By: Darby H.B. No. 3623
  relating to the environmental review of certain transportation
  projects by the Texas Department of Transportation.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter H, Chapter 201, Transportation Code,
  is amended by adding Section 201.6042 to read as follows:
  The commission by rule shall establish a process to certify
  environmental specialists, public involvement specialists,
  engineers, and attorneys to work on all documents related to state
  and federal environmental review processes. The certification
  process must:
               (1)  be available to:
                     (A)  department employees; and
                     (B)  private contractors and local government
  employees who routinely work with the department relating to state
  or federal environmental review processes; and
               (2)  require continuing education for recertification.
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 201, Transportation Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter P to read as follows:
         Sec. 201.1001.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Sponsor" means a political subdivision of the
  state, including a municipality or a county, a political
  subdivision of a county, a group of adjoining counties, a district
  organized or operating under Section 52, Article III, or Section
  59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, a regional tollway authority
  created under Chapter 366, a regional mobility authority operating
  under Chapter 370, or a transportation corporation created under
  Chapter 431 or other nonprofit corporation, that elects to
  participate in the planning, development, or construction of a
  transportation project.
               (2)  "Transportation project" means a highway or
  related improvement on the state highway system or a federal aid
  off-system project.
         Sec. 201.1002.  STANDARDS. (a)  The commission by rule shall
  set standards for processing an environmental review document for a
  transportation project.
         (b)  Each person who prepares or submits a document for
  review by the department under this subchapter, whether an
  engineer, consultant, or attorney must hold a valid certificate
  issued by the department under Section 201.6042.
         (c)  Before the department may process an environmental
  review document a detailed scope of the project must be prepared.
         (d)  The standards adopted under this section must contain:
               (1)  the required process and content of a draft
  environmental document, with specific standards for each type of
  environmental documents that may be prepared;
               (2)  review timeframes by which the department will
  render an environmental decision on a project and the timeframes by
  which the department will make a recommendation to the federal
  highway administration if the transportation project is a federal
         (e)  Review timeframes are tolled during any period for
               (1)  the environmental document or related reports are
  being revised;
               (2)  the transportation project is the subject of
  additional work, including a change in design of the project, and
  during the identification and resolution of new significant issues;
               (3)  legal counsel for the department has identified an
  issue concerning compliance with applicable law.
         (f)  If a sponsor prepares an environmental review document
  for a project under Section 201.1003, the department shall make a
  determination whether the documents submitted by the sponsor are
  administratively complete and ready for technical review not later
  than the 20th day after the date that the sponsor submits documents
  to the department for review. The review timeframes do not begin
  until the department concludes the documents are administratively
         Sec. 201.1003  PARTICIPATION BY SPONSOR. (a)  A political
  subdivision may submit an environmental review document for a
  transportation project under this subchapter only if:
               (1)  the transportation project is contained in the
  approved state transportation improvement program (STIP); or
               (2)  the transportation project:
                     (A)  is contained in the unified transportation
  program (UTP), another statewide transportation plan, the
  applicable metropolitan transportation plan (MTP), or an
  applicable rural transportation plan (RTP); and
                     (B)  has been identified by the commission as
  being eligible for participation under this subchapter.
         (b)  The standards adopted by the commission under Section
  201.1002 apply to work performed by the sponsor.
         (c)  On a sponsor's submitting environmental review
  documents to the department, legal counsel for the sponsor shall
  certify that the documents are administratively complete, ready for
  technical review, and compliant with all applicable laws.
         (d)  This subsection applies only to a transportation
  project that is not identified as fully funded in one or more of the
  approved state transportation improvement program (STIP), unified
  transportation program (UTP), any other statewide transportation
  plan, the applicable metropolitan transportation plan (MTP), or any
  applicable rural transportation plan (RTP). The sponsor that
  desires to develop the environmental review documents for the
  transportation project must submit to the department:
               (1)  an application that gives notice that the sponsor
  will prepare the environmental review document; and
               (2)  an application fee equal to one percent of the
  estimated construction costs of the transportation project.
         SECTION 3.  The Texas Transportation Commission shall adopt
  the rules to implement Subchapter P, Chapter 201, Transportation
  Code, as added by this Act, not later than March 1, 2012.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2011.