82R10407 MTB-F
  By: Rodriguez H.B. No. 3092
  relating to local options regarding transportation and mobility
  improvement projects in certain counties.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle B, Title 14, Local Government Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 616 to read as follows:
         Sec. 616.001.  SHORT TITLE.  This chapter may be cited as the
  Texas Local Option Transportation Act.
         Sec. 616.002.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
               (2)  "Metropolitan planning organization" has the
  meaning assigned by Section 472.031, Transportation Code.
               (3)  "Transportation provider" means a:
                     (A)  metropolitan rapid transit authority created
  or operating under Chapter 451, Transportation Code;
                     (B)  transportation authority;
                     (C)  regional mobility authority under Chapter
  370, Transportation Code;
                     (D)  municipality; or
                     (E)  county.
         Sec. 616.003.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. This chapter
  applies only to a region served by a metropolitan planning
  organization if the region contains a municipality:
               (1)  with:
                     (A)  a population of more than 750,000; and
                     (B)  a governing body for which each member is
  elected at large; and
               (2)  primarily located in a county for which a regional
  mobility authority has been created under Chapter 370,
  Transportation Code.
         Sec. 616.004.  REDUCTION PROHIBITED.  (a)  A county may not
  be penalized with a reduction in traditional transportation funding
  because of the imposition of a method of local option funding under
  this chapter.
         (b)  The department may not reduce any allocation of
  traditional transportation funding to any of its districts because
  a district contains a county that imposes a method of local option
  funding under this chapter.
         Sec. 616.005.  CALLING OF ELECTION. (a)  The commissioners
  court of a county located in a region to which this chapter applies
  by order may call an election on the issue of authorizing one or
  more methods under Section 616.008 for one or more mobility or
  transportation improvement projects located in the county,
  including passenger rail, transit, freight rail, and roadway
         (b)  The commissioners court of a county located in a region
  to which this chapter applies shall call an election on the issue
  described by Subsection (a) on receipt of a resolution requesting
  that the election be called adopted by the governing body of one or
  more municipalities that:
               (1)  are located in the county; and
               (2)  individually or together contain at least 60
  percent of the county's total population.
         (c)  The commissioners court may adopt an order under this
  section only after holding a public hearing on the issue.
         Sec. 616.006.  ELECTION AND BALLOT LANGUAGE. (a)  An order
  under Section 616.005 calling an election must:
               (1)  specify each proposed method authorized by this
  chapter that the county intends to use to fund a mobility or
  transportation improvement project;
               (2)  for each specified method, list the proposed rate
  or amount of the method to be used to fund capital construction of a
  mobility or transportation improvement project and, if applicable,
  a separate and corresponding proposed rate or amount for
  maintenance and operation of the project;
               (3)  list and generally describe the proposed mobility
  or transportation improvement project to be constructed with each
  specified method;
               (4)  list the estimated cost of and completion date for
  the capital construction of each proposed mobility or
  transportation improvement project;
               (5)  if more than one mobility or transportation
  improvement project is proposed, specify the sequence and order in
  which the projects will be initiated and completed; and
               (6)  list a nonbinding date on which the proposed rate
  or amount for the capital construction of a mobility or
  transportation improvement project is expected to expire.
         (b)  The ballot at an election held under this section must
  be printed to permit voting for or against the proposition:
  "Authorizing ________ (insert name of county) to _______ (insert a
  general and brief description of each proposed mobility or
  transportation improvement project) and to impose a ________
  (insert each method of funding proposed for capital construction)
  at the rate or amount of ________ (insert each proposed rate or
  amount individually) for the purpose of financing the construction
  of the project and to impose a ________ (insert each method of
  funding proposed to be used exclusively for maintenance and
  operation, if applicable) at the rate or amount of ________ (insert
  proposed rate or amount) for the continuing maintenance and
  operation of the project. Construction of the project is estimated
  to be completed by the year ________ and the ________ (insert each
  method of funding proposed for capital construction) is expected to
  expire in the year _________ (list the year any bonds are expected
  to be retired)". (If more than one project is proposed on the
  ballot, insert name of the project to be completed first) _________
  will be completed first, followed by ____________ (insert name of
  project to be completed next until all projects listed on the ballot
  are listed in the order in which they will be completed).
         (c)  Section 334.025 applies to an election called under
  Section 616.005.
