H.R. No. 672
         WHEREAS, Staff, participants, and supporters of the Boys &
  Girls Clubs in Texas are gathering in Austin on March 1, 2011, for
  their legislative day at the State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Boys & Girls Clubs provide services to more than
  603,000 school-aged children in 170 cities in Texas, with the goal
  of enabling all youth to realize their full potential as
  productive, responsible, and caring citizens; and
         WHEREAS, Evidence-based and proven effective, the programs
  of the Boys & Girls Clubs stress character and leadership
  development, education and career advancement, and health and life
  skills; moreover, the clubs encourage an appreciation of the arts
  and provide a variety of sports, fitness, and recreational
  activities; and
         WHEREAS, Taken together, these programs foster in children a
  healthier self-image, as well as improved educational, emotional,
  and cultural awareness; they also promote community involvement,
  strong moral values, and enhanced life-management skills; and
         WHEREAS, Among the visiting delegation at the Capitol are
  eight finalists for Texas State Youth of the Year, the winner of
  which will be announced during the Boys & Girls Clubs Legislative
  Day Luncheon; he or she will go on to represent Texas in the
  National Youth of the Year competition sponsored by the Boys & Girls
  Clubs of America; and
         WHEREAS, Helping its members to aspire to the highest level
  of personal development and to become good citizens of their
  communities, Boys & Girls Clubs have long made a positive and
  lasting difference in the lives of young Texans, and they are indeed
  deserving of recognition; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the Boys & Girls Clubs in Texas for their
  outstanding efforts in behalf of youth and their families and
  extend to all those involved with the organizations sincere best
  wishes for continued success.
  Gonzales of Hidalgo
Straus Gonzales of Williamson Morrison
Aliseda Gonzalez Munoz, Jr.
Allen Gooden Murphy
Alonzo Guillen Naishtat
Alvarado Gutierrez Nash
Anchia Hamilton Oliveira
Anderson of Dallas Hancock Orr
Anderson of McLennan Hardcastle Otto
Aycock Harless Parker
Beck Harper-Brown Patrick
Berman Hartnett Paxton
Bohac Hernandez Luna Pena
Bonnen Hilderbran Perry
Branch Hochberg Phillips
Brown Hopson Pickett
Burkett Howard of Fort Bend Pitts
Burnam Howard of Travis Price
Button Huberty Quintanilla
Cain Hughes Raymond
Callegari Hunter Reynolds
Carter Isaac Riddle
Castro Jackson Ritter
Chisum Johnson Rodriguez
Christian Keffer Schwertner
Coleman King of Parker Scott
Cook King of Taylor Sheets
Craddick King of Zavala Sheffield
Creighton Kleinschmidt Shelton
Crownover Kolkhorst Simpson
Darby Kuempel Smith of Harris
Davis of Dallas Landtroop Smith of Tarrant
J. Davis of Harris Larson Smithee
S. Davis of Harris Laubenberg Solomons
Deshotel Lavender Strama
Driver Legler Taylor of Collin
Dukes Lewis Taylor of Galveston
Dutton Lozano Thompson
Eiland Lucio III Torres
Eissler Lyne Truitt
Elkins Madden Turner
Farias Mallory Caraway Veasey
Farrar Margo Villarreal
Fletcher Marquez Vo
Flynn Martinez Walle
Frullo Martinez Fischer Weber
Gallego McClendon White
Garza Menendez Woolley
Geren Miles Workman
Giddings Miller of Comal Zedler
Gonzales of Hidalgo Miller of Erath Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 672 was adopted by the House on March 1,
  2011, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House