82R11060 RYA-D
  By: Hughes H.R. No. 592
         WHEREAS, Advocates for responsible pet care are gathering in
  Austin on February 24, 2011, to participate in Responsible Pet
  Owners Alliance Day at the State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Pets play an important role in the lives of many
  Texans, and they are more than just adorable balls of fur--they are
  living, breathing prescriptions for what often ails us; their joy
  and spirit encourage us, and their mere presence as silent,
  understanding companions comforts us and chases the blues away; our
  pets run, walk, crawl, slither, and fly into our hearts, and, in
  doing so, they improve our physical and mental well-being; and
         WHEREAS, The Responsible Pet Owners Alliance was founded in
  1992 to develop solutions for pet-related problems and to alleviate
  the need for so many animals to be left at shelters; the group works
  to improve the quality of life for pets and people by educating
  individuals about animal behavior and health and by preparing them
  for the commitment involved in pet ownership; and
         WHEREAS, To advance its mission, the Responsible Pet Owners
  Alliance collaborates with other animal-support organizations on
  the Pet Education, Assistance, and Rescue Program, which includes
  rescue and adoption services, counseling for owners who are
  considering giving up their pets, and a telephone hotline for
  assistance with any animal-related issues; moreover, the program
  sponsors Paws for Service, an initiative in which teams of dogs and
  their owners visit hospitals and nursing homes, bringing joy and
  comfort to the patients; and
         WHEREAS, The Responsible Pet Owners Alliance is affiliated
  with the American Kennel Club and the Southwest Texas Animal Care
  and Control Association; it endorses the AKC Canine Good Citizen
  Program as a method for developing well-trained dogs and promoting
  responsible ownership; and
         WHEREAS, Well-behaved pets are not born but are the result of
  care, attention, and training, and in return, our pets give us a
  lifetime of devotion and companionship; the Responsible Pet Owners
  Alliance works hard to ensure that this special bond between pet
  owners and their animals is strengthened and protected; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 24, 2011, as Responsible Pet
  Owners Alliance Day at the State Capitol and extend to all those
  associated with the alliance sincere best wishes for continued
  success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the organization as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.