82R22002 TJB-F
  By: Paxton H.B. No. 3140
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 3140:
  By:  Vo C.S.H.B. No. 3140
  relating to the authority of certain municipalities to create
  economic development programs and provide loans or grants for those
  programs; providing authority to issue bonds.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 1509, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter F to read as follows:
         Sec. 1509.251.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This
  subchapter applies only to a municipality located in a county with a
  population of 750,000 or more that is adjacent to a county that
  borders Oklahoma.
         Sec. 1509.252.  PUBLIC PURPOSE. This subchapter provides
  for the creation of one or more programs authorized under Section
  52-a, Article III, Texas Constitution, including the following
  public purposes:
               (1)  the development and diversification of the economy
  of this state;
               (2)  the elimination of unemployment or
  underemployment in this state; and
               (3)  the development or expansion of commerce in this
  GRANTS. (a)  A municipality may establish and provide for the
  administration of one or more programs for loans and grants of
  money, including the proceeds of revenue bonds authorized under
  this subchapter, to a private entity for use in the promotion of new
  manufacturing, industrial, retail, commercial, multifamily
  residential, or other business activity or the expansion of that
  business activity, including a project for purposes of that
  promotion or expansion.
         (b)  To accomplish a purpose under Section 1509.252, a
  municipality may, under the terms and by the methods the
  municipality may determine:
               (1)  acquire land; and
               (2)  construct or acquire a building or other facility
  for the purpose of selling or leasing the land, building, or other
  facility to a private entity receiving a loan or grant under this
         Sec. 1509.254.  AUTHORITY TO ISSUE REVENUE BONDS. (a)  A
  municipality may issue and sell revenue bonds to finance an action
  under Section 1509.253 taken to accomplish a public purpose under
  Section 1509.252.
         (b)  Bonds issued under this subchapter are not general
  obligations of the municipality if no tax revenue or other general
  revenue of the municipality is pledged to the repayment of the
         Sec. 1509.255.  PROGRAM AGREEMENT REQUIRED. (a) A
  municipality may not loan or grant money under this subchapter to a
  private entity for a project or activity authorized under Section
  1509.253 unless the municipality enters into a program agreement
  with the entity.
         (b)  A program agreement under this section must include:
               (1)  the terms under which the municipality will loan
  or grant the money to the entity;
               (2)  a provision requiring that a revenue bond issued
  by the municipality under this subchapter:
                     (A)  is secured by the credit of the private
  entity, by funds, revenue, or assets pledged by one or more
  investors for the project, or by a combination of both;
                     (B)  is additionally secured by an encumbrance or
  mortgage on any real or personal property acquired, constructed, or
  improved with the proceeds of the revenue bond; and
                     (C)  is the obligation of the private entity and
  not of the municipality if no municipal revenue is pledged for
  repayment of the bonds;
               (3)  a description of and the amount of the capital
  investment that will be made by the entity in this state for the
  project or activity;
               (4)  a schedule of the number and types of jobs that
  will be created or retained as a result of the project or activity;
               (5)  a provision requiring repayment of the loan or
  grant or other penalty to be imposed on the entity if the entity
  does not meet the job creation or other requirements specified in
  the program agreement;
               (6)  the estimated increase in tax revenue from all
  sources to the municipality as a result of the project or activity,
  calculated by the municipality;
               (7)  the designated area where the project or activity
  will be located; and
               (8)  a provision prohibiting the entity from using a
  loan or grant for:
                     (A)  a project or activity involving a gambling,
  gaming, or adult entertainment enterprise or facility; or
                     (B)  an expenditure for which reporting is
  required under Chapter 305.
         (c)  A municipality may enter into not more than two program
         (d)  A municipality may not enter into a program agreement
  with an entity after December 31, 2015.
         (e)  A program agreement is subject to Chapter 552.
