82R20883 AJA-F
  By: Deshotel H.B. No. 3347
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 3347:
  By:  Quintanilla C.S.H.B. No. 3347
  relating to the operation of property owners' associations.
         SECTION 1.  Section 82.003(a)(11), Property Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
               (11)  "Declaration" means an [a recorded] instrument,
  however denominated, that creates a condominium, and any [recorded]
  amendment to that instrument.
         SECTION 2.  Section 82.102, Property Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (f) to read as
         (a)  Unless otherwise provided by the declaration, the
  association, acting through its board, may:
               (1)  adopt and amend bylaws;
               (2)  adopt and amend budgets for revenues,
  expenditures, and reserves, and collect assessments for common
  expenses from unit owners;
               (3)  hire and terminate managing agents and other
  employees, agents, and independent contractors;
               (4)  institute, defend, intervene in, settle, or
  compromise litigation or administrative proceedings in its own name
  on behalf of itself or two or more unit owners on matters affecting
  the condominium;
               (5)  make contracts and incur liabilities relating to
  the operation of the condominium;
               (6)  regulate the use, maintenance, repair,
  replacement, modification, and appearance of the condominium;
               (7)  adopt and amend rules regulating the use,
  occupancy, leasing or sale, maintenance, repair, modification, and
  appearance of units and common elements, to the extent the
  regulated actions affect common elements or other units;
               (8)  cause additional improvements to be made as a part
  of the common elements;
               (9)  acquire, hold, encumber, and convey in its own
  name any right, title, or interest to real or personal property,
  except common elements of the condominium;
               (10)  grant easements, leases, licenses, and
  concessions through or over the common elements;
               (11)  impose and receive payments, fees, or charges for
  the use, rental, or operation of the common elements and for
  services provided to unit owners;
               (12)  impose interest and late charges for late
  payments of assessments, returned check charges, and, if notice and
  an opportunity to be heard are given, reasonable fines for
  violations of the declaration, bylaws, and rules of the
               (13)  adopt and amend rules regulating the collection
  of delinquent assessments and the application of payments;
               (14)  adopt and amend rules regulating the termination
  of utility service to a unit, the owner of which is delinquent in
  the payment of an assessment that is used, in whole or in part, to
  pay the cost of that utility;
               (15)  impose reasonable charges for preparing,
  recording, or copying declaration amendments, resale certificates,
  or statements of unpaid assessments;
               (16)  enter a unit for bona fide emergency purposes
  when conditions present an imminent risk of harm or damage to the
  common elements, another unit, or the occupants;
               (17)  [assign its right to future income, including the
  right to receive common expense assessments, but only to the extent
  the declaration so provides;
               [(18)]  suspend the voting privileges of or the use of
  certain general common elements by an owner delinquent for more
  than 30 days in the payment of assessments;
               (18) [(19)]  purchase insurance and fidelity bonds it
  considers appropriate or necessary;
               (19) [(20)]  exercise any other powers conferred by the
  declaration or bylaws;
               (20) [(21)]  exercise any other powers that may be
  exercised in this state by a corporation of the same type as the
  association; and
               (21) [(22)]  exercise any other powers necessary and
  proper for the government and operation of the association.
         (f)  The association by resolution of the board of directors
  may borrow money unless prohibited by the declaration, certificate
  of formation, bylaws, or rules. If the board of directors approves
  a resolution under this subsection, the association may assign the
  association's right to future income, including the right to
  receive common expense assessments and assign the association's
  lien rights, as collateral for the loan authorized by the
  resolution. The association shall comply with any member approval
  requirement in the association's declaration, certificate of
  formation, bylaws, or rules for borrowing money, except that not
  more than 67 percent of all outstanding votes are required to
  approve an authorization to borrow money.
         SECTION 3.  Sections 82.111(c) and (i), Property Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (c)  If the insurance described by Subsections (a) and (b) is
  not reasonably available, the association shall cause notice of
  that fact to be delivered or mailed to all unit owners and
  lienholders. The declaration may require the association to carry
  any other insurance, and the association in any event may carry any
  other insurance the board considers appropriate to protect the
  condominium, the association, or the unit owners. Insurance
  policies carried under Subsections (a) and (b) may provide for
  deductibles as the board considers appropriate or necessary. This
  section does not affect the right of a holder of a mortgage on a unit
  to require a unit owner to acquire insurance in addition to that
  provided by the association.
         (i)  Any portion of the condominium for which insurance is
  required that is damaged or destroyed shall be promptly repaired or
  replaced by the association unless the condominium is terminated,
  repair or replacement would be illegal under any state or local
  health or safety statute or ordinance, or at least 80 percent of the
  unit owners, including each owner of a unit or assigned limited
  common element that will not be rebuilt or repaired, vote to not
  rebuild. A vote to not rebuild does not increase an insurer's
  liability to loss payment obligation under a policy, and the vote
  does not cause a presumption of total loss. Costs of repair or
  replacement incurred before any insurance proceeds are available
  that are within the association's deductible, or that are in excess
  of the insurance proceeds and reserves, shall be paid as determined
  by resolution of the board of directors of the association, or, if
  the board does not approve a resolution, the costs are a common
  expense. A resolution regarding payment of costs under this
  subsection is considered a dedicatory instrument and must be
  recorded in accordance with Section 202.006. [The cost of repair or
  replacement in excess of the insurance proceeds and reserves is a
  common expense.]  If the entire condominium is not repaired or
  replaced, any insurance proceeds attributable to the damaged common
  elements shall be used to restore the damaged area to a condition
  compatible with the remainder of the condominium, the insurance
  proceeds attributable to units and limited common elements that are
  not rebuilt shall be distributed to the owners of those units and
  the owners of the units to which those limited common elements were
  assigned, or to their mortgagees, as their interests may appear,
  and the remainder of the proceeds shall be distributed to all the
  unit owners as their interests may appear. If the unit owners vote
  to not rebuild any unit, that unit's allocated interests shall be
  automatically reallocated on the vote as if the unit had been
  condemned, and the association shall prepare, execute, and record
  an amendment to the declaration reflecting the reallocation.
