82R5977 JGH-D
  By: Flynn H.R. No. 247
         WHEREAS, Penny Smeltzer of the Round Rock Independent School
  District has received the 2010 O'Donnell Texas AP Teacher Award;
         WHEREAS, Presented by the Communities Foundation of Texas
  with support from the David Nathan Meyerson Private Foundation,
  this prestigious annual award recognizes an advanced placement
  teacher in a Texas public high school who has excelled in inspiring
  his or her students to master college-level work and who has
  contributed significantly to the teaching profession; and
         WHEREAS, Penny Smeltzer earned her undergraduate degree in
  history, mathematics, and English from Western Michigan
  University, and she went on to study statistics at Texas A&M
  University and Austin Community College; and
         WHEREAS, A veteran teacher with 31 years of experience, Ms.
  Smeltzer leads classes in advanced placement statistics at Westwood
  High School in Round Rock; she introduced her first AP statistics
  course in 1996, and today she oversees an AP statistics program with
  an enrollment of more than 200 students; not only is her program one
  of the largest of its kind in the country, but its students
  regularly post AP statistics exam scores that exceed the state and
  national averages; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to creating innovative strategies to
  engage and motivate her students, Ms. Smeltzer has worked
  extensively with the College Board, authoring materials and
  presenting at conferences; the recipient of numerous other
  accolades, she was honored for her outstanding teaching by the
  Texas Exes in 2009 and was named the National AP Teacher of the Year
  by the Siemens Foundation in 2008; and
         WHEREAS, The advanced placement teachers of Texas play a
  vital role in preparing their students for academic achievement,
  and Penny Smeltzer's ability to inspire her students through her
  skill, energy, and generosity has put her in the front rank of Texas
  educators; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Penny Smeltzer on her receipt of
  the 2010 O'Donnell Texas AP Teacher Award and extend to her sincere
  best wishes for continued success in her important work; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Smeltzer as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.