82R19564 BGU-D
  By: Legler H.C.R. No. 135
         WHEREAS, Bill Bailey is retiring as constable for Precinct 8
  of Harris County on May 31, 2011, drawing to a close a notable
  career in law enforcement that has spanned more than a
  quarter-century; and
         WHEREAS, A native of Houston, Mr. Bailey was first elected to
  his post in 1982; since taking office the following year, he has
  helped to modernize the department throughout a period of
  tremendous growth, and during that time, he has earned the respect
  and admiration of his fellow citizens for his outstanding public
  service; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Bailey is also admired by his peers in county
  government; he has long been active in the Texas Association of
  Counties, and in 2002 he became the first constable to serve as the
  organization's president; and
         WHEREAS, Before he began his tenure as constable, Mr. Bailey
  worked in broadcasting for more than two decades; as a high school
  student, he joined KTEM in Temple as an early morning deejay, and
  following graduation, he worked at stations in Des Moines, Iowa,
  and Peoria, Illinois; he later returned to the Lone Star State,
  where he was hired by KIKK in Houston; in addition to earning a wide
  following, he was awarded many honors, including the title of
  Number One Country Music Broadcaster in a Major Market by Billboard
  magazine; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Bailey has pursued another interest with equal
  passion; his love of horses and the outdoors, coupled with his
  experience in radio, has made him a natural fit as a rodeo
  announcer; from the early 1970s until the mid 1980s, he was a
  commentator at the annual Texas Prison Rodeo, and his impressive
  work in that role led to a part in the movie Stir Crazy; moreover, he
  has been a dedicated volunteer with the Houston Livestock Show and
  Rodeo since 1992; and
         WHEREAS, In all of his endeavors, Bill Bailey enjoys the love
  and support of his wife, Janis, as well as the couple's two
  daughters; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed Texan's devotion to duty and
  commitment to excellence have greatly contributed to the betterment
  of Precinct 8 for nearly three decades, and Mr. Bailey may indeed
  reflect with pride on a career well spent as he embarks on the next
  exciting chapter of his life; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 82nd Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby congratulate Bill Bailey on his retirement from Harris
  County and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued
  happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Bailey as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives and Senate.