  Section 82.068 governs the distribution of insurance proceeds if
  the condominium is terminated.
         SECTION 4.  Section 82.113(g), Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (g)  The owner of a unit [used for residential purposes and]
  purchased [by an association] at a foreclosure sale of the
  association's lien for assessments may redeem the unit not later
  than the 90th day after the date of the foreclosure sale. If the
  association is the purchaser [To redeem the unit], the owner must
  pay to the association to redeem the unit all amounts due the
  association at the time of the foreclosure sale, interest from the
  date of foreclosure sale to the date of redemption at the rate
  provided by the declaration for delinquent assessments, reasonable
  attorney's fees, and all costs incurred by the association in
  foreclosing the lien and in connection with the redemption process,
  any assessment levied against the unit by the association after the
  foreclosure sale, and any reasonable cost incurred by the
  association as owner of the unit, including costs of maintenance, 
  [and] leasing, mortgage payments, taxes, and insurance. If a party
  other than the association is the purchaser of the unit at the
  foreclosure sale, the redeeming owner must pay to the purchaser an
  amount equal to the amount bid at the sale, interest on the bid
  amount computed from the date of the foreclosure sale to the date of
  redemption at the rate of six percent, any assessment paid by the
  purchaser after the date of foreclosure, and any reasonable costs
  incurred by the purchaser as the owner of the unit, including costs
  of maintenance, leasing, mortgage payments, taxes, and insurance.
  The redeeming owner must also pay to the association all
  assessments that are due as of the date of the redemption and
  reasonable attorney's fees and all costs incurred by the
  association in foreclosing the lien. On redemption, the purchaser
  of the unit at the foreclosure sale [association] shall execute a
  deed with special warranty to the redeeming unit owner. The
  exercise of the right of redemption is not effective against a
  subsequent purchaser or lender for value without notice of the
  redemption after the redemption period expires unless the redeeming
  unit owner records the deed from the purchaser of the unit at the
  foreclosure sale [association] or an affidavit stating that the
  owner has exercised the right of redemption. A unit that has been
  redeemed remains subject to all liens and encumbrances on the unit
  before foreclosure. All rents and other income collected from the
  unit by the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale
  [association] from the date of foreclosure sale to the date of
  redemption belong to the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure
  sale [association], but the rents and income shall be credited
  against the redemption amount. The purchaser of [An association
  purchasing] a unit at a sale foreclosing an association's
  assessment [its] lien may not transfer ownership of the unit during
  the redemption period to a person other than a redeeming owner.
         SECTION 5.  Section 202.004, Property Code, is amended by
  adding Subsections (d) and (e) to read as follows:
         (d)  In evaluating an alleged or potential violation of a
  restrictive covenant, a property owners' association board or
  another person with a right or duty to enforce a dedicatory
  instrument may, notwithstanding any provision in a dedicatory
  instrument, elect to not enforce the restrictive covenant if the
  board or other person, in the board's or other person's reasonable
  judgment, determines:
               (1)  the association's or other person's position is
  not sufficiently strong to justify taking any action or further
               (2)  the provision alleged to have been violated may be
  inconsistent with applicable law;
               (3)  the alleged violation is not of such a material or
  visible nature as to be objectionable to a reasonable person or to
  justify expending the property owners' association's or other
  person's resources;
               (4)  enforcement of the provision is not in the
  association's or other person's best interests, based on hardship,
  expense, or other reasonable criteria; or
               (5)  the facts of the particular circumstances, such as
  topography of the owner's land or unforeseen circumstances unique
  to the particular owner, justify the election to not enforce the
  restrictive covenant.
         (e)  An election to not enforce a restrictive covenant under
  Subsection (d) may not be considered a waiver of authority to
  enforce any dedicatory instrument provision in the future.
         SECTION 6.  Section 207.003, Property Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), and (f) and adding Subsection
  (a-1) to read as follows:
         (a)  Not later than the 10th business day after the date a
  written request for subdivision information is received from an
  owner or an[,] owner's agent, a purchaser of property in a
  subdivision or the purchaser's agent, or a title insurance company
  or its agent acting on behalf of the owner or purchaser, the
  property owners' association shall deliver to the owner or the[,]
  owner's agent, the purchaser or the purchaser's agent, or the title
  insurance company or its agent:
               (1)  a current copy of the restrictions applying to the
               (2)  a current copy of the bylaws and rules of the
  property owners' association; and
               (3)  a resale certificate that complies with Subsection
         (a-1)  For a request from a purchaser of property in a
  subdivision or the purchaser's agent, the property owners'
  association may require the purchaser or purchaser's agent to
  provide to the association, before the association delivers the
  items listed in Subsection (a), reasonable evidence that the
  purchaser has a contractual or other right to acquire property in
  the subdivision.