         (d)  An election called under Section 616.005 must be held on
  a uniform election date under Section 41.001, Election Code, or on
  the date of the general primary election.
         (e)  Notwithstanding Section 616.005, the commissioners
  court of a county may not call an election under that section within
  12 months of an election previously called under that section.
         (f)  If the commissioners court calls an election under this
  section on the receipt of one or more valid resolutions under
  Section 616.005(b), the ballot at the election must also state that
  the election was called for that reason.
  EQUITY.  (a)  Subject to Subsection (c), the commissioners court of
  a county shall determine each mobility or transportation
  improvement project to be funded by a method authorized by this
  chapter for which an election is called under Section 616.005(a).
         (b)  Subject to Subsection (c), the governing body of a
  municipality making a request under Section 616.005(b) shall
  determine each mobility or transportation improvement project to be
  funded by a method authorized by this chapter for an election called
  under that section.
         (c)  A mobility or transportation improvement project under
  this chapter may be funded only if the project is determined to be
  an improvement of passenger rail, transit, or freight rail mobility
  or a substantial improvement of the roadway system by the
  metropolitan planning organization for the regional transportation
  system in which the county is located.  For projects funded by an
  election called under Section 616.005(a), the commissioners court
  shall use best efforts to ensure that each project selected for
  inclusion on a ballot has regional significance.
         (d)  If a county imposing a method of local option funding
  under this chapter is designated as a nonattainment area within the
  meaning of Section 107(d) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. Section
  7407), preference in project selection shall be given to a project
               (1)  is exempt from federal transportation conformity
  requirements as listed in 40 C.F.R. Section 93.126;
               (2)  is exempt from regional emissions analyses as
  listed in 40 C.F.R. Section 93.127; or
               (3)  demonstrates quantifiable vehicle emission
         Sec. 616.008.  METHOD OF FUNDING.  (a)  A proposition placed
  on a ballot under Section 616.006 may include any combination of the
  following methods of funding:
               (1)  a county tax on the sale of motor vehicle fuel, at
  a rate not to exceed 10 cents per gallon and as annually adjusted
  under Section 616.013;
               (2)  a local option mobility improvement fee, in an
  amount not to exceed $60;
               (3)  a parking regulation and management fee in the
  amount of 50 cents per hour for use of a metered parking space and $1
  per day for use of a parking space in a parking garage;
               (4)  an annual motor vehicle emissions fee based on the
  amount of pollutants released by a vehicle, not to exceed $20;
               (5)  a fee for the renewal of a driver's license issued
  to a county resident equal to the amount of the renewal fee of the
  license under Section 521.421, Transportation Code;
               (6)  a new resident roadway impact fee, in an amount not
  to exceed $250; and
               (7)  a mileage fee based on the amount of miles traveled
  by a motor vehicle registered to a county resident, not to exceed
  one cent per vehicle mile traveled.
         (b)  Chapter 395 does not apply to a fee imposed under
  Subsection (a).
         (c)  The local option mobility improvement fee authorized by
  Subsection (a)(2) shall be imposed on each person registering a
  motor vehicle in the county other than a person who initially
  registers a vehicle after acquiring the vehicle.
         (d)  The new resident roadway impact fee authorized by
  Subsection (a)(6) shall be collected at the time of registration
  and be imposed on each person registering a motor vehicle
  previously registered in another county that has not imposed a
  method of local option funding under this chapter.
  LOW-INCOME RELIEF.  (a)  If a majority of the votes cast in an
  election held under this chapter approve any method or combination
  of methods of local option funding under this chapter, the
  commissioners court of the county by order shall impose and begin
  the collection of the approved method or methods of funding before
  the 91st day after the election date.
         (b)  At a minimum, the order imposing the method or methods
  of local option funding shall specify:
               (1)  the rate or amount of the method or methods
  approved at the election; and
               (2)  the manner in which each method will be
  administered, collected, and enforced.
         (c)  Section 502.108, Transportation Code, does not apply to
  money collected under this chapter.
         (d)  For any funding method authorized by this chapter,
  except a motor fuel tax, the commissioners court, after conducting
  a public hearing, may by order establish an exemption, waiver, or
  partial reduction for individuals of low or moderate income who
  demonstrate significant financial hardship.
         (e)  A county may impose and collect a method approved at an
  election held under this chapter and may enter into a contract or
  interlocal agreement to implement the imposition or collection.