         Sec. 1509.256.  REVENUE BOND PAYMENTS. (a)  Revenue bonds
  issued by a municipality under this subchapter may be payable from
  and secured by pledging:
               (1)  all or part of revenue received by the
  municipality from a loan made as provided by Section 1509.253;
               (2)  a portion of revenue collected by the municipality
  under Section 321.101(a), Tax Code, not to exceed the lesser of:
                     (A)  one percent of the revenue collected by the
  municipality; or
                     (B)  one-half of the revenue collected by the
  municipality from the area designated in the applicable program
               (3)  all or part of revenue authorized for the payment
  of bonds under Section 351.102(a), Tax Code;
               (4)  all or part of revenue from the sale or lease of
  all or part of the land, building, or other facility financed by the
  bonds; or
               (5)  any combination of the revenue described by
  Subdivisions (1)-(4).
         (b)  A municipality may provide that the revenue pledged to
  the bonds issued by the municipality is limited to the revenue
  collected from a designated area within the municipality or from a
  designated facility.
         Sec. 1509.257.  ADDITIONAL SECURITY. (a)  Bonds issued
  under this subchapter must be additionally secured by an
  encumbrance or mortgage on any real or personal property acquired,
  constructed, or improved with proceeds of bonds or the proceeds of a
  loan or grant made from proceeds of bonds.
         (b)  Bonds issued by a municipality under this subchapter may
  be additionally secured by a pledge of any portion of a grant, a
  donation, or revenue, or income received or to be received from the
  United States or any other public or private source, other than the
  municipality itself.
  AUTHORIZING BONDS.  In an ordinance, order, or resolution
  authorizing the issuance of bonds under this subchapter, the
  governing body of a municipality may:
               (1)  provide for the deposit and accounting of money;
               (2)  provide for the establishment and maintenance of
  an interest and sinking fund, a reserve fund, or other funds
  relating to the bonds or a project funded with bond proceeds; and
               (3)  make additional covenants relating to the bonds,
  the pledged revenue, or the operation and maintenance of any land,
  building, or other facility the revenue of which is pledged for bond
         Sec. 1509.259. USE OF BOND PROCEEDS. Proceeds of bonds
  issued under this subchapter may be used to:
               (1)  pay interest on the bonds while the project or
  facility is being acquired, constructed, or improved and for the
  year after it is acquired, constructed, or improved;
               (2)  finance other funds relating to the bonds,
  including debt service reserve and contingency; and
               (3)  pay the cost or expense of the issuance of the
         Sec. 1509.260.  MATURITY. Bonds issued under this
  subchapter must mature not later than 40 years after the date the
  bonds are issued.
         Sec. 1509.261.  APPLICATION OF OTHER LAW. The provisions of
  Chapter 252, Local Government Code, regarding notice, competitive
  bids, and the right to referendum do not apply to a municipality
  issuing bonds under this subchapter.
  To the extent of a conflict or inconsistency between this
  subchapter and another law, this subchapter controls.
  INVALID PROCEDURES.  (a)  This subchapter may not be construed or
  interpreted to violate either the constitution of this state or of
  the United States, and this subchapter does not authorize an act
  that violates those constitutions.
         (b)  If a court finds that any provision of this subchapter
  violates the constitution of this state or of the United States:
               (1)  a municipality may establish an alternative
  procedure that conforms with the constitution; and
               (2)  the validity of any other provision of this
  subchapter is not affected.
         SECTION 2.  Section 321.506, Tax Code, is amended to read as
         Sec. 321.506.  USE OF TAX REVENUE BY MUNICIPALITY. Except as
  provided by Sections [Section] 321.507 and 321.5071, the money
  received by a municipality under this chapter is for the use and
  benefit of the municipality and may be used for any purpose for
  which the general funds of the municipality may be used, except that
  a municipality may not pledge the revenue received under this
  chapter to the payment of bonds or other indebtedness.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter F, Chapter 321, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 321.5071 to read as follows:
  which Subchapter F, Chapter 1509, Government Code, applies may use
  money received by the municipality under this chapter to provide
  for the payment, in the manner provided by that subchapter, of the
  principal of or interest on bonds issued by the municipality as
  authorized by that subchapter.
         SECTION 4.  Section 351.102, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subsection (d) to read as follows:
         (d)  A municipality to which Subchapter F, Chapter 1509,
  Government Code, applies may use money received by the municipality
  under this chapter to provide for the payment, in the manner
  provided by that subchapter, of the principal of or interest on
  bonds issued by the municipality as authorized by that subchapter.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2011.