         (b)  A resale certificate under Subsection (a) must:
               (1)  be in writing;
               (2)  be issued, signed, and dated by an officer or
  authorized agent of the property owners' association; and
               (3)  contain:
                     (A) [(1)]  a statement of any right of first
  refusal, other than a right of first refusal that is prohibited by
  statute, and any [or] other restraint contained in the restrictions
  or restrictive covenants that restricts the owner's right to
  transfer the owner's property;
                     (B) [(2)]  the frequency and amount of any regular
                     (C) [(3)]  the amount of any special assessment
  that has been approved as of [is due after] the date the resale
  certificate is prepared;
                     (D) [(4)]  the total of all amounts due and unpaid
  to the property owners' association that are attributable to the
  owner's property;
                     (E) [(5)]  capital expenditures, if any, approved
  by the property owners' association for the property owners'
  association's current fiscal year;
                     (F) [(6)]  the amount of reserves, if any, for
  capital expenditures;
                     (G) [(7)]  the property owners' association's
  current operating budget and balance sheet;
                     (H) [(8)]  the total of any unsatisfied judgments
  against the property owners' association;
                     (I) [(9)]  the style and cause number of any
  pending lawsuit in which the property owners' association is a
  defendant, other than a lawsuit relating to unpaid property taxes
  of an individual member of the association;
                     (J) [(10)]  a copy of a certificate of insurance
  showing the property owners' association's property and liability
  insurance relating to the common areas and common facilities;
                     (K) [(11)]  a description of any conditions on the
  owner's property that the property owners' association board has
  actual knowledge are in violation of the restrictions applying to
  the subdivision or the bylaws or rules of the property owners'
                     (L) [(12)]  a summary or copy of notices received
  by the property owners' association from any governmental authority
  regarding health or housing code violations existing on the
  preparation date of the certificate relating to the owner's
  property or any common areas or common facilities owned or leased by
  the property owners' association;
                     (M) [(13)]  the amount of any administrative
  transfer fee charged by the property owners' association for a
  change of ownership of property in the subdivision;
                     (N) [(14)]  the name, mailing address, and
  telephone number of the property owners' association's managing
  agent, if any; [and]
                     (O) [(15)]  a statement indicating whether the
  restrictions allow foreclosure of a property owners' association's
  lien on the owner's property for failure to pay assessments; and
                     (P)  a statement of all fees associated with the
  transfer of ownership, including a description of each fee, to whom
  each fee is paid, and the amount of each fee.
         (c)  A property owners' association may charge a reasonable
  fee to assemble, copy, and deliver the information required by this
  section and may charge a reasonable fee to prepare and deliver an
  update of a resale certificate under Subsection (f). The person
  requesting a resale certificate or an update of a resale
  certificate is responsible for the payment of any fee charged for
  the resale certificate or the update of the certificate.
         (f)  Not later than the seventh business day after the date a
  written request for an update of [to] a resale certificate
  delivered under Subsection (a) is received from a person entitled
  to request a resale certificate under Subsection (a) [an owner,
  owner's agent, or title insurance company or its agent acting on
  behalf of the owner], the property owners' association shall
  deliver to the requestor [owner, owner's agent, or title insurance
  company or its agent] an updated resale certificate that contains
  the following information:
               (1)  if a right of first refusal or other restraint on
  sale is contained in the restrictions, a statement of whether the
  property owners' association waives the restraint on sale;
               (2)  the status of any unpaid special assessments,
  dues, or other payments attributable to the owner's property; and
               (3)  any changes to the information provided in the
  resale certificate issued under Subsection (a).
         SECTION 7.  Section 209.002, Property Code, is amended by
  amending Subdivisions (3), (5), and (9) and adding Subdivision
  (3-a) to read as follows:
               (3)  "Declarant" means:
                     (A)  any person or group of persons acting in
  concert that:
                           (i)  as part of a common promotional plan,
  offers to dispose of the person's or group's interest in a
  subdivision; and
                           (ii)  files a declaration; and
                     (B)  one or more successors to a person or group
  described by Paragraph (A) to whom the person's or group's rights as
  a declarant under the declaration are transferred by a written
  instrument evidencing the transfer that is recorded in the real
  property records of each county in which the declaration is
               (3-a)  "Declaration" means an instrument filed in the
  real property records of a county that creates the original
  [includes] restrictive covenants for a [governing a residential]
  subdivision, as amended or supplemented.
               (5)  "Lot" means any designated parcel of land [located
  in a residential subdivision], including any improvements on the
  designated parcel.
               (9)  "Residential subdivision" or "subdivision" means
  a subdivision, planned unit development, townhouse regime, or
  similar planned development in which all land has been divided into
  two or more lots [parts] and is subject to restrictions that:
                     (A)  limit a majority of the land subject to the
  dedicatory instruments, excluding streets, common areas, and
  public areas, to residential use for single-family homes,
  townhomes, or duplexes only;
                     (B)  are recorded in the real property records of
  the county in which the residential subdivision is located; and
                     (C)  require membership in a property owners'
  association that has authority to impose regular or special
  assessments on the property in the subdivision.
         SECTION 8.  Section 209.003, Property Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (e) to read as
         (d)  This chapter does not apply to a condominium development
  governed wholly or partly by Chapter 82.
