82R3927 MMS-D
  By: Thompson H.C.R. No. 126
         WHEREAS, The people of Texas lost an exemplary public servant
  and a universally beloved member of the house of representatives
  with the passing of the Honorable Edmund Kuempel of Seguin on
  November 4, 2010, at the age of 67; and
         WHEREAS, Representative Kuempel was born in Austin on
  November 29, 1942, and graduated from Austin High School; after
  earning a degree in business from Texas Lutheran College in 1964, he
  went to work for Structural Metals, now CMC Steel Texas, in Seguin,
  where he spent his entire career; and
         WHEREAS, In 1982, Edmund Kuempel won the first of 15
  consecutive terms in the house of representatives; enormously
  popular in his district, he frequently ran unopposed in the general
  election; at the statehouse, he quickly gained the respect of his
  colleagues, securing an appointment to the Ways and Means Committee
  during his freshman term and the Appropriations Committee during
  his second; at the time of his passing, he was the third most senior
  member of the house, chair of the Licensing and Administrative
  Procedures Committee, and a senior member of the Calendars and
  Culture, Recreation, and Tourism Committees; he had previously
  chaired the Committees on Retirement and Aging, State Recreational
  Resources, and House Administration; in the latter capacity, he
  helped to oversee extensive restoration of the Capitol and the
  construction of the underground Capitol Extension; and
         WHEREAS, A tireless champion of his constituents' interests,
  Representative Kuempel also supported the development of the
  state's parks and recreation areas, played a vital role in shaping
  and passing environmental regulations, and was similarly
  instrumental in crafting and shepherding legislation relating to
  state, teacher, municipal, and county retirement funds; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout his 28 years in the house of
  representatives, Edmund Kuempel consistently reflected the
  greatest honor on that chamber; selfless, hardworking, and
  scrupulously honest, he also had a boundless capacity for
  friendship, one that was never constrained by differences of
  opinion or of party affiliation; Edmund Kuempel simply loved
  people, and he treated every single individual he encountered with
  unfailing graciousness and good cheer; his warm smile and jovial
  nature were legendary, as were his infinite kindness and
  generosity; those qualities engendered tremendous respect and
  affection and enabled him to build the kind of bridges between
  political camps that foster good governance; and
         WHEREAS, Among the host of accolades bestowed on
  Representative Kuempel were the John Traeger Award from the Texas
  Municipal Retirement System, Man of the Year Award from the Texas
  County Agricultural Agents Association, Career Achievement Award
  and Legislative Leadership Award from the Texas Chamber of
  Commerce, and Leader of Excellence Award from the Free Market
  Committee; Texas Lutheran University conferred on him its
  Distinguished Service Award and inducted him into its Athletics
  Leadership Wall of Honor Class of 2009; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed Texan remained deeply engaged in the
  life of his district, where his myriad activities included speaking
  at community functions and wielding the auctioneer's gavel at
  fund-raising events for worthy causes; together with his wife,
  Roberta "Birdie" Blumberg Kuempel, he was an active and valued
  member of Faith Lutheran Church; and
         WHEREAS, Representative Edmund Kuempel was the genuine
  article, a gentleman and statesman in every sense of those words,
  and his colleagues in the house of representatives will forever
  remember his joyous spirit and his unwavering devotion to the Lone
  Star State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 82nd Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby pay tribute to the life of the Honorable Edmund Kuempel and
  extend sincere condolences to the members of his family: to his
  wife, Roberta "Birdie" Kuempel; to his daughter and son-in-law,
  Margaret and Walter Brady; to his son and daughter-in-law, John and
  Michelle Kuempel; to his grandchildren, Rose Brady and Will and Sam
  Kuempel; to his father, Henry Kuempel; to his brother and
  sister-in-law, Robert and Jamie Kuempel; to his aunt, Marilyn
  Kuempel Smith; and to his many other relatives and friends; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives and Senate adjourn this day, they do so in memory of
  the Honorable Edmund Kuempel.