H.R. No. 51
         WHEREAS, The Rio Grande Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
  is posthumously awarding its Golden Eagle Award to Michael A. Allen
  of McAllen during its annual Noche de Gala on January 22, 2011, and
  this special occasion marks a fitting opportunity to pay tribute to
  the life and achievements of this remarkable community servant; and
         WHEREAS, Mike Allen was born in 1937 in New Kensington,
  Pennsylvania; his family moved to Port Lavaca when he was a child,
  and he attended St. Anthony Catholic High School in San Antonio; he
  studied at the Oblate School of Theology and was ordained as a
  Catholic priest in 1963; and
         WHEREAS, During his years as a priest, Mr. Allen served a
  number of parishes in the Rio Grande Valley, including Sacred Heart
  in McAllen and Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mission; after leaving the
  priesthood in the 1970s, he moved to Austin for a time, and then
  returned to McAllen; he was joined in matrimony to his wife,
  Theresa, in 1991, and together they enjoyed a fulfilling
  relationship until his death; and
         WHEREAS, In 1988, Mr. Allen was named as the first president
  and CEO of the McAllen Economic Development Corporation, and he
  played a leading role in the expansion of the maquiladora industry
  in the Rio Grande Valley, helping to improve relations with Mexico,
  establish the foreign trade zone, and create jobs in McAllen; and
         WHEREAS, During his 18-year tenure as leader of the MEDC, Mr.
  Allen helped attract 206 new businesses and thousands of jobs to the
  McAllen area; his efforts also helped to draw 292 businesses and
  many new jobs to Reynosa, across the border in Mexico, thus forging
  strong ties between the two cities; and
         WHEREAS, In 1998, Mr. Allen helped to establish the Texas
  Border Coalition, bringing together officials and businesspersons
  all along the border from Brownsville to El Paso; he also cofounded
  a coalition of five Hidalgo County communities, the South Texas
  Border Partnership; he was instrumental in the campaign to develop
  the new Anzalduas International Bridge at McAllen as well as the
  proposed Interstate 69 highway; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Allen was a founder of South Texas Community
  College, now called South Texas College, and he served as a trustee
  for the college from 2004 until his death; he was a member of the
  American Economic Development Council, the Reynosa Maquila
  Association, the Texas Good Roads and Transportation Association,
  the Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Council, and the Rio Grande
  Valley Partnership Chamber of Commerce, among others; he also
  served on the board of the Rio Grande Valley Council of Governments
  and as a member of the Governor's Task Force on Management and Labor
  Relations; and
         WHEREAS, Known to his friends and admirers as "Padre Mike,"
  this gifted and energetic man was recognized by the City of Hidalgo
  as 2006 Border Texan of the Year, and in 2009 he earned the
  prestigious Road Hand Award from the Texas Department of
  Transportation in recognition of his work to improve the valley's
  highways; and
         WHEREAS, Until his death on August 25, 2010, Mike Allen
  worked tirelessly to provide economic opportunity and improve the
  quality of life for the residents of McAllen and the Rio Grande
  Valley, and he is indeed worthy of recognition for his years of
  service and many achievements; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That Michael A. Allen's receipt of the Golden Eagle
  Award from the Rio Grande Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce be
  commemorated and that the life and legacy of this outstanding
  community leader be honored; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.
  Gonzales of Hidalgo
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 51 was adopted by the House on January
  20, 2011, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House