82R14554 JNC-D
  By: Castro H.R. No. 818
         WHEREAS, Our friend and colleague, the Honorable Joe Farias
  of San Antonio, celebrated his 65th birthday on March 13, 2011; and
         WHEREAS, A lifelong resident of House District 118, Joe
  Farias served this nation in the Vietnam War as a member of the U.S.
  Army; returning home, he joined City Public Service in San Antonio
  as a machinist, and, after a notable 32-year career with the
  municipal utility, he retired as a supervisor of the technical
  training section in 2003; and
         WHEREAS, This knowledgeable civic leader has served on the
  boards of the Harlandale Independent School District and the San
  Antonio Zoning Commission, and he has further given back to his
  community in myriad ways, from coaching Little League to hosting
  fund-raisers to help those in need; and
         WHEREAS, Representative Farias has been a strong advocate for
  working Texans since joining the house in 2007; during his tenure,
  he has advocated for legislation to assist members of the armed
  forces and their families, to help increase the number of young
  Texans benefiting from the Children's Health Insurance Program, and
  to study an initiative to more effectively reduce juvenile crime;
  recognized for his outstanding efforts, he was named Freshman of
  the Year by the Mexican American Legislative Caucus; and
         WHEREAS, In the 81st Legislative Session, Representative
  Farias helped to create and then chaired the Texas Veterans Caucus,
  an organization of legislators who work together to support
  pro-veteran legislation, such as expanding college tuition
  benefits to spouses of veterans who were killed or disabled in
  action; in addition, he was a leader in the effort to recognize
  Texas A&M University--San Antonio as a stand-alone campus; and
         WHEREAS, Now in his third term, Representative Farias serves
  on the House Committees of Defense and Veterans Affairs, Elections,
  Local and Consent Calendars, and Rules and Resolutions; and
         WHEREAS, In all of his endeavors, he enjoys the love and
  support of his wife of nearly four decades, Angie, and his sons,
  Gabe, Joey, Jaime, and Daniel; and
         WHEREAS, Joe Farias has proven himself to be a man of
  conviction and character, and his birthday provides an opportune
  time to honor him for his many good works; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Honorable Joe Farias on his
  65th birthday and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued
  happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Representative Farias as an expression of high regard
  by the Texas House of Representatives.