         (e)  The following provisions of this chapter do not apply to
  a property owners' association that is a mixed use master
  association that existed before January 1, 1974, and that does not
  have the authority under a dedicatory instrument or other governing
  document to impose fines:
               (1)  Section 209.005;
               (2)  Section 209.0051;
               (3)  Section 209.006; and
               (4)  Section 209.0062.
         SECTION 9.  Chapter 209, Property Code, is amended by adding
  Section 209.0041 to read as follows:
         Sec. 209.0041.  AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION. (a)  This section
  applies only to a residential subdivision, or a mixed-use
  subdivision that contains residential units, in which property
  owners are subject to mandatory regular or special assessments.
         (b)  This section applies to a declaration regardless of the
  date on which the declaration was created.
         (c)  This section does not apply to the amendment of a
  declaration during a development period.  For purposes of this
  subsection, "development period" means a period stated in a
  declaration during which a declarant reserves:
               (1)  a right to facilitate the development,
  construction, and marketing of the subdivision; and
               (2)  a right to direct the size, shape, and composition
  of the subdivision.
         (d)  Subject to Section 209.013, the declaration and any
  subsequently enacted declarations may be amended at any time on a
  vote of at least 67 percent of the total votes entitled to be cast
  with respect to the declaration amendment. If the declaration
  provides a lower percentage, the percentage in the declaration
  controls. During the development period, amendments to the
  declaration require the joinder of the developer.
         (e)  This section does not preclude amendment of a
  declaration under other statutory authority.
         SECTION 10.  Section 209.005, Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 209.005.  ASSOCIATION RECORDS. (a)  Except as provided
  by Subsection (b) or Section 209.003, this section applies to all
  property owners' associations and controls over other law not
  specifically applicable to a property owners' association.
         (b)  This section does not apply to a property owners'
  association that is subject to Chapter 552, Government Code, by
  application of Section 552.0036, Government Code.
         (c)  Notwithstanding a provision in a dedicatory instrument,
  a [A] property owners' association shall make the books and records
  of the association, including financial records, open to and
  reasonably available for examination by [to] an owner, a person
  designated in a writing signed by the owner as the owner's agent, or
  an owner's attorney or certified public accountant, in accordance
  with this section. An owner is entitled to obtain from the
  association copies of information contained in the books and
  records [Section B, Article 2.23, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
  (Article 1396-2.23, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)].
         (d)  Except as provided by this subsection, an [(a-1)     A
  property owners' association described by Section 552.0036(2),
  Government Code, shall make the books and records of the
  association, including financial records, reasonably available to
  any person requesting access to the books or records in accordance
  with Chapter 552, Government Code.   Subsection (a) does not apply to
  a property owners' association to which this subsection applies.
         [(b)  An] attorney's files and records relating to the
  association, excluding invoices requested by an owner under Section
  209.008(d), are not[:
               [(1)]  records of the association and are not[;
               [(2)]  subject to inspection by the owner[;] or
               [(3)  subject to] production in a legal proceeding.  If
  a document in an attorney's files and records relating to the
  association would be responsive to a legally authorized request to
  inspect or copy association documents, the document shall be
  produced by using the copy from the attorney's files and records if
  the association has not maintained a separate copy of the document.
  This subsection does not require production of a document that
  constitutes attorney work product or that is privileged as an
  attorney-client communication.
         (e)  An owner or the owner's authorized representative
  described by Subsection (c) must submit a written request for
  access or information under Subsection (c) by certified mail, with
  sufficient detail describing the association's books and records
  requested, to the mailing address of the association or authorized
  representative as reflected on the most current management
  certificate filed under Section 209.004.  The request must contain
  an election either to inspect the books and records before
  obtaining copies or to have the property owners' association
  forward copies of the requested books and records and:
               (1)  if an inspection is requested, the association, on
  or before the 10th business day after the date the association
  receives the request, shall send written notice of dates during
  normal business hours that the owner may inspect the requested
  books and records to the extent those books and records are in the
  possession, custody, or control of the association; or
               (2)  if copies of identified books and records are
  requested, the association shall, to the extent those books and
  records are in the possession, custody, or control of the
  association, produce the requested books and records for the
  requesting party on or before the 10th business day after the date
  the association receives the request, except as otherwise provided
  by this section.
         (f)  If the property owners' association is unable to produce
  the books or records requested under Subsection (e) on or before the
  10th business day after the date the association receives the
  request, the association must provide to the requestor written
  notice that:
               (1)  informs the requestor that the association is
  unable to produce the information on or before the 10th business day
  after the date the association received the request; and
               (2)  states a date by which the information will be sent
  or made available for inspection to the requesting party that is not
  later than the 15th business day after the date notice under this
  subsection is given.
         (g)  If an inspection is requested or required, the
  inspection shall take place at a mutually agreed on time during
  normal business hours, and the requesting party shall identify the
  books and records for the association to copy and forward to the
  requesting party.
         (h)  A property owners' association may produce books and
  records requested under this section in hard copy, electronic, or
  other format reasonably available to the association.
         (i)  A property owners' association board must adopt a
  records production and copying policy that prescribes the costs the
  association will charge for the compilation, production, and
  reproduction of information requested under this section. The
  prescribed charges may include all reasonable costs of materials,
  labor, and overhead, but may not exceed the costs that would be
  applicable for an item under 70 T.A.C. Section 70.3.  Labor costs
  and overhead costs related to inspection of documents may not
  exceed 1-1/2 times the applicable amount prescribed by 70 T.A.C.
