82R8002 JBA-D
  By: Frullo H.R. No. 608
         WHEREAS, Harold Jones has been named the recipient of the
  2011 Rita Harmon Volunteer Service Award by the Lubbock Area United
  Way; and
         WHEREAS, Presented each year since 1993, the honor is
  bestowed on an individual who has demonstrated a commitment to
  serving others, determination and persistence in fulfilling
  volunteer obligations, loyalty and integrity, involvement in
  community activities in addition to the United Way, and a
  dedication to helping the people of Lubbock; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Greenville, Mr. Jones grew up in Sulphur
  Springs, where he played varsity sports and was president of his
  high school class; after graduation, he began his career and made
  what would become the first of many donations he would make to the
  United Way through the years; he moved in 1952 to Lubbock, where he
  managed the bookkeeping and posting department of Lubbock National
  Bank; in the early 1960s, he entered the insurance industry with
  Southwestern Life and recently retired after a remarkable 40-year
  tenure with Northwestern Mutual; and
         WHEREAS, Beyond his work for the United Way, Mr. Jones has
  given generously of his time and resources to a number of worthy
  groups; he has volunteered with the Covenant Health System
  Foundation, the Volunteer Center of Lubbock, the Rotary Club, the
  Lubbock Area Foundation, St. Mary of the Plains Hospital, Hospice
  of Lubbock, Goodwill Industries, the South Plains Council of the
  Boy Scouts of America, the Lubbock Symphony Orchestra, and Prevent
  Blindness America; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Jones is an avid supporter of Texas Tech
  University, to which he is a scholarship donor while also serving as
  a member of its Chancellor's Council; in all of his endeavors, he
  enjoys the love and support of his wife of 61 years, Alline, his son
  and daughter, his three grandchildren, and his three
  great-grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, Those individuals who willingly give of themselves
  to better the world around them are indeed deserving of our profound
  gratitude, and Harold Jones is indeed one such person who has
  enriched the lives of countless people through his selfless
  volunteerism; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Harold Jones on his selection as
  the recipient of the 2011 Rita Harmon Volunteer Service Award by the
  Lubbock Area United Way and extend to him sincere best wishes for
  continued happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Jones as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.