82R11136 JEN-D
  By: Smith of Harris H.R. No. 763
         WHEREAS, Local credit unions play a vital role in the economy
  of Texas, and in 2010, Community Resource Credit Union celebrated
  75 years of service to the people of Baytown; and
         WHEREAS, Founded as Humble Employees Baytown Federal Credit
  Union in 1935, the institution accumulated assets of $1 million by
  1958, enabling it to move off the premises of the Humble Oil
  Company; in the 1960s, the credit union became one of the first to
  offer its members share drafts, credit cards, and drafts for
  open-ended loans; and
         WHEREAS, A new building was constructed in 1970, and three
  years later the name was changed to Exxon Baytown Credit Union; the
  name was changed again in 2003 to Community Resource Credit Union,
  and membership was opened up to employees of the Goose Creek,
  Barber's Hill, and Crosby Independent School Districts; and
         WHEREAS, Today, Community Resource Credit Union employs more
  than 100 area Texans and disburses over $4.5 million in dividends
  every year to its 30,000 members; in addition, the credit union
  benefits its community by donating more than $50,000 annually to
  local causes and organizations; and
         WHEREAS, For three quarters of a century, Community Resource
  Credit Union has provided its members with a range of important
  financial services, making it a valued contributor to the welfare
  and prosperity of Baytown; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 75th anniversary of Community
  Resource Credit Union and extend to its officers, staff, and
  shareholders sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Community Resource Credit Union as an expression of
  high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.