  Section 70.3. The policy required by this subsection must be
  recorded as a dedicatory instrument in accordance with Section
  202.006. An association may not charge an owner for the
  compilation, production, or reproduction of information requested
  under this section unless the policy prescribing those costs has
  been recorded as required by this subsection. An owner is
  responsible for costs related to the compilation, production, and
  reproduction of the requested information in the amounts prescribed
  by the policy adopted under this subsection. The association may
  require advance payment of the estimated costs of compilation,
  production, and reproduction of the requested information. If the
  estimated costs are lesser or greater than the actual costs, the
  association shall submit a final invoice to the owner on or before
  the 30th business day after the date the information is delivered to
  the requestor. If the final invoice includes additional amounts
  due from the owner, the additional amounts, if not reimbursed to the
  association before the 30th business day after the date the invoice
  is sent to the owner, may be added to the owner's account as an
  assessment. If the estimated costs exceeded the final invoice
  amount, the owner is entitled to a refund, and the refund shall be
  issued to the owner not later than the 30th business day after the
  date the invoice is sent to the owner.
         (j)  A property owners' association must estimate costs
  under this section using amounts prescribed by the policy adopted
  under Subsection (i).
         (k)  Except as provided by Subsection (l) and to the extent
  the information is provided in meeting minutes, the association is
  not required to release or allow inspection of any books or records
  that identify the dedicatory instrument violation history of an
  individual owner of an association, an owner's personal financial
  information, including records of payment or nonpayment of amounts
  due the association, an owner's contact information, other than the
  owner's address, or information related to an employee of the
  association, including personnel files. Information may be
  released in an aggregate or summary manner that would not identify
  an individual property owner.
         (l)  The books and records described by Subsection (k) shall
  be released or made available for inspection if:
               (1)  the express written approval of the owner whose
  records are the subject of the request for inspection is provided to
  the association; or
               (2)  a court orders the release of the books and records
  or orders that the books and records be made available for
         (m)  A property owners' association composed of more than 14
  lots shall adopt and comply with a document retention policy that
  includes, at a minimum, the following requirements:
               (1)  certificates of formation, bylaws, restrictive
  covenants, and all amendments to the certificates of formation,
  bylaws, and covenants shall be retained permanently;
               (2)  financial books and records shall be retained for
  seven years;
               (3)  account records of current owners shall be
  retained for five years;
               (4)  contracts with a term of one year or more shall be
  retained for four years after the expiration of the contract term;
               (5)  minutes of meetings of the owners and the board
  shall be retained for seven years; and
               (6)  tax returns and audit records shall be retained
  for seven years.
         (n)  A member of a property owners' association who is denied
  access to or copies of association books or records to which the
  member is entitled under this section may file a petition with the
  justice of the peace of a justice precinct in which all or part of
  the property that is governed by the association is located
  requesting relief in accordance with this subsection.  If the
  justice of the peace finds that the member is entitled to access to
  or copies of the records, the justice of the peace may grant one or
  more of the following remedies:
               (1)  a judgment ordering the property owners'
  association to release or allow access to the books or records;
               (2)  a judgment against the property owners'
  association for court costs and attorney's fees incurred in
  connection with seeking a remedy under this section; or
               (3)  a judgment authorizing the owner or the owner's
  assignee to deduct the amounts awarded under Subdivision (2) from
  any future regular or special assessments payable to the property
  owners' association.
         (o)  If the property owners' association prevails in an
  action under Subsection (n), the association is entitled to a
  judgment for court costs and attorney's fees incurred by the
  association in connection with the action.
         (p)  On or before the 10th business day before the date a
  person brings an action against a property owners' association
  under this section, the person must send written notice to the
  association of the person's intent to bring the action. The notice
               (1)  be sent certified mail, return receipt requested,
  or delivered by the United States Postal Service with signature
  confirmation service; and
               (2)  describe with sufficient detail the books and
  records being requested.
         (q)  For the purposes of this section, "business day" means a
  day other than Saturday, Sunday, or a state or federal holiday.
         SECTION 11.  Chapter 209, Property Code, is amended by
  adding Sections 209.0051, 209.0056, 209.00593, and 209.00594 to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 209.0051.  OPEN BOARD MEETINGS.  (a)  This section does
  not apply to a property owners' association that is subject to
  Chapter 551, Government Code, by application of Section 551.0015,
  Government Code.
         (b)  In this section, "board meeting" means a deliberation
  between a quorum of the voting board of the property owners' 
  association, or between a quorum of the voting board and another
  person, during which property owners' association business is
  considered and the board takes formal action. The term does not
  include the gathering of a quorum of the board at a social function
  unrelated to the business of the association or the attendance by a
  quorum of the board at a regional, state, or national convention,
  ceremonial event, or press conference, if formal action is not
  taken and any discussion of association business is incidental to
  the social function, convention, ceremonial event, or press
         (c)  Regular and special board meetings must be open to
  owners, subject to the right of the board to adjourn a board meeting
  and reconvene in closed executive session to consider actions
  involving personnel, pending or threatened litigation, contract
  negotiations, enforcement actions, confidential communications
  with the association's attorney, matters involving the invasion of
  privacy of individual owners, or matters that are to remain
  confidential by request of the affected parties and agreement of
  the board.  Following an executive session, any decision made in the
  executive session must be summarized orally and placed in the
  minutes, in general terms, without breaching the privacy of
  individual owners, violating any privilege, or disclosing
  information that was to remain confidential at the request of the
  affected parties. The oral summary must include a general
  explanation of expenditures approved in executive session.
