By: Guillen (Senate Sponsor - Van de Putte) H.B. No. 3726
         (In the Senate - Received from the House April 26, 2011;
  April 27, 2011, read first time and referred to Committee on
  Administration; May 10, 2011, reported adversely, with favorable
  Committee Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 4, Nays 0;
  May 10, 2011, sent to printer.)
  COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR H.B. No. 3726 By:  Wentworth
  relating to the preservation and maintenance of the Alamo by the
  General Land Office.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter C, Chapter 31, Natural Resources
  Code, is amended by adding Section 31.0515 to read as follows:
         Sec. 31.0515.  DUTIES RELATED TO THE ALAMO COMPLEX. The
  commissioner shall:
               (1)  employ staff necessary to preserve and maintain
  the Alamo complex and contract for professional services of
  qualified consultants; and
               (2)  prepare an annual budget and work plan, including
  usual maintenance for the Alamo complex, including buildings on the
  Alamo property, their contents, and their grounds.
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 31, Natural Resources Code, is amended
  by adding Subchapter I to read as follows:
  (a)  The Alamo complex is under the jurisdiction of the land
  office. The land office is responsible for the preservation,
  maintenance, and restoration of the Alamo complex and its contents
  and the protection of the historical and architectural integrity of
  the exterior, interior, and grounds of the Alamo complex.
         (b)  Any power or duty related to the Alamo complex formerly
  vested in any other state agency or entity is vested solely in the
  land office.
         (c)  Notwithstanding any other law, the land office is not
  required to comply with state purchasing law related to requests
  for proposals in carrying out its duties under this subchapter.
  land office may consult with the State Preservation Board in the
  performance of duties under this subchapter. On request of the land
  office, the State Preservation Board shall assist the land office
  with the land office's duties relating to the Alamo complex.
  TEXAS. (a)  The land office shall enter into an agreement with the
  Daughters of the Republic of Texas for the management, operation,
  and financial support of the Alamo complex.
         (b)  The agreement at a minimum must:
               (1)  detail the expectations and goals of the land
  office and the Daughters of the Republic of Texas;
               (2)  outline the management and operation of the Alamo
               (3)  establish management standards;
               (4)  provide for oversight by the land office;
               (5)  address funding and payment for costs;
               (6)  require some Alamo complex employees to be land
  office employees;
               (7)  address equipment;
               (8)  establish insurance requirements;
               (9)  address compliance with local, state, and federal
  building and operation laws;
               (10)  address construction, maintenance, and repair;
               (11)  establish the term of the agreement, which may
  not be less than 10 years;
               (12)  require submission of financial information from
  the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, excluding chapters of the
               (13)  address other activities of the Daughters of the
  Republic of Texas that would, as demonstrated by clear and
  convincing evidence, materially undermine the financial condition
  of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas or its duties under the
               (14)  address ownership by this state of the Alamo
  complex and its contents;
               (15)  include a dispute resolution process;
               (16)  provide that the laws of this state govern the
  agreement; and
               (17)  include notice requirements.
         (c)  The land office may enter into the agreement required by
  this section only if the Daughters of the Republic of Texas is a
  properly formed nonprofit corporation in this state in accordance
  with Section 2.008, Business Organizations Code, and is exempt from
  income taxation under Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code.
         (d)  All property received by the Daughters of the Republic
  of Texas in its capacity as custodian or trustee of the Alamo for
  the benefit of the Alamo and listed on the organization's balance
  sheet is subject to the requirements of this chapter and the
  agreement required by this section.
         Sec. 31.454.  THE ALAMO COMPLEX ACCOUNT. (a)  The Alamo
  complex account is a separate account in the general revenue fund.
         (b)  The account consists of:
               (1)  transfers made to the account;
               (2)  fees and other revenue from operation of the Alamo
               (3)  grants and donations from any source designated
  for the benefit of the Alamo complex; and
               (4)  income earned on investments of money in the
         (c)  Appropriations to the land office for the preservation,
  operation, or maintenance of the Alamo complex shall be deposited
  to the credit of the account.
