82R7700 JBA-D
  By: Carter H.R. No. 506
         WHEREAS, E. Leon Carter has been named as the recipient of the
  2011 Martin Luther King, Jr., Justice Award from the Dallas Bar
  Association; and
         WHEREAS, The award is given to local leaders whose lives and
  practice exemplify the principles embodied by Dr. King's
  leadership; in addition to being a highly respected attorney, Mr.
  Carter has distinguished himself through his long record of
  community service; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Carter received his law degree in 1986 from the
  Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University; after
  serving as assistant district attorney for Dallas County and
  assistant attorney general for the State of Texas, he joined the law
  firm of Jackson Walker, where he became a partner specializing in
  litigation; he then created his own practice, which has evolved
  into the Munck Carter law firm; and
         WHEREAS, This skilled attorney has been named a Super Lawyer
  by Texas Monthly on many occasions, and the Dallas Business Journal 
  selected him for its Top 15 Business Defense Lawyers of the
  Metroplex; in 2009, he was named a Fellow of the American College of
  Trial Lawyers, an honor that is accorded to only one percent of any
  state's lawyer population; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Carter's commitment to giving back to his
  community has been demonstrated in numerous ways; an adjunct
  professor at his law school alma mater, he is also a member of the
  board for Camp John Marc, a facility for children with chronic
  illnesses or physical disabilities, and Vickery Meadow Learning
  Center, which stresses English literacy for non-English speakers;
  he has also served on the board of the Martin Luther King, Jr.,
  Community Center, the Volunteer Center of Dallas, and Big Brothers
  Big Sisters; and
         WHEREAS, Leon Carter has set an example of leadership,
  professionalism, and service to which all may aspire, and he is
  indeed deserving of this prestigious honor; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate E. Leon Carter on being named the
  recipient of the 2011 Martin Luther King, Jr., Justice Award from
  the Dallas Bar Association and extend to him sincere best wishes for
  continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Carter as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.