver
  within the free look period, the borrower will be entitled to a
  full refund of the purchase price, so long as no benefits have been
  provided; or in the event benefits have been provided, the borrower
  may receive a full or partial refund pursuant to the terms of the
         (B)  In the event of a borrower's cancellation of the
  guaranteed asset protection waiver or early termination of the
  finance agreement, after the agreement has been in effect beyond
  the free look period, the borrower may be entitled to a refund of
  any unearned portion of the purchase price of the waiver unless the
  waiver provides otherwise.  In order to receive a refund, the
  borrower, in accordance with any applicable terms of the waiver,
  must provide a written request to the creditor, administrator or
  other party, within ninety days of the event terminating the
  finance agreement.
         (C)  If the cancellation of the guaranteed asset protection
  waiver occurs as a result of a default under the finance agreement
  or the repossession of the motor vehicle associated with the
  finance agreement, or any other termination of the finance
  agreement, any refund due may be paid directly to the creditor or
  administrator and applied as set forth in paragraph (D).
         (D)  Any cancellation refund under this section may be
  applied by the creditor as a reduction of the amount owed under the
  finance agreement, unless the borrower can show that the finance
  agreement has been paid in full.
         Sec. 348.605.  ENFORCEMENT. A guaranteed asset protection
  waivers that meets the requirements of this section is presumed
  compliant. The Commissioner may, after proper notice and
  opportunity for hearing:
         (A)  Order the creditor, administrator or any other person
  not in compliance with this section to cease and desist from further
  guaranteed asset protection waiver related operations that are in
  violation of this section.
         (B)  Impose a penalty of not more than five hundred dollars
  ($500.00) per violation and no more than ten thousand dollars
  ($10,000) in the aggregate for all violations of similar nature.
  For purposes of this section, violations must be of a similar nature
  if the violation consists of the same or similar course of conduct,
  action or practice, irrespective of the number of times the
  section, conduct or practice which is determined to be a violation
  of the Section occurred.
         SECTION 3.  This Act applies to all guaranteed asset
  protection waivers entered info on and after September 1, 2011.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.