         (c-1)  Except for a meeting held by electronic or telephonic
  means under Subsection (h), a board meeting must be held in a county
  in which all or part of the property in the subdivision is located
  or in a county adjacent to that county.
         (d)  The board shall keep a record of each regular or special
  board meeting in the form of written minutes of the meeting. The
  board shall make meeting records, including approved minutes,
  available to a member for inspection and copying on the member's
  written request to the property owners' association's managing
  agent at the address appearing on the most recently filed
  management certificate or, if there is not a managing agent, to the
         (e)  Members shall be given notice of the date, hour, place,
  and general subject of a regular or special board meeting,
  including a general description of any matter to be brought up for
  deliberation in executive session.  The notice shall be:
               (1)  mailed to each property owner not later than the
  10th day or earlier than the 60th day before the date of the
  meeting; or
               (2)  provided at least 72 hours before the start of the
  meeting by:
                     (A)  posting the notice in a conspicuous manner
  reasonably designed to provide notice to association members:
                           (i)  in a place located on the association's
  common property or, with the property owner's consent, on other
  conspicuously located privately owned property within the
  subdivision; or
                           (ii)  on any Internet website maintained by
  the association or other Internet media; and
                     (B)  sending the notice by e-mail to each owner
  who has registered an e-mail address with the association.
         (f)  It is an owner's duty to keep an updated e-mail address
  registered with the property owners' association under Subsection
         (g)  If the board recesses a regular or special board meeting
  to continue the following regular business day, the board is not
  required to post notice of the continued meeting if the recess is
  taken in good faith and not to circumvent this section. If a
  regular or special board meeting is continued to the following
  regular business day, and on that following day the board continues
  the meeting to another day, the board shall give notice of the
  continuation in at least one manner prescribed by Subsection
  (e)(2)(A) within two hours after adjourning the meeting being
         (h)  A board may meet by any method of communication,
  including electronic and telephonic, without prior notice to owners
  under Subsection (e), if each director may hear and be heard by
  every other director, or the board may take action by unanimous
  written consent to consider routine and administrative matters or a
  reasonably unforeseen emergency or urgent necessity that requires
  immediate board action. The board may not, without prior notice to
  owners under Subsection (e), consider or vote on fines, damage
  assessments, initiation of foreclosure actions, initiation of
  enforcement actions, excluding temporary restraining orders or
  violations involving a threat to health or safety, increases in
  assessments, levying of special assessments, appeals from a denial
  of architectural control approval, or a suspension of a right of a
  particular owner before the owner has an opportunity to attend a
  board meeting to present the owner's position, including any
  defense, on the issue.  Any action taken without notice to owners
  under Subsection (e) must be summarized orally, including an
  explanation of any known actual or estimated expenditures approved
  at the meeting, and documented in the minutes of the next regular or
  special board meeting.
         (i)  This section applies to a meeting of a property owners'
  association board during the development period, as defined by
  Section 209.0041, only if the meeting is conducted for the purpose
               (1)  adopting or amending the governing documents,
  including declarations, bylaws, rules, and regulations of the
               (2)  increasing the amount of regular assessments of
  the association or adopting or increasing a special assessment;
               (3)  electing non-developer board members of the
  association or establishing a process by which those members are
  elected; or
               (4)  changing the voting rights of members of the
         (j)  An action taken by a board at a meeting held in violation
  of this section is voidable.
         Sec. 209.0056.  BOARD REPRESENTATION. The declaration may
  provide for a period of declarant control of the association during
  which period a declarant, or persons designated by the declarant,
  may appoint and remove members of the board and the officers of the
  association. Regardless of the period of declarant control
  prescribed by the declaration, at least one-third of the board
  members must be elected by owners other than the declarant on or
  before the 120th day after the date on which 75 percent of the lots
  that may be created and made subject to the declaration are conveyed
  to owners other than a declarant.  If the declaration does not
  include the number of lots that may be created and made subject to
  the declaration, at least one-third of the members of the board must
  be elected by owners other than the declarant not later than the
  10th anniversary of the date the declaration was recorded.
         Sec. 209.00593.  VOTING; QUORUM.  (a)  The voting rights of
  an owner may be cast or given:
               (1)  in person or by proxy at a meeting of the property
  owners' association;
               (2)  by absentee ballot in accordance with this
               (3)  by any method of representative or delegated
  voting provided by a dedicatory instrument; or
               (4)  by electronic ballot in accordance with this
         (b)  Ballots, including any written or printed evidence of
  any vote cast or given as provided by Subsection (a), must be
  preserved until the period for requesting a recount under Section
  209.00594 has expired.
         (c)  An absentee or electronic ballot:
               (1)  may be counted as an owner present and voting for
  the purpose of establishing a quorum only for items appearing on the
               (2)  may be withdrawn by an owner if the owner attends a
  meeting at which votes on the ballot items are cast; and
               (3)  may not be counted, except for quorum purposes, on
  the final vote of a proposal if the motion was amended at the
  meeting to be different from the exact language on the absentee or
  electronic ballot.
