82R7990 MGR-D
  By: Oliveira H.R. No. 478
         WHEREAS, The Honorable Harold V. Dutton, Jr., who has
  rendered distinguished service to the State of Texas for more than a
  quarter of a century, is celebrating his 66th birthday on February
  17, 2011; and
         WHEREAS, A native of the Fifth Ward of Houston, Mr. Dutton
  graduated from Phillis Wheatley High School and earned a bachelor's
  degree in accounting from Texas Southern University; he received
  his juris doctorate from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at TSU
  and is a member of the State Bar of Texas, the Houston Bar
  Association, the Texas Trial Lawyers Association, and the American
  Association for Justice; and
         WHEREAS, During his career, Mr. Dutton held management
  positions in corporate planning and economic analysis at Conoco and
  served as president of Four Star Broadcasting, operating an
  independent television station in the Houston area; moreover, he
  was the executive director of the Julia C. Hester House, a community
  center and United Way-affiliated agency in the Fifth Ward; he is an
  attorney specializing in civil rights and employment
  discrimination cases, and he is a member of the adjunct faculty at
  Texas Southern University; and
         WHEREAS, First elected in 1984, Mr. Dutton is currently
  serving his 14th term in the Texas House of Representatives; his
  legislative achievements include initiatives to enhance public
  alternative education, to strengthen parental rights, and to
  improve the availability and affordability of insurance, as well as
  successful sponsorship of the state's first statutory program to
  assist businesses owned by women and minorities; he is a member of
  the House Democratic Caucus and the steering committee of the House
  Research Organization, and he previously served as chair of the
  Harris County delegation; and
         WHEREAS, The efforts of Representative Dutton have been
  recognized by the Houston Forward Times, the ACLU, the Texas
  Women's Political Caucus, the Texas Tourism Caucus, the United
  States Small Business Administration, the Texas Association of
  African American Chambers of Commerce, and groups representing
  Houston police officers and Harris County and African American
  deputy sheriffs; in addition, he has been named a Distinguished
  Alumnus by the TSU School of Business and is a 32nd degree Mason and
  a member of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity; and
         WHEREAS, Over the course of his life, Harold Dutton has
  excelled as a public servant, an attorney, a businessman, and a
  community leader, and he has earned widespread respect and
  admiration; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Honorable Harold V. Dutton,
  Jr., on the occasion of his 66th birthday and extend to him sincere
  best wishes for continued happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Representative Dutton as an expression of high regard
  by the Texas House of Representatives.