By: Dutton H.B. No. 3857
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 3857:
  By:  Alvarado C.S.H.B. No. 3857
  relating to the creation of the Near Northside Management District.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 4, Special District Local Laws
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 3905 to read as follows:
         Sec. 3905.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Board" means the district's board of directors.
               (2)  "City" means the City of Houston, Texas.
               (3)  "County" means Harris County, Texas.
               (4)  "Director" means a board member.
               (5)  "District" means the Near Northside Management
         Sec. 3905.002.  CREATION AND NATURE OF DISTRICT. The
  district is a special district created under Section 59, Article
  XVI, Texas Constitution.
         Sec. 3905.003.  PURPOSE; LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS. (a) The
  creation of the district is essential to accomplish the purposes of
  Sections 52 and 52-a, Article III, and Section 59, Article XVI,
  Texas Constitution, and other public purposes stated in this
  chapter. By creating the district and in authorizing the city,
  county, and other political subdivisions to contract with the
  district, the legislature has established a program to accomplish
  the public purposes set out in Section 52-a, Article III, Texas
         (b)  The creation of the district is necessary to promote,
  develop, encourage, and maintain employment, commerce,
  transportation, housing, tourism, recreation, the arts,
  entertainment, economic development, safety, and the public
  welfare in the district.
         (c)  This chapter and the creation of the district may not be
  interpreted to relieve the city or county from providing the level
  of services provided as of the effective date of the Act enacting
  this chapter to the area in the district. The district is created
  to supplement and not to supplant city and county services provided
  in the district.
         Sec. 3905.004.  FINDINGS OF BENEFIT AND PUBLIC PURPOSE. (a)
  The district is created to serve a public use and benefit.
         (b)  All land and other property included in the district
  will benefit from the improvements and services to be provided by
  the district under powers conferred by Sections 52 and 52-a,
  Article III, and Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and
  other powers granted under this chapter.
         (c)  The creation of the district is in the public interest
  and is essential to further the public purposes of:
               (1)  developing and diversifying the economy of the
               (2)  eliminating unemployment and underemployment; and
               (3)  developing or expanding transportation and
         (d)  The district will:
               (1)  promote the health, safety, and general welfare of
  residents, employers, employees, visitors, and consumers in the
  district, and of the public;
               (2)  provide needed funding for the district to
  preserve, maintain, and enhance the economic health and vitality of
  the district territory as a community and business center; and
               (3)  promote the health, safety, welfare, and enjoyment
  of the public by providing pedestrian ways and by landscaping and
  developing certain areas in the district, which are necessary for
  the restoration, preservation, and enhancement of scenic beauty.
         (e)  Pedestrian ways along or across a street, whether at
  grade or above or below the surface, and street lighting, street
  landscaping, and street art objects are parts of and necessary
  components of a street and are considered to be a street or road
         (f)  The district will not act as the agent or
  instrumentality of any private interest even though the district
  will benefit many private interests as well as the public.
         Sec. 3905.005.  DISTRICT TERRITORY. (a) The district is
  composed of the territory described by Section 2 of the Act enacting
  this chapter, as that territory may have been modified under
  Section 3905.107 or other law.
         (b)  The boundaries and field notes of the district contained
  in Section 2 of the Act enacting this chapter form a closure. A
  mistake in the field notes of the district contained in Section 2 of
  the Act enacting this chapter or in copying the field notes in the
  legislative process does not in any way affect the district's:
               (1)  organization, existence, or validity; or
               (2)  legality or operation.
  (a) All or any part of the area of the district is eligible to be
  included in:
               (1)  a tax increment reinvestment zone created by the
  city under Chapter 311, Tax Code;
               (2)  a tax abatement reinvestment zone created by the
  city under Chapter 312, Tax Code; or
               (3)  an enterprise zone created by the city under
  Chapter 2303, Government Code.
         (b)  A tax increment reinvestment zone created by the city in
  the district is not subject to the limitations provided by Section
  311.006(a), Tax Code.
  DISTRICTS LAW. Except as otherwise provided by this chapter,
  Chapter 375, Local Government Code, applies to the district.
         Sec. 3905.008.  LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION OF CHAPTER. This
  chapter shall be liberally construed in conformity with the
  findings and purposes stated in this chapter.
