82R32513 GCB-D
  By: Zedler H.C.R. No. 181
         WHEREAS, House Bill No. 2329 has been adopted by the house of
  representatives and the senate; and
         WHEREAS, The bill contains typographical errors that should
  be corrected; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED by the 82nd Legislature of the State of Texas, That
  the enrolling clerk of the house be instructed to make the following
         (1)  In the first sentence of added Subsection (a), Article
  7B.08, Code of Criminal Procedure (DURATION OF POST-TRIAL
  PROTECTIVE ORDER), strike "7B.03" and substitute "7B.04".
         (2)  In the first sentence of added Subsection (b), Article
  7B.08, Code of Criminal Procedure (DURATION OF POST-TRIAL
  PROTECTIVE ORDER), strike "7B.03" and substitute "7B.04".