By: Burkett H.B. No. 3794
  relating to disputes under insurance policies.
         SECTION 1.  Insurance Code is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 541.163.  APPRAISAL-DISPUTE RESOLUTION.  (a)  A person
  or entity may not bring a suit or other non-compliant action for
  damages under this chapter when the amount of loss or damage to
  property is in dispute, before doing the following:
               (1)  notifying the insurer, in writing, that the amount
  of damage or loss of property is disputed.  The notice must be sent:
                     (A)  by U.S. Postal Service, certified, first
  class, return receipt requested; or
                     (B)  similar service by a private carrier; and
               (2)  fully complying with the terms and conditions of
  the applicable insurance policy, including, but not limited to,
  full compliance with the policy's appraisal provision or
  arbitration language if contained in the applicable policy.
         (b)  Within the lesser of 45 days of receipt of the notice
  required by Subsection (a) or the time provided for initiation of
  the proceedings applicable in the policy, the insurance company
  must initiate proceedings as required by the applicable policy.
         (c)  Failure by the insurer to initiate proceedings within
  the time outlined in Subsection (b) relieves the insured of any
  penalty described in Section 541.164(a)(1) and Section
         SECTION 2.  Insurance Code is amended to read as follows:
         541.164.  ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES.  (a)  Upon hearing,
  notice and a showing that the initiating party filed a suit or
  brought any action not in compliance with Article 541.163, the
  Court in which the action is pending shall:
               (1)  order that the insurance company initiate a
  proceeding as described in Section 541.163(a)(2); and
               (2)  order that all reasonable and necessary attorney's
  fees and costs of court shall be taxed, jointly and severally,
  against the party initiating the non-compliant suit, or that
  party's attorney(s) or counsel.  The insurance company may not
  execute, collect, or otherwise enforce this order prior to
  initiating the proceedings described in Section 541.163(a)(2).
         (b)  Failure by the insurance company to comply with a court
  order issued under Subsection (a)(1), will absolve the insured of
  liability under Subsection (a)(1) and Subsection (a)(2).
         (c)  Failure by the insurance company to comply with the
  court order under Subsection (a)(1), will automatically void any
  court order issued under Subsection (a)(1) and Subsection (a)(2).
         (d)  The insurance company cannot recover any moneys awarded
  under Subsection (a)(2) from any arbitration award or other award
  to the insured payable under the applicable policy.
         SECTION 3.  Insurance Code is amended to read as follows:
         541.165.  Provision of Consumer Information.  (a)  At the
  time of the creation of the policy, the insurance company shall
  provide to the insured, information relating to the necessary
  process to file a suit in compliance with the applicable policy.
         SECTION 4.  Insurance Code is amended to read as follows:
         This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.
         This Act applies only to policies written, created, or
  extended on or after the effective date of this Act.