82R28866 KCR-D
  By: Taylor of Galveston H.C.R. No. 161
         WHEREAS, House Bill No. 1951 has passed the Texas House of
  Representatives and is now in the Texas Senate; and
         WHEREAS, The engrossed bill does not include the changes made
  by Floor Amendment No. 53 adopted on second reading by the Texas
  House of Representatives and erroneously includes the changes made
  by Floor Amendment No. 52, which was tabled on second reading by the
  house of representatives; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, by the Texas House of Representatives, the Texas
  Senate concurring, That the house of representatives hereby
  respectfully requests the senate to return House Bill No. 1951 to
  the chief clerk of the house of representatives; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the chief clerk be instructed to correct the
  engrossed bill to reflect the bill text as passed by the house of