82R13062 JEN-D
  By: Smith of Harris H.R. No. 885
         WHEREAS, The certain knowledge of a life well lived may
  temper the profound sadness felt at the death of George Calvin Love
  of Houston, who passed away on January 27, 2011, at the age of 82;
         WHEREAS, Born to Robert and Myra Love in Dallas on November
  28, 1928, George Love was raised in Beaumont, where he graduated
  from Beaumont High School in 1945; after earning his bachelor's
  degree in engineering from The University of Texas in 1951, he
  served for two years as an instructor with the U.S. Army Corps of
  Engineers; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Love began his successful professional career in
  1953 with the Houston-based firm Bovay Engineers; he went on to
  serve as vice president and chief engineer of Limbaugh Engineers, a
  Bovay subsidiary, from 1965 to 1969 and as vice president of Bovay
  from 1970 to 1981; Mr. Love then joined Southwestern Laboratories,
  where he held the post of senior vice president and served as a
  member of the board of directors; in 1994 he became a founding
  principal of HBC Engineering, and he helped to guide that company as
  vice president until his retirement in 2001; and
         WHEREAS, Highly accomplished in his field, Mr. Love was named
  a Distinguished Engineer by the Texas Engineering Foundation in
  1995, honored as Engineer of the Year by the Texas Society of
  Professional Engineers (TSPE) in 1997, and recognized as a
  Distinguished Graduate by the Cockrell School of Engineering at UT
  in 1998; he played an active role in many professional
  organizations and held a number of leadership positions, including
  those of director of the National Society of Professional Engineers
  and president of TSPE; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Love enjoyed 48 years with his wife, Diana, and
  the couple were blessed with two children, Diana and Scott, as well
  as four grandchildren, Tristan, Teresa, Timothy, and John; known
  for his positive attitude and friendly demeanor, Mr. Love enjoyed
  teaching his grandchildren new things and golfing and hunting with
  his friends; he had a knack for fixing almost anything, and he
  delighted in tackling projects at his beloved ranch near Bastrop;
         WHEREAS, A man of deep faith, Mr. Love was an active member of
  Christ Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Houston, where he served
  as a greeter and usher; he gave generously of his time as a member of
  the board of directors for Camp Redcloud, a Christian retreat and
  adventure camp in Colorado, and he volunteered with Memorial
  Assistance Ministries which helps people in need; and
         WHEREAS, While the death of George Love has brought great
  sorrow to his family and friends, he has left behind a legacy that
  will long be treasured by all those who held him dear; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of George Calvin Love
  and extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to his
  wife, Diana Love; to his daughter, Diana Mathews, and her husband,
  Tris; to his son, Scott Love, and his wife, Anna Trent; to his
  grandchildren, Tristan and Teresa Mathews and Timothy and John
  Love; and to his other relatives and friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of George