         Sec. 616.010.  LOCAL OPTION TRANSPORTATION FUND. (a) A
  county in which a method of local option funding authorized by this
  chapter is imposed shall participate in a local option
  transportation fund to be administered by the metropolitan planning
  organization in which the county is located.
         (b)  The county shall deposit in the fund the proceeds of any
  method imposed by the county under this chapter and any other money
  required by law to be deposited in the fund.
         (c)  The metropolitan planning organization shall establish
  a separate account in the fund for each approved mobility or
  transportation improvement project and, if applicable, a separate
  account for money to be used to fund maintenance and operations of
  the project.
         (d)  Money in the fund is the property of the county
  depositing the money and may be spent only on mobility or
  transportation improvement projects located in the county, except
  that money may be spent on a project located outside the county,
  including a project located on or that serves an airport, if it is
  determined that the project benefits the region.
         Sec. 616.011.  USE OF MONEY IN FUND.  (a)  The metropolitan
  planning organization may use money in the local option
  transportation fund to:
               (1)  reimburse or pay the costs of planning, acquiring,
  establishing, developing, constructing, or renovating a mobility
  or transportation improvement project for which a method of local
  option funding was imposed under this chapter;
               (2)  pay the principal of, interest on, or other costs
  relating to bonds, refunding bonds, notes, or other obligations
  issued by a transportation provider for a mobility or
  transportation improvement project for which a method of local
  option funding was imposed under this chapter;
               (3)  refund the costs of operating or maintaining a
  mobility or transportation improvement project for which a method
  of local option funding was imposed under this chapter operated by a
  transportation provider; or
               (4)  enter into a contract or an interlocal agreement
  with a person, including a transportation provider, to:
                     (A)  provide mobility services for a project for
  which a method was imposed under this chapter, including passenger
  rail facilities and services; and
                     (B)  implement transportation projects for which
  a method was imposed under this chapter.
         (b)  The bonds or other obligations and the proceedings
  authorizing the bonds or other obligations shall be submitted to
  the attorney general for review and approval as required by Chapter
  1202, Government Code.
         (c)  The bonds or other obligations must be payable from and
  secured by the money in the local option transportation fund.
         (d)  The bonds or other obligations may mature serially or
  otherwise not more than 30 years from the date of issuance.
         (e)  The bonds or other obligations are not a debt of and do
  not create a claim for payment against the revenue or property of
  the county other than the revenue sources pledged in connection
  with a mobility or transportation improvement project for which the
  bonds are issued.
  NOT AUTHORIZED.  (a)  A county or municipality, acting under this
  chapter, may not directly operate or provide passenger rail
  services or any service expressly reserved by a transit authority
  created or operating under Chapter 451, Transportation Code, that
  serves the county.
         (b)  This chapter does not authorize the creation of a
  transit or transportation authority.
  PRICE INDEX. (a) In this section:
               (1)  "Producer price index" means the producer price
  index for highway and street construction published by the United
  States Department of Labor.
               (2)  "Producer price index percentage change" means the
  percentage increase or decrease, not to exceed five percent, in the
  producer price index of a given state fiscal year from the producer
  price index of the preceding state fiscal year.
         (b)  On October 1 of each year, the rate of the tax imposed
  under Section 616.008(a)(1) is increased or decreased by an amount
  that is equal to the producer price index percentage change for the
  preceding fiscal year multiplied by the rate of the tax on August 1
  of that year.
         SECTION 2.  Section 502.003(a), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) and by Chapter 616,
  Local Government Code, a political subdivision of this state may
  not require an owner of a motor vehicle to:
               (1)  register the vehicle;
               (2)  pay a motor vehicle registration fee; or
               (3)  pay an occupation tax or license fee in connection
  with a motor vehicle.
         SECTION 3.  (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this
  section, this Act takes effect January 1, 2012.
         (b)  A motor vehicle fuel tax or a vehicle registration fee
  authorized by this Act may be imposed only if the constitutional
  amendment proposed by the 82nd Legislature, Regular Session, 2011,
  allowing the expenditure of motor vehicle fuel taxes and vehicle
  registration fees to construct, maintain, and operate passenger
  rail, transit, and freight rail is approved by the voters. If that
  amendment is not approved by the voters, a motor vehicle fuel tax
  and a vehicle registration fee authorized by this Act may not be