         (d)  A solicitation for votes by absentee or electronic
  ballot must include:
               (1)  an absentee or electronic ballot that contains
  each proposed action and provides an opportunity to vote for or
  against each proposed action;
               (2)  instructions for delivery of the completed
  absentee or electronic ballot, including the delivery location; and
               (3)  the following language: "By casting your vote via
  absentee or electronic ballot you will forgo the opportunity to
  consider and vote on any action from the floor on these proposals,
  if a meeting is held. This means that if there are amendments to
  these proposals your votes will not be counted on the final vote on
  these measures. If you desire to retain this ability, please attend
  any meeting in person.  You may submit an absentee or electronic
  ballot and later choose to attend any meeting in person, in which
  case any in-person vote will prevail."
         (e)  For the purposes of this section, "electronic ballot"
  means a ballot:
               (1)  conveyed in an electronic manner and format
  prescribed by the property owners' association board;
               (2)  for which the identity of the property owner
  submitting the ballot can be reasonably established; and
               (3)  for which the property owner may receive a receipt
  of the electronic transmission and receipt of the owner's ballot.
         (f)  If an electronic ballot is posted on an Internet
  website, a notice shall be provided to each owner that contains
  instructions on obtaining access to the posting on the website.
         (g)  The property owners' association board has the sole
  authority to prescribe or cause to be prescribed all proxy and
  ballot forms.
         (h)  This section supersedes any contrary provision in a
  dedicatory instrument.
         (i)  Except as provided by Subsection (j) or Section 209.003,
  this section applies to all property owners' associations and
  controls over any other law not specifically applicable to a
  property owners' association.
         (j)  This section does not apply to a property owners' 
  association that is subject to Chapter 552, Government Code, by
  application of Section 552.0036, Government Code.
         Sec. 209.00594.  RECOUNT OF VOTES. (a) This section does
  not apply to a property owners' association that is subject to
  Chapter 552, Government Code, by application of Section 552.0036,
  Government Code.
         (b)  Any owner may, not later than the 15th day after the date
  of the meeting at which the election was held, require a recount of
  the votes.  A demand for a recount must be submitted in writing
               (1)  by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by
  delivery by the United States Postal Service with signature
  confirmation service to the association's mailing address on the
  latest management certificate filed under Section 209.004; or
               (2)  in person to the association's managing agent as
  reflected on the latest management certificate filed under Section
  209.004 or to the address to which absentee and proxy ballots are
         (c)  The property owners' association shall, at the expense
  of the owner requesting the recount, retain for the purpose of
  performing the recount, the services of a person qualified to
  tabulate votes under this subsection.  The association shall enter
  into a contract for the services of a person who:
               (1)  is not a member of the association or related to a
  member of the association board within the third degree by
  consanguinity or affinity, as determined under Chapter 573,
  Government Code; and
               (2)  is:
                     (A)  a current or former:
                           (i)  county judge;
                           (ii)  county elections administrator;
                           (iii)  justice of the peace; or
                           (iv)  county voter registrar; or
                     (B)  a person agreed on by the association and the
  persons requesting the recount.
         (d)  Any recount under Subsection (b) must be performed on or
  before the 30th day after the date of receipt of a request and
  payment for a recount in accordance with Subsections (b) and (c).  
  If the recount changes the results of the election, the association
  shall reimburse the requesting owner for the cost of the recount.  
  The association shall provide the results of a recount to the owner
  requesting the recount.  Any action taken by the board in the period
  between the initial election vote tally and the completion of the
  recount is not affected by any recount.
         SECTION 12.  Section 209.006, Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  (a)  Before a property owners' association may suspend an owner's
  right to use a common area, file a suit against an owner to enforce a
  nonmonetary obligation [other than a suit to collect a regular or
  special assessment or foreclose under an association's lien],
  charge an owner for property damage, or levy a fine for a violation
  of the restrictions or bylaws or rules of the association, the
  association or its agent must give written notice to the owner by
  certified mail, return receipt requested.
         (b)  The notice required by Subsection (a) must:
               (1)  describe the violation or property damage that is
  the basis for the suspension action, charge, or fine and state any
  amount due the association from the owner; [and]
               (2)  except as provided by Subsection (d), inform the
  owner that the owner:
                     (A)  is entitled to a reasonable period to cure
  the violation and avoid the fine [or suspension unless the owner was
  given notice and a reasonable opportunity to cure a similar
  violation within the preceding six months]; and
                     (B)  may request a hearing under Section 209.007
  on or before the 30th day after the date notice was mailed to the
  owner; and
               (3)  specify the date by which the owner must cure the
  violation if the violation is of a curable nature and does not pose
  a threat to public health or safety [receives the notice].
         (c)  The date specified in the notice under Subsection (b)(3)
  must provide a reasonable period of at least 30 days for the owner
  to cure the violation if the violation is of a curable nature.  A
  shorter notice period is permitted in the case of a threat to public
  health or safety.
         (d)  Subsections (a) and (b) do not apply to:
               (1)  a violation for which the owner has been
  previously given notice under this section and the opportunity to
  exercise any rights available under this section in the preceding
  six months; or
               (2)  a violation that is not of a curable nature.
         (e)  If the property owner does not cure the violation in the
  time provided by Subsection (c) and does not request a hearing under
  Section 209.007 in the time provided by Subsection (b)(2)(B), the
  property owners' association may assess the fine and shall provide
  notice of the assessment to the owner.  If the violation is of a
  curable nature and the property owner cures the violation before
  the expiration period for cure specified under Subsection (c), any
  fine assessed for the violation is void.
