relating to the reimbursements for certain services provided to |
Medicaid recipients and reimbursement adjustments relating to |
those services. |
SECTION 1. Section 531.001, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subdivisions (4-a) and (4-b) to read as follows: |
(4-a) "Potentially preventable complication" means a |
harmful event or negative outcome with respect to a person, |
including an infection or surgical complication, that: |
(A) occurs after the person's admission to a |
hospital or long-term care facility; |
(B) results from the care, lack of care, or |
treatment provided during the hospital or long-term care facility |
stay, as applicable, rather than from a natural progression of an |
underlying disease; and |
(C) could reasonably have been prevented if care |
and treatment had been provided in accordance with accepted |
standards of care. |
(4-b) "Potentially preventable readmission" means a |
return hospitalization of a person within a period specified by the |
commission that results from deficiencies in the care or treatment |
provided to the person during a previous hospital stay or from |
deficiencies in post-hospital discharge follow-up. The term does |
not include a hospital readmission necessitated by the occurrence |
of unrelated events after the discharge. The term includes the |
readmission of a person to a hospital for: |
(A) the same condition or procedure for which the |
person was previously admitted; |
(B) an infection or other complication resulting |
from care previously provided; |
(C) a condition or procedure that indicates that |
a surgical intervention performed during a previous admission was |
unsuccessful in achieving the anticipated outcome; or |
(D) another condition or procedure of a similar |
nature, as determined by the executive commissioner. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Sections 531.02115 and 531.02117 to read as |
follows: |
INPATIENT HOSPITAL SERVICES. (a) To incentivize controlling costs |
and improving efficiency, the commission shall, subject to |
adjustments required by this section: |
(1) convert the reimbursement methodology used under |
the Medicaid program to reimburse inpatient hospital services to an |
all patient refined diagnosis-related groups (DRG) methodology; |
and |
(2) establish a statewide standard dollar amount (SDA) |
rate that is based on the average of all hospital costs associated |
with providing services under the Medicaid program during the |
preceding fiscal year. |
(b) In converting to the reimbursement methodology under |
Subsection (a)(1), the commission shall, to the extent possible, |
examine reimbursement methodologies, including nationally |
implemented reimbursement methodologies, that address historical |
disparities in the provision of health care services to women, |
children, and persons with mental illnesses. |
(c) The commission may adjust rates determined using the |
factors under Subsection (a) to ensure the equitable reimbursement |
of hospitals for inpatient services by adjusting the rates as |
necessary to take into account different markets and provider |
responsibilities, including by making rate adjustments to account |
for: |
(1) whether a hospital is a teaching institution; |
(2) market wage indexes; and |
(3) whether the hospital is a state-designated trauma |
facility or a burn center. |
(d) The commission shall adjust rates determined using the |
factors under Subsection (a) to provide incentives for hospitals to |
provide higher quality of care. To provide the incentives, the |
commission shall establish a hospital value-based purchasing |
program that includes quality standards established by the |
executive commissioner by rule, other than quality standards |
relating to potentially preventable readmissions and potentially |
preventable complications. Incentives provided under the program |
must be based on whether a hospital meets, or improves the |
hospital's performance with respect to meeting, those quality |
standards. Under the program, the commission may: |
(1) reduce a hospital's reimbursement rates by two |
percent each fiscal year the hospital fails to meet, or to make |
progress toward meeting, the quality standards; and |
(2) use 50 percent of the money saved as a result of |
the reimbursement rate reductions to award hospitals that meet, or |
make progress toward meeting, the quality standards. |
(e) Notwithstanding Subsection (d)(1), the commission may |
reduce reimbursement rates as provided by that subsection only by |
the following percentages: |
(1) one percent for the state fiscal year beginning |
September 1, 2012; |
(2) 1.25 percent for the state fiscal year beginning |
September 1, 2013; |
(3) 1.5 percent for the state fiscal year beginning |
September 1, 2014; and |
(4) 1.75 percent for the state fiscal year beginning |
September 1, 2015. |
(f) Except as provided by Subsection (g), this section does |
not apply to a hospital: |
(1) located in a county with a population of less than |
50,000 according to the 2000 federal decennial census; |
(2) owned or operated by this state; |
(3) whose inpatients are predominately individuals |
under 18 years of age as described under Section |
1886(d)(1)(B)(iii), Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section |
1395ww(d)(1)(B)(iii)); |
(4) classified as a rural referral center under |
Section 1886(d)(1)(C)(i), Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section |
1395ww(d)(1)(C)(i)); |
(5) that is a sole community hospital as defined under |
Section 1886(d)(1)(D)(iii), Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section |
1395ww(d)(1)(D)(iii)), that is not located in a metropolitan |
statistical area as defined by the United States Office of |
Management and Budget; or |
(6) that is a critical access hospital as defined |
under Section 1861(mm)(1), Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section |
1395x(mm)(1)). |
(g) The commission shall reimburse hospitals described |
under Subsection (f) for inpatient care services in a manner that is |
consistent with provision of payments for inpatient care services |
under Title XVIII, Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 1395 et |
seq.). |
(h) This subsection and Subsection (e) expire September 1, |
2017. |
Sec. 531.02117. REIMBURSEMENT ADJUSTMENTS. (a) Subject to |
Subsection (b), using the data collected under Section 531.02116 |
and the all patient refined diagnosis-related groups (DRG) |
methodology implemented under Section 531.02115, the commission |
shall to the extent feasible adjust Medicaid reimbursements to |
hospitals, including payments made under the disproportionate |
share hospitals and upper payment limit supplemental payment |
programs, in a manner that penalizes a hospital based on the |
hospital's failure to reduce potentially preventable readmissions |
and potentially preventable complications. |
(b) The commission must provide the report required under |
Section 531.02116(b) to a hospital at least one year before the |
commission adjusts Medicaid reimbursements to the hospital under |
this section. |
(c) This section does not apply to a hospital described |
under Section 531.02115(f). |
SECTION 3. Section 531.913, Government Code, is transferred |
to Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, redesignated as |
Section 531.02116, Government Code, and amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 531.02116 [531.913]. COLLECTION AND REPORTING OF |
section, "potentially preventable readmission" means a return
hospitalization of a person within a period specified by the
commission that results from deficiencies in the care or treatment
provided to the person during a previous hospital stay or from
deficiencies in post-hospital discharge follow-up.
