82R7162 JEN-D
  By: McClendon H.R. No. 360
         WHEREAS, A century of joyful memories and meaningful
  accomplishments is truly reason to celebrate, and on October 23,
  2010, Ira McNeil of San Antonio reached that remarkable milestone
  in his life when he celebrated his 100th birthday; and
         WHEREAS, Ira McNeil was born in Giddings in 1910; he answered
  his nation's call to duty with service in the U.S. Army and then
  enjoyed a long career at the Gillespie Ford dealership; after
  retiring from that position, he went to work for the Institute of
  Texan Cultures; and
         WHEREAS, Proving the truth of one of his favorite sayings,
  "You're never too old to learn anything," Mr. McNeil received a
  certificate in computer training from Frank Garrett Community
  Center at the age of 67, and at 74 he enrolled in San Antonio
  College; and
         WHEREAS, Still a formidable opponent in the game of dominoes,
  Mr. McNeil is today a member of the West End Baptist Church and the
  proud patriarch of a family that includes five children, nine
  grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, Ira McNeil is a source of joy and inspiration to all
  who have had the great privilege of knowing him and sharing in the
  richness of his life, and it is indeed fitting to recognize him for
  a century of life well lived; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Ira McNeil on his 100th birthday
  and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued happiness; and,
  be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. McNeil as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.