  [Sections 3905.009-3905.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 3905.051.  GOVERNING BODY; TERMS. The district is
  governed by a board of nine directors who serve staggered terms of
  three years, with three directors' terms expiring June 1 of each
         Sec. 3905.052.  APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTORS. (a) The mayor and
  members of the governing body of the city shall appoint directors
  from persons recommended by the board. A person is appointed if a
  majority of the members and the mayor vote to appoint that person.
         (b)  A person may not be appointed to the board if the
  appointment of that person would result in fewer than two-thirds of
  the directors being residents of the city.
         Sec. 3905.053.  EX OFFICIO DIRECTORS. (a) The following
  persons serve as nonvoting ex officio directors:
               (1)  the directors of the parks and recreation,
  planning and development, public works, and civic center
  departments of the city;
               (2)  the chief of police of the city;
               (3)  the county's general manager of the Metropolitan
  Transit Authority of Harris County, Texas; and
               (4)  the president of each institution of higher
  learning located in the district.
         (b)  If a department described by Subsection (a) is
  consolidated, renamed, or changed, the board may appoint a director
  of the consolidated, renamed, or changed department as a nonvoting
  ex officio director. If a department described by Subsection (a) is
  abolished, the board may appoint a representative of another
  department of the city that performs duties comparable to those
  performed by the abolished department.
         (c)  The board may appoint the presiding officer of a
  nonprofit corporation that is actively involved in activities in
  the district to serve as a nonvoting ex officio director.
         Sec. 3905.054.  CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. (a) Except as
  provided by this section:
               (1)  a director may participate in all board votes and
  decisions; and
               (2)  Chapter 171, Local Government Code, governs
  conflicts of interest of board members.
         (b)  Section 171.004, Local Government Code, does not apply
  to the district. A director who has a substantial interest in a
  business or charitable entity that will receive a pecuniary benefit
  from a board action shall file an affidavit with the board secretary
  declaring the interest. Another affidavit is not required if the
  director's interest changes.
         (c)  After the affidavit is filed, the director may
  participate in a discussion or vote on that action if:
               (1)  a majority of the directors have a similar
  interest in the same entity; or
               (2)  all other similar business or charitable entities
  in the district will receive a similar pecuniary benefit.
         (d)  A director who is also an officer or employee of a public
  entity may not participate in a discussion of or vote on a matter
  regarding a contract with that same public entity.
         (e)  For purposes of this section, a director has a
  substantial interest in a charitable entity in the same manner that
  a person would have a substantial interest in a business entity
  under Section 171.002, Local Government Code.
         Sec. 3905.055.  COMPENSATION. The district shall compensate
  a director as provided by Section 49.060, Water Code.
         Sec. 3905.056.  INITIAL DIRECTORS. (a) The initial board
  consists of:
             Pos. No.   Name of Director
             1   Ethel Kaye Lee
             2   Rose Russell
             3   Michael Ashley
             4   Dr. Albert Lemon
             5   Earl White
             6   Ann Tillis
             7   John Fields
             8   Harvey Clemons
             9   Renee Llorens
         (b)  Of the initial directors, the terms of directors serving
  in positions 1, 2, and 3 expire June 1, 2013, the terms of directors
  serving in positions 4, 5, and 6 expire June 1, 2014, and the terms
  of directors serving in positions 7, 8, and 9 expire June 1, 2015.
         (c)  Section 3905.052 does not apply to the initial
         (d)  This section expires September 1, 2015.
  [Sections 3905.057-3905.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 3905.101.  HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION POWERS. (a)
  The district has the powers of a housing finance corporation
  created under Chapter 394, Local Government Code.
         (b)  The district may exercise the powers to provide housing
  or residential development projects in the district.
         Sec. 3905.102.  DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION POWERS. The
  district, using money available to the district, may exercise the
  powers given to a development corporation under Chapter 505, Local
  Government Code, including the power to own, operate, acquire,
  construct, lease, improve, or maintain a project under that
         Sec. 3905.103.  NONPROFIT CORPORATION. (a) The board by
  resolution may authorize the creation of a nonprofit corporation to
  assist and act for the district in implementing a project or
  providing a service authorized by this chapter.
         (b)  The nonprofit corporation:
               (1)  has each power of and is considered to be a local
  government corporation created under Subchapter D, Chapter 431,
  Transportation Code; and
               (2)  may implement any project and provide any service
  authorized by this chapter.
