82R7046 MGR-D
  By: Gonzales of Williamson H.R. No. 481
         WHEREAS, Roderick Mitchell was named the 2010 Citizen of the
  Year by the Rotary Club of Taylor at the annual Taylor Chamber of
  Commerce banquet on January 20, 2011; and
         WHEREAS, The son of Melvin Mitchell, Sr., and Josephine Cook
  Mitchell, "Shorty" Mitchell was born in Thorndale and grew up in San
  Antonio and Dallas; his lifelong love of sports developed at
  Wilmer-Hutchins High School in Dallas, where he excelled in
  football, basketball, track, boxing, and baseball, and continued
  when he transferred to Thorndale High School and led the Bulldogs to
  a district championship his senior year; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Mitchell went on to earn an associate's degree
  in business management from Ashworth College in Georgia and today
  serves as the auto glass sales manager at Floyd's Glass Company; and
         WHEREAS, An active member of his community, he has served as
  the vice president of the Taylor Jaycees and the Booster Club and as
  a member of the City of Taylor Parks and Recreation Board and the
  parks master planning board, where he played a major role in
  overseeing the design of the Taylor Regional Park and Sports
  Complex; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Mitchell has also been president of the Taylor
  Pop Warner football and cheerleading programs since 1995 and vice
  president of the Central Texas Pop Warner Association since 1999;
  he was named a regional volunteer of the year by the organization in
  2004; in addition, he shares his time and talents with the Taylor
  Independent School District as secretary of the board of trustees,
  an office he has held for more than five years; and
         WHEREAS, A man of strong faith, Mr. Mitchell speaks regularly
  at local churches on youth issues; his desire to see young people
  excel and to give them the opportunity to develop confidence,
  self-esteem, and rewarding friendships is evidenced by the extent
  of his involvement in after-school programs and activities; he is
  even known to pay registration fees for children out of his own
  pocket when necessary; and
         WHEREAS, In all of his endeavors, Mr. Mitchell enjoys the
  love and support of his wife of 25 years, LaNell Griffin Mitchell,
  and together they take great pride in a fine family that includes
  three children and seven grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, Shorty Mitchell's tireless dedication to helping
  others makes him an inspiring role model, and he is indeed worthy of
  this important recognition from his community; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Shorty Mitchell on his selection as the
  2010 Citizen of the Year by the Rotary Club of Taylor and extend to
  him sincere best wishes for continued success and happiness; and,
  be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Mitchell as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.