82R7405 CBE-F
  By: Landtroop H.C.R. No. 57
         WHEREAS, Living beings possess identifiable properties
  through which "life," as given by God, can be defined, including a
  complex organization, a metabolism, a responsiveness to stimuli,
  and an ability to grow and adapt to the environment; and
         WHEREAS, All men are endowed by their Creator with certain
  unalienable rights; the development of a human life is set in motion
  from the moment of fertilization, when genetic information is
  gathered inside a cell; and
         WHEREAS, In both the Penal Code and the Civil Practice and
  Remedies Code, state law already provides protection for "an unborn
  child at every stage of gestation from fertilization until birth";
         WHEREAS, Protecting the lives of individuals as willed by
  their Creator is an important responsibility of government, and the
  policy of this state is to protect life at every stage, including
  from fertilization to birth; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 82nd Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby formally express its position that the life of an individual
  begins at conception.