82R8251 JNC-D
  By: Rodriguez H.R. No. 704
         WHEREAS, Eva Carrillo de Garcia was posthumously recognized
  by the Austin History Center in conjunction with its exhibit
  Mexican American Firsts: Trailblazers of Austin and Travis County;
         WHEREAS, Honoring the important contributions made by
  Mexican Americans to Central Texas, the Austin History Center and
  its association joined with the Austin Public Library to organize
  the show, which ran from August 21, 2010, through January 16, 2011;
  Mexican American Firsts: Trailblazers of Austin and Travis County
  celebrated the pioneering achievements of 32 remarkable men and
  women and provided the public with an opportunity to learn more
  about their lives; and
         WHEREAS, One such individual, Eva Carrillo de Garcia, was
  honored for her achievements in media; a nurse, Mrs. Garcia studied
  at Bethany Hospital and the Chicago Training School for City, Home
  and Foreign Missions, and went on to work at the Battle Creek
  Sanitarium in Michigan; and
         WHEREAS, In 1915, Mrs. Garcia and her husband, Dr. Alberto
  Garcia, moved to Austin, where they published the town's first
  Spanish-language newspaper, La Vanguardia; she dedicated much of
  her life to championing desegregation and better public education
  for Mexican American students; a founding member of the Ladies
  League of United Latin American Citizens and the Emmanuel United
  Methodist Church, she also shared her time with health education
  drives and the United Service Organization during World War II; and
         WHEREAS, Through her outstanding accomplishments, Eva
  Carrillo de Garcia made a positive difference in her community, and
  her legacy is a source of pride and inspiration to many people; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Eva Carrillo de
  Garcia, a Mexican American Trailblazer of Austin and Travis County.