H.R. No. 786
         WHEREAS, Each year, St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on March
  17, and this occasion provides an opportunity to honor the origins
  of the event and to highlight the many contributions that
  individuals of Irish descent have made to the Lone Star State; and
         WHEREAS, Born into a wealthy Romano-British family in the 4th
  century, St. Patrick was kidnapped at the age of 16 by Irish raiders
  and taken captive to the Emerald Isle; according to his writings,
  divine intervention allowed him to escape, and he entered the
  priesthood soon after; he later returned to Ireland and spent
  nearly 30 years teaching the island's residents about his faith,
  thereby becoming the principal champion of Irish Christianity in
  legend and folklore; St. Patrick's Day, which commemorates the day
  of his death in 461, has become a celebration of Irish heritage
  around the world, and in recent decades the government of Ireland
  has made the observance a centerpiece of its efforts to showcase the
  country and its culture; and
         WHEREAS, One of the earliest Irish residents of Texas was
  Hugh O'Connor, who served as governor of the Spanish territory from
  1767 to 1770; natives of Ireland also played a central role in the
  settlement of Texas in the early 1800s, including empresarios James
  McGloin, John McMullen, and James Power, who brought dozens of
  Irish families to South Texas and the Gulf Coast; and
         WHEREAS, All three of these men participated in the Texas
  Revolution, as did Irishmen such as John Joseph Linn, Francis
  Moore, Jr., and Thomas William Ward; a dozen individuals from the
  Emerald Isle died defending the Alamo, and 100 Irish-born troops
  helped win the independence of Texas in the decisive Battle of San
  Jacinto; and
         WHEREAS, The number of immigrants from Ireland grew
  dramatically in the mid-1800s, and several prominent Irish natives
  made their mark during that period; Samuel McKinney was an early
  president of Austin College, Father Michael Sheehan established the
  first Catholic church in Austin and became one of the first
  full-time Catholic chaplains in the U.S. Army, and Peter Gallagher
  served as a Texas Ranger and helped organize Pecos County; later in
  the 19th century, Irishman John William Mallet served as the first
  faculty chairman at The University of Texas at Austin, and artist
  Henry Arthur McArdle produced many famous paintings inspired by
  Texas history, some of which now hang in the State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, With the passing decades, additional people from
  Ireland found a new home in Texas, and they and the descendents of
  previous immigrants have had an enduring influence on the state's
  lifestyle and development; today, Irish culture is celebrated in
  formal programs such as the Center for Irish Studies at the
  University of St. Thomas in Houston, as well as in statewide St.
  Patrick's Day celebrations, and it is appropriate to join with
  thousands of other residents in recognizing the significant role
  that Irish Americans have played in the story of the Lone Star
  State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the state's vital Irish heritage
  and extend Happy St. Patrick's Day wishes to all Irish Americans.
  Lucio III
Straus Gonzales of Williamson Morrison
Aliseda Gonzalez Munoz, Jr.
Allen Gooden Murphy
Alonzo Guillen Naishtat
Alvarado Gutierrez Nash
Anchia Hamilton Oliveira
Anderson of Dallas Hancock Orr
Anderson of McLennan Hardcastle Otto
Aycock Harless Parker
Beck Harper-Brown Patrick
Berman Hartnett Paxton
Bohac Hernandez Luna Pena
Bonnen Hilderbran Perry
Branch Hochberg Phillips
Brown Hopson Pickett
Burkett Howard of Fort Bend Pitts
Burnam Howard of Travis Price
Button Huberty Quintanilla
Cain Hughes Raymond
Callegari Hunter Reynolds
Carter Isaac Riddle
Castro Jackson Ritter
Chisum Johnson Rodriguez
Christian Keffer Schwertner
Coleman King of Parker Scott
Cook King of Taylor Sheets
Craddick King of Zavala Sheffield
Creighton Kleinschmidt Shelton
Crownover Kolkhorst Simpson
Darby Kuempel Smith of Harris
Davis of Dallas Landtroop Smith of Tarrant
J. Davis of Harris Larson Smithee
S. Davis of Harris Laubenberg Solomons
Deshotel Lavender Strama
Driver Legler Taylor of Collin
Dukes Lewis Taylor of Galveston
Dutton Lozano Thompson
Eiland Lucio III Torres
Eissler Lyne Truitt
Elkins Madden Turner
Farias Mallory Caraway Veasey
Farrar Margo Villarreal
Fletcher Marquez Vo
Flynn Martinez Walle
Frullo Martinez Fischer Weber
Gallego McClendon White
Garza Menendez Woolley
Geren Miles Workman
Giddings Miller of Comal Zedler
Gonzales of Hidalgo Miller of Erath Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 786 was adopted by the House on March
  17, 2011, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House