82R11692 BGU-D
  By: Davis of Dallas H.R. No. 654
         WHEREAS, Eight accomplished public servants are being
  honored by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus on February 28 as
  recipients of a 2011 Trailblazer Award; and
         WHEREAS, This notable accolade is given to individuals who
  ably served the citizens of this state as members of the Texas House
  and who also shared their valuable insight and wisdom through their
  participation in the Texas Legislative Black Caucus; this year's
  outstanding honorees include former state representatives Fred
  Blair (1987-1993), Lanell Cofer (1977-1983), Zan W. Holmes, Jr.
  (1968-1973), Samuel Hudson III (1973-1997), Jesse Jones
  (1993-2007), Jerald H. Larry (1987-1993), Jesse D. Oliver
  (1983-1987), and Paul Ragsdale (1973-1987); and
         WHEREAS, Among this distinguished roster of state
  legislators are the Honorable Samuel Hudson and the Honorable Paul
  Ragsdale who, together with the Honorable Senfronia Thompson, Eddie
  Bernice Johnson, Anthony Hall, Mickey Leland, Craig Washington, and
  G. J. Sutton, formed the Texas Legislative Black Caucus in 1973 as
  a means by which to address issues faced by African Americans across
  the Lone Star State; and
         WHEREAS, Over the course of their exemplary tenure in state
  government, each of the 2011 Trailblazers made many significant
  contributions to the betterment of life in their communities and
  beyond, and they opened doors of opportunity and empowered
  countless people through their commitment toward achieving the goal
  of a more just and equitable society; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Fred Blair, Lanell Cofer, Zan
  W. Holmes, Jr., Samuel Hudson III, Jesse Jones, Jerald H. Larry,
  Jesse D. Oliver, and Paul Ragsdale on their receipt of a 2011
  Trailblazer Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus and
  commend these inspiring leaders for the profound difference they
  have made in the lives of their fellow Texans; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the honorees as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.