82R11982 MGR-D
  By: Frullo H.C.R. No. 107
         WHEREAS, Dr. Kamlesh Varma was recognized with a 2011 Woman
  of Excellence award from the YWCA of Lubbock for her achievements in
  the field of science and medicine; and
         WHEREAS, An annual project that has honored 185 individuals
  since 1989, the YWCA Women of Excellence awards are given to women
  leaders whose contributions to business, industry, and area
  associations are crucial to the success of those organizations and
  the Lubbock community; the awards program is in keeping with the
  YWCA's goal to empower women and their families and to establish
  strong role models for the next generation of South Plains women;
         WHEREAS, Known by many as the "Mother Teresa of Lubbock," Dr.
  Kamlesh Varma has been caring for women for more than 36 years and
  has delivered more than 6,000 babies over the course of her career;
  she has operated a solo practice in obstetrics and gynecology for
  nearly two decades, focused on ensuring that all women have access
  to prenatal care regardless of their ability to pay, and she accepts
  many mothers as patients late in their pregnancies when other
  doctors do not; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Varma also serves as an administrator at the
  Community Health Center of Lubbock and is a clinical faculty member
  at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of
  Medicine, and she is a member of the University Medical Center board
  and its Caduceus Society; she has further distinguished herself as
  a mentor to hundreds of resident physicians and nursing students;
         WHEREAS, This remarkable trailblazer is a native of India and
  left her family's farm to pursue her education at a time when women
  were often discouraged from doing so by cultural norms; she
  graduated as one of only two women from King George Medical College
  in India and came to Boston in 1967, working in reproductive
  endocrinology while juggling motherhood and adjusting to a new
  culture; she moved to Lubbock in 1974 and has taught obstetrics and
  gynecology and worked for Texas Tech University's student health
  services; and
         WHEREAS, In all of her endeavors, Dr. Varma enjoys the love
  and support of her husband, Dr. Surendra Varma, and they are the
  proud parents of two children, Dr. Ritu Varma Dixon and Rishi Varma,
  J.D., and the grandparents of five grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, Inspiring others with her notable accomplishments,
  Dr. Kamlesh Varma stands at the forefront of those individuals who
  are making a positive difference in their communities, and she is
  indeed deserving of this prestigious honor; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 82nd Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby congratulate Dr. Kamlesh Varma on her selection as a 2011
  YWCA of Lubbock Woman of Excellence and extend to her sincere best
  wishes for continued success and happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Dr. Varma as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives and Senate.