         (c)  The board shall appoint the board of directors of the
  nonprofit corporation. The board of directors of the nonprofit
  corporation shall serve in the same manner as the board of directors
  of a local government corporation created under Subchapter D,
  Chapter 431, Transportation Code, except that a board member is not
  required to reside in the district.
         Sec. 3905.104.  AGREEMENTS; GRANTS. (a) As provided by
  Chapter 375, Local Government Code, the district may make an
  agreement with or accept a gift, grant, or loan from any person.
         (b)  The implementation of a project is a governmental
  function or service for the purposes of Chapter 791, Government
         Sec. 3905.105.  LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES. To protect the
  public interest, the district may contract with the county or the
  city to provide law enforcement services in the district for a fee.
         Sec. 3905.106.  COMPETITIVE BIDDING. Section 375.221, Local
  Government Code, does not apply to a district contract for $25,000
  or less.
         Sec. 3905.107.  ANNEXATION. In addition to the authority to
  annex territory under Subchapter C, Chapter 375, Local Government
  Code, the district has the authority to annex territory located in a
  reinvestment zone created by the city under Chapter 311, Tax Code,
  if the city's governing body consents to the annexation.
         Sec. 3905.108.  ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. (a) The
  district may establish and provide for the administration of one or
  more programs to promote economic development and to stimulate
  business and commercial activity in the district, including
  programs to secure loans and receive grants of public money.
         (b)  The district may:
               (1)  contract with the federal government, the state, a
  political subdivision of the state, a nonprofit organization, or
  any other person for the administration of the program; and
               (2)  accept contributions, gifts, or other resources to
  develop and administer the program.
  district may negotiate and enter into a written strategic
  partnership agreement with the city, county, or Houston Independent
  School District.
         Sec. 3905.110.  REAL PROPERTY. (a) The district may buy,
  sell, own, or lease real property.
         (b)  The district may receive real property as a gift from
  any person.
         Sec. 3905.111.  RECEIPT OF SURPLUS PROPERTY. The district
  may receive surplus property from a school district that is located
  in the district.
  district may own, lease, operate or manage a project to improve
  educational opportunities in the district.
         Sec. 3905.113.  NO EMINENT DOMAIN POWER. The district may
  not exercise the power of eminent domain.
  [Sections 3905.114-3905.150 reserved for expansion]
  IMPROVEMENTS. (a) The board may not finance a service or an
  improvement project under this chapter unless a written petition
  requesting that service or improvement is filed with the board.
         (b)  The petition must be signed by:
               (1)  the owners of a majority of the assessed value of
  real property in the district according to the most recent
  certified tax appraisal roll for the county; or
               (2)  at least 25 owners of land in the district, if more
  than 25 persons own property in the district according to the most
  recent certified tax appraisal roll for the county.
  board by resolution shall establish the number of directors'
  signatures and the procedure required for a disbursement or
  transfer of the district's money.
  ASSESSMENTS. The district may not impose an impact fee or
  assessment on the property of a person that provides to the public
  gas, electricity, telephone, sewage, or water service.
  OBLIGATIONS. Except as provided by Section 375.263, Local
  Government Code, a municipality is not required to pay a bond, note,
  or other obligation of the district.
  [Sections 3905.155-3905.200 reserved for expansion]
  OUTSTANDING DEBT. (a) The board may vote to dissolve a district
  that has debt. If the vote is in favor of dissolution, the district
  shall remain in existence solely for the limited purpose of
  discharging its debts. The dissolution is effective when all debts
  have been discharged.
         (b)  Section 375.264, Local Government Code, does not apply
  to the district.
         SECTION 2.  BOUNDARIES. The Near Northside Management
  District initially includes all the territory contained in the
  following area:
  In Harris County, Texas, the territory enclosed by Loop 610 as the
  north boundary, Lockwood Dr. as the east boundary, Interstate 10 as
  the south boundary, and Jensen Dr. as the west boundary.
         SECTION 3.  (a) The legal notice of the intention to
  introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this
  Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a
  copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies,
  officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished
  under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Chapter 313,
  Government Code.
         (b)  The governor, one of the required recipients, has
  submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality.
         (c)  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has filed
  its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor,
  lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives
  within the required time.
         (d)  The general law relating to consent by political
  subdivisions to the creation of districts with conservation,
  reclamation, and road powers and the inclusion of land in those
  districts has been complied with.
         (e)  All requirements of the constitution and laws of this
  state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect
  to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act have been
  fulfilled and accomplished.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2011.