H.R. No. 753
         WHEREAS, On March 9, 2011, Ebby Halliday is celebrating her
  100th birthday with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, famed tenor
  Mario Frangoulis, and a distinguished group of donors to the Ebby
  Halliday Fund of the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished
  Americans; and
         WHEREAS, This iconic Dallas entrepreneur and philanthropist
  was named a Distinguished American by the Horatio Alger Association
  in 2005, and her birthday gala benefits the fund supporting college
  scholarships; Ms. Halliday began commemorating her centennial in
  February with a benefit that raised some $700,000 for the
  Foundation Fighting Blindness, of which she is a national trustee;
  in the course of that splendid event, she greeted hundreds of
  prominent Texans and danced with Tony Orlando as he serenaded her
  with "Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'Round the Ole Oak Tree"; and
         WHEREAS, Born Vera Lucille Koch in Arkansas on March 9, 1911,
  the daughter of Louis and Lucille Koch grew up on a farm in Kansas;
  she entered the sales field at the age of eight, riding her pony to
  sell Cloverine Salve to neighbors; after graduating from high
  school, she rode a bus to Kansas City and applied for a job at the
  largest department store; she became a star of the millinery
  department, and, at the suggestion of a fellow clerk, adopted the
  suitably effervescent name Ebby Halliday; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Halliday won promotions to Omaha and then
  Dallas, where she headed the millinery department at the W. A. Green
  store; a wise stock investment allowed her to open her own popular
  boutique, Ebby's Hats; a good customer was married to a developer of
  insulated-cement homes, who wondered that since she could sell his
  wife "those crazy hats," could she sell maybe his "crazy houses" 
  too; taking a visionary approach, Ms. Halliday brought in
  attractive furnishings to make the modest homes more appealing, an
  example of "staging" long before the term was coined; she sold all
  the properties and launched her own real estate company in 1945; and
         WHEREAS, Through the years, Ebby Halliday, REALTORS,
  expanded extensively, making "Ebby" a household name; guided by
  founding principles of service to the client, the industry, and the
  community, she served in countless leadership roles; she founded
  the Dallas Chapter of the Women's Council of the National
  Association of Realtors and served as its president before becoming
  president of the National Women's Council; moreover, she was the
  first female president of the North Dallas Chamber of Commerce;
  numerous realtors advanced in the profession through her mentoring,
  and she developed the talents of many women who went on to start
  their own businesses; and
         WHEREAS, Naturally driven, Ms. Halliday learned the
  importance of balancing work and home life in 1958, when she was in
  Beaumont for a speaking engagement and met an attorney named
  Maurice Acers; the couple married on April 29, 1965, and enjoyed a
  rewarding relationship until his passing in 1993; Ms. Halliday
  shared with her husband the motto "Do something for someone every
  day," and she has lent her considerable energies to myriad
  charitable and civic endeavors; in 2008, she received the
  prestigious Linz Award from the Junior League of Dallas for her
  contributions, and she has received a host of other accolades,
  among them the 2010 Public Service Award from Phoenix House of
  Texas; she is a member of the Texas Women's Hall of Fame and the
  Texas Business Hall of Fame; and
         WHEREAS, The "grande dame of Dallas real estate" today
  presides over the largest independently owned residential real
  estate firm in the Lone Star State, which ranks as one of the
  largest in the country, with 30 offices, two boutique firms under
  its umbrella, and leasing, property management, mortgage, and
  personal insurance businesses; as chair, Ms. Halliday continues to
  put in regular hours at her office, where two assistants help her
  manage her busy schedule; she credits her longevity to a simple
  program: "I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I don't retire"; and
         WHEREAS, Ebby Halliday blazed a trail for other women in the
  real estate industry and the business world, and her enduring
  commitment to her community is a source of inspiration to all who
  are privileged to know of her; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Ebby Halliday on the joyous
  occasion of her 100th birthday and extend to her sincere best wishes
  for continued success and happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Halliday as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 753 was adopted by the House on March
  17, 2011, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House