         (d)  The land office may use money in the account only to
  administer this subchapter, including to support the preservation,
  repair, renovation, improvement, expansion, equipping, operation,
  or maintenance of the Alamo complex or to acquire a historical item
  appropriate to the Alamo complex.
         (e)  Any money in the account not used in a fiscal year
  remains in the account. The account is exempt from the application
  of Section 403.095, Government Code.
         Sec. 31.455.  GRANTS; DONATIONS. The land office may accept
  a grant or donation for any program or purpose of the Alamo complex
  and use the funds in accordance with Section 31.454.
         Sec. 31.456.  ALAMO PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD. (a)  The
  land office may create an Alamo Preservation Advisory Board to:
               (1)  promote and support the Alamo complex;
               (2)  provide the resources and support necessary to
  advance the understanding and education of current and future
  generations on the historical significance and factual record of
  the Alamo complex;
               (3)  inspire virtues of honor and Texas pride;
               (4)  preserve the memory and achievement of individuals
  who served at the Alamo and provide a fitting tribute to the heroism
  of the people who paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom and of the
  noble men and women of this state who have served in the armed
  forces or died while serving in the armed forces to ensure the
  freedom of the people of this state;
               (5)  promote and provide for the preservation,
  perpetuation, appropriate publication, and display of manuscripts,
  books, relics, pictures, oral histories, and all other items and
  information related to the history of the Alamo complex and of this
  state that preserve the historical character of the Alamo shrine;
               (6)  promote, counsel, and provide support to
  governmental and private organizations that are committed to
  objectives similar to the objectives described in this subsection.
         (b)  The advisory board is composed of:
               (1)  a designee appointed by the governor;
               (2)  the president of the Daughters of the Republic of
               (3)  the current Alamo chairman of the Daughters of the
  Republic of Texas;
               (4)  the immediate past Alamo chairman of the Daughters
  of the Republic of Texas;
               (5)  the Alamo curator;
               (6)  one representative of the Texas Historical
               (7)  one representative of the land office;
               (8)  the president of the Bexar County Historical
  Commission; and
               (9)  one representative who serves as a member of the
  City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation.
         (c)  The president of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas
  serves as presiding officer of the advisory board.
         (d)  The representative of the land office serves as a
  nonvoting ex officio member.
         (e)  Subject to approval by the advisory board, membership
  may be open to individuals and institutions interested in the
  purposes for which the advisory board was formed.
         SECTION 3.  Section 2203.003(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  The Daughters of the Confederacy, Texas Division, and
  the Daughters of the Republic of Texas each may charge admission to
  state property over which each organization has custody or control.  
  [This subsection does not apply to the Alamo.]
         SECTION 4.  The following are repealed:
               (1)  Article 6394, Revised Civil Statutes of 1911; and
               (2)  Chapter 7, Acts of the 29th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 1905.
         SECTION 5.  (a)  If the General Land Office and the
  Daughters of the Republic of Texas have not entered into the
  agreement required by Section 31.453, Natural Resources Code, as
  added by this Act, before January 1, 2012, on that date the
  following are transferred to the land office:
               (1)  all powers and duties of the Daughters of the
  Republic of Texas relating to the Alamo complex;
               (2)  all unobligated and unexpended funds granted to
  the Daughters of the Republic of Texas and designated for the
  administration of the Alamo complex;
               (3)  all equipment and property acquired with state
  money by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas and used for the
  administration of or related to the Alamo complex; and
               (4)  all files and other records of the Daughters of the
  Republic of Texas kept by the organization regarding the Alamo
         (b)  The Daughters of the Republic of Texas may agree with
  the General Land Office to transfer any property of the Daughters of
  the Republic of Texas to the General Land Office before January 1,
  2012, to implement the transfer required by this Act.
         (c)  Notwithstanding any other law, the Daughters of the
  Republic of Texas shall continue to perform functions and
  activities related to the Alamo and granted by Chapter 7, Acts of
  the 29th Legislature, Regular Session, 1905, until January 1, 2012,
  and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.
  * * * * *