82R240 BPG-D
  By: Patrick H.R. No. 409
         WHEREAS, The city of Arlington lost an admired civic leader
  with the death of its longtime first lady, Anna Waynette
  Vandergriff, on July 4, 2009, at the age of 82; and
         WHEREAS, An Arlington native, the former Anna Waynette Smith
  was born on June 12, 1927, to Gladys Parker Smith and Thomas Wayne
  Smith; her interest in music began early in life, and as a young
  woman she directed the Arlington High School choir in University
  Interscholastic League competitions and played the organ at local
  churches; after graduating, she earned an associate's degree from
  The University of Texas at Arlington and served as secretary to the
  chair of the fine arts department; she subsequently received a
  scholarship to Texas Christian University, where she worked as a
  piano instructor and accompanist while studying piano and flute;
         WHEREAS, This engaging Texan won the heart of classmate Tom
  Vandergriff while singing "Moonlight Becomes You" at an Arlington
  High School assembly, and the couple went on to marry on March 19,
  1949, in a ceremony at First Methodist Church; they later became the
  parents of five children, Vanessa, Victor, Valerie, Viveca, and
  Vaughn, and Mrs. Vandergriff raised the couple's children to share
  her passion for the arts; she eventually welcomed five
  grandchildren into the family as well and took great pleasure in
  watching them grow up; and
         WHEREAS, While meeting the needs of her family, Mrs.
  Vandergriff also worked tirelessly in behalf of the greater good;
  equally committed to a life of public service, she supported her
  husband in his role as president of the chamber of commerce, as the
  13-term mayor of Arlington, as a United States congressman, and as a
  Tarrant County judge even as she undertook such endeavors as
  helping to organize the city's first community concert series and
  serving on the board of the Dance Theatre of Arlington; with energy
  and enthusiasm, she further benefited a number of other
  organizations, including the Arlington Junior League, the Women's
  Shelter, and the Arlington Newcomers Club as an advisory board
  member, and chaired the city's first Mothers' March on Polio for the
  March of Dimes; moreover, she hosted numerous open houses to raise
  funds for cultural and charitable organizations and chaired the UTA
  National Alumni Association fund drive in 1984; and
         WHEREAS, Anna Waynette Vandergriff was a pillar of her
  community and brought joy to many through her caring and fun-loving
  personality; those who were privileged to know her will forever
  treasure their memories of her dedication to her family, her
  friends, and her hometown; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Anna Waynette
  Vandergriff and extend sincere sympathy to the members of her
  family: to her husband of 60 years, Tom Vandergriff; to her
  children, Victor Vandergriff, Vanessa Watters, Valerie Kelton, and
  Viveca Vandergriff; to her grandchildren; and to her other
  relatives and friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Anna
  Waynette Vandergriff.