82R4277 RYA-D
  By: King of Parker H.R. No. 130
         WHEREAS, Grace After Fire provides an exceptional network of
  support for women who served in the United States military, and this
  noteworthy organization deserves special recognition for the
  positive impact it has made in the lives of these veterans; and
         WHEREAS, Recognizing that female service members often face
  unique challenges as they transition from the military back to
  civilian life, founder Stephanie Moles established Grace After Fire
  in 2002 to provide an online outreach service for all women veterans
  and their families; today, the organization is managed primarily by
  women who have served in the armed forces, and it draws on the
  expertise of a clinical advisory committee and the dedicated work
  of volunteers; and
         WHEREAS, The assistance provided by Grace After Fire is
  especially valuable given the increasing number of women serving in
  the military and their need for support resources,  as former
  soldiers may struggle with issues such as addiction and depression
  related to post-traumatic stress disorder and physical injuries
  after they end their tours of duty; and
         WHEREAS, Grace After Fire helps service members deal with
  these problems by providing an online social network that is a safe,
  confidential place to share experiences and solutions; funded by
  private donations and grants, the organization helps female
  veterans gain access to mental health services, health care, peer
  support, and other resources, and its services are aiding numerous
  former military personnel who have helped defend our nation; and
         WHEREAS, All American citizens owe a profound debt of
  gratitude to the present and former members of the United States
  armed forces, and Grace After Fire is helping to ensure that the
  brave women who have served our country receive the assistance and
  support that they so richly deserve; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the members of the Grace After Fire
  organization for their excellent work to help women veterans return
  to civilian life and extend to all involved sincere best wishes for
  the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the group as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.