         (f)  For purposes of this section, a violation is considered
  a threat to public health or safety if the violation could
  materially affect the physical health or safety of an ordinary
         (g)  Before a property owners' association may file a suit
  against an owner to collect a regular or special assessment or
  foreclose the association's lien on the owner's property, the
  association or the association's agent must send written notice to
  the owner by certified mail, return receipt requested, that:
               (1)  describes the amount that is due the association
  and that must be paid to avoid further collection actions; and
               (2)  specifies a date not earlier than the 30th day
  after the date the notice is sent by which the owner must cure the
  delinquency to avoid further collection actions.
         SECTION 13.  Chapter 209, Property Code, is amended by
  adding Sections 209.0061 and 209.0062 to read as follows:
         Sec. 209.0061.  ASSESSMENT OF FINES. A fine assessed by the
  property owners' association must be reasonable in the context of
  the nature and frequency of the violation and the effect of the
  violation on the subdivision as a whole. If the association allows
  fines for a continuing violation to accumulate against a lot or an
  owner, the association must establish a maximum fine amount for a
  continuing violation at which point the total fine amount is
  capped.  A fine may be collected in the same manner as assessments
  under the dedicatory instrument.
  ASSESSMENTS. (a)  This section applies only to a property owners' 
  association composed of more than 15 lots.
         (b)  A property owners' association shall adopt reasonable
  guidelines to establish an alternative payment schedule by which an
  owner may make partial payments to the property owners' association
  for delinquent regular or special assessments or any other amount
  owed to the association without accruing additional monetary
  penalties.  For purposes of this section, monetary penalties do not
  include reasonable costs associated with administering the payment
  plan or interest.
         (c)  A property owners' association is not required to offer
  a payment plan to an owner more than once each year.  The minimum
  term for a payment plan offered by a property owners' association is
  three months.  A property owners' association is not required to
  allow a payment plan for any amount that extends more than 12 months
  from the date of the owner's request for a payment plan or to enter
  into a payment plan with an owner who failed to honor the terms of a
  previous payment plan during the five years following the owner's
  default under the previous payment plan.
         SECTION 14.  Section 209.007(d), Property Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (d)  The notice and hearing provisions of Section 209.006 and
  this section do not apply if the association files a suit seeking a
  temporary restraining order or temporary injunctive relief or files
  a suit that includes foreclosure as a cause of action. The hearing
  provisions of Section 209.006 and this section do not apply if the
  association files a suit against an owner to collect a regular or
  special assessment or foreclose the association's lien on an
  owner's property. If a suit is filed relating to a matter to which
  Sections 209.006 and this section [those sections] apply, a party
  to the suit may file a motion to compel mediation. The notice and
  hearing provisions of Section 209.006 and this section do not apply
  to a temporary suspension of a person's right to use common areas if
  the temporary suspension is the result of a violation that occurred
  in a common area and involved a significant and immediate risk of
  harm to others in the subdivision. The temporary suspension is
  effective until the board makes a final determination on the
  suspension action after following the procedures prescribed by this
         SECTION 15.  Section 209.009, Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  CIRCUMSTANCES. A property owners' association may not foreclose a
  property owners' association's assessment lien if the debt securing
  the lien consists solely of:
               (1)  fines assessed by the association; [or]
               (2)  attorney's fees incurred by the association solely
  associated with fines assessed by the association; or
               (3)  amounts added to the owner's account as an
  assessment under Section 209.005(i).
         SECTION 16.  (a) Section 82.111(i), Property Code, as
  amended by this Act, applies only to payment of costs incurred and a
  resolution regarding payment of costs approved on or after the
  effective date of this Act. Payment of costs incurred or a
  resolution approved before the effective date of this Act is
  governed by the law in effect immediately before the effective date
  of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         (b)  Section 82.113(g), Property Code, as amended by this
  Act, applies only to a condominium unit sold at a foreclosure sale
  on or after the effective date of this Act. A unit sold at a
  foreclosure sale before the effective date of this Act is governed
  by the law in effect immediately before the effective date of this
  Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         (c)  Sections 207.003 and 209.005, Property Code, as amended
  by this Act, apply only to a request for information received by a
  property owners' association on or after the effective date of this
  Act. A request for information received by a property owners'
  association before the effective date of this Act is governed by the
  law in effect immediately before the effective date of this Act, and
  that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         (d)  Section 209.005(m), Property Code, as added by this Act,
  applies only with respect to books and records generated on or after
  the effective date of this Act. Books and records generated before
  the effective date of this Act are governed by the law in effect
  immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         (e)  Section 209.0056, Property Code, as added by this Act,
  applies only to a property owners' association created on or after
  January 1, 2012.
         (f)  Sections 209.006 and 209.007, Property Code, as amended
  by this Act, apply only to an enforcement action initiated by a
  property owners' association on or after the effective date of this
  Act. An enforcement action initiated before the effective date of
  this Act is governed by the law in effect immediately before the
  effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for
  that purpose.
         (g)  Sections 209.0061 and 209.0062, Property Code, as added
  by this Act, apply only to an assessment, fine, or other debt that
  becomes due on or after the effective date of this Act. An
  assessment, fine, or other debt that becomes due before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect
  immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 17.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2012.