The term does
not include a hospital readmission necessitated by the occurrence
of unrelated events after the discharge.
The term includes the
readmission of a person to a hospital for:
the same condition or procedure for which the
person was previously admitted;
an infection or other complication resulting from
care previously provided;
a condition or procedure that indicates that a
surgical intervention performed during a previous admission was
unsuccessful in achieving the anticipated outcome; or
another condition or procedure of a similar
nature, as determined by the executive commissioner.
[(b)] The executive commissioner shall adopt rules for |
identifying potentially preventable readmissions of Medicaid |
recipients and potentially preventable complications experienced |
by those recipients. The [and the] commission shall collect |
[exchange] data from [with] hospitals on present-on-admission |
indicators for purposes of this section. |
(b) [(c)] The commission shall establish a [health
information exchange] program to provide a [exchange] confidential |
report to [information with] each hospital in this state that |
participates in the Medicaid program regarding the hospital's |
performance with respect to potentially preventable readmissions |
and potentially preventable complications. To the extent possible, |
a report provided under this section should include potentially |
preventable readmissions and potentially preventable complications |
information across all payment systems. A hospital shall |
distribute the information contained in the report [received from
the commission] to health care providers providing services at the |
hospital. |
(c) A report provided to a hospital under this section is |
confidential and is not subject to Chapter 552. |
(d) This section does not apply to a hospital described |
under Section 531.02115(f). |
SECTION 4. (a) As soon as possible after the effective date |
of this Act, but not later than September 1, 2012: |
(1) the Health and Human Services Commission shall |
convert the Medicaid hospital services reimbursement methodology |
to an all patient refined diagnosis-related groups (DRG) |
methodology as required by Section 531.02115(a), Government Code, |
as added by this Act, under which hospitals are reimbursed for the |
provision of services under the Medicaid program at a rate that is |
based on the statewide standard dollar amount (SDA) rate also |
required under that section; and |
(2) the executive commissioner of the Health and Human |
Services Commission shall adopt the quality standards for use in |
the hospital value-based purchasing program as required by Section |
531.02115(d), Government Code, as added by this Act. |
(b) The Health and Human Services Commission shall provide |
reimbursements to hospitals for the provision of services under the |
Medicaid program using the reimbursement rates in effect on August |
31, 2011, until the commission meets the requirements of Subsection |
(a)(1) of this section. After the commission implements that |
methodology and notwithstanding any other law, the commission may |
not use appropriated money to provide reimbursements under any |
other methodology. |
(c) Notwithstanding Sections 531.02115(d) and (e) and |
531.02117, Government Code, as added by this Act, the Health and |
Human Services Commission may only implement the hospital |
value-based purchasing program as required by Section |
531.02115(d), Government Code, as added by this Act, or otherwise |
adjust reimbursement rates as provided by this Act after the Health |
and Human Services Commission converts the Medicaid hospital |
services reimbursement methodology and establishes the statewide |
standard dollar amount (SDA) rate under Section 531.02115(a), |
Government Code, as added by this Act. |
(d) Not later than September 1, 2012, the Health and Human |
Services Commission shall begin providing performance reports to |
hospitals regarding the hospitals' performances with respect to |
potentially preventable complications as required by Section |
531.02116, Government Code, as transferred, redesignated, and |
amended by this Act. |
SECTION 5. If before implementing any provision of this Act |
a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a |
federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision, |
the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or |
authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the |
waiver or authorization is granted. |
SECTION 6. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |