82R6135 JBA-D
  By: Raymond H.R. No. 185
         WHEREAS, The city of Laredo is celebrating the life of one of
  this nation's most revered leaders when it hosts the 114th
  Washington's Birthday Celebration, featuring more than a month of
  fun-filled events that began on January 14, 2011; and
         WHEREAS, This special tradition dates back to February 1898,
  when the Laredo tribe of the Improved Order of Red Men, a patriotic
  fraternal organization descended from the Sons of Liberty, staged a
  spirited mock battle between the Red Men and the defenders of City
  Hall; the contest, which represented the colonial struggle against
  the British, ended with the Red Men victorious and the mayor's
  presentation of the key to the City of Laredo to the "Great Chief
  Sachem"; and
         WHEREAS, Combining elements of Hispanic and Anglo cultures,
  the Laredo celebration features parades, pageants, and concerts, as
  well as a carnival, a family fun fest, and an air show, and is
  expected to attract some 400,000 attendees; among its most notable
  events are the Noche de Cabaret, Comedy Jam for George, Jalapeno
  Festival, the Princess Pocahontas Pageant and Ball, and the
  International Bridge Ceremony; moreover, on February 19, at the
  60th Annual Mr. South Texas Luncheon, Speaker Joe Straus is being
  honored as Mr. South Texas 2011; and
         WHEREAS, George Washington, who was born in Virginia on
  February 22, 1732, left an indelible legacy as this nation's first
  commander in chief and president; admired for his courage, vision,
  integrity, and leadership in the darkest days of early independence
  from Great Britain, he remains one of the most influential and
  respected United States presidents of all time; and
         WHEREAS, The citizens of Laredo can take great pride in their
  city's celebration of our legendary Founding Father, and it is
  appropriate to take this opportunity to recognize and commend all
  who participate in the event; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 2011 Washington's Birthday
  Celebration in Laredo and extend to its organizers and participants
  sincere best wishes for another successful and memorable
  observance; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the members of the Washington's Birthday Celebration
  Association as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of