82R6918 JNC-D
  By: Menendez H.R. No. 235
         WHEREAS, Faculty, students, and staff of Harmony Public
  Schools are celebrating a decade of achievements by these notable
  institutions; and
         WHEREAS, A college preparatory charter school, Harmony
  Science Academy was first established in Houston in 2000; today, 33
  campuses throughout the state offer math, science, engineering, and
  computer technology focused education to more than 16,000 children
  enrolled in grades K-12; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to earning recognition by U.S. News &
  World Report as one of the best high schools in the nation, Harmony
  Public Schools can boast a 100 percent college acceptance rate;
  moreover, the institution was one of only 52 schools nationwide and
  the only charter school to earn the National Title I Distinguished
  School Award for closing the achievement gap; and
         WHEREAS, Many Harmony campuses are designated as Texas
  Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Initiative
  Academies, and their worthwhile efforts to promote this vital
  knowledge base has earned them funding from public groups and such
  private organizations as the Bill and Melinda Gates and Michael and
  Susan Dell Foundations; and
         WHEREAS, Harmony students across the Lone Star State have
  excelled, winning more than 2,000 awards in local, national, and
  international science fairs and competitions, and in 2009 the El
  Paso Academy robotics team was invited to represent the U.S. in the
  European Open Championship Robotics Competition; and
         WHEREAS, By providing high-quality educational opportunities
  for its pupils, Harmony Public Schools help students to build a
  solid foundation for their future achievement, and in so doing, the
  schools are ensuring that more young Texans enter the workforce
  prepared for the challenges of the 21st-century economy; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Harmony Public Schools on the 10th
  anniversary of the founding of the first Harmony Science Academy
  and extend to all those associated with these notable institutions
  sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Harmony Public Schools as an expression of high regard
  by the Texas House of Representatives.