By: Brown H.R. No. 934
         WHEREAS, The Texas A&M University College of Agriculture and
  Life Sciences is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its
  establishment in 2011; and
         WHEREAS, Officially organized as the School of Agriculture in
  1911, the college has grown from an initial enrollment of 166 to
  serve some 6,500 students today; offering 40 undergraduate degree
  programs and over 50 graduate programs in 14 departments, the
  college graduates more students in agriculturally related fields
  than anywhere else in the country; in addition, it partners with the
  four Texas A&M AgriLife agencies to fulfill the university's
  land-grant mission of teaching, research, extension, and service;
         WHEREAS, Students in the College of Agriculture and Life
  Sciences benefit from instruction by a world-class faculty that
  includes a Nobel Prize laureate and a Pulitzer Prize winner; the
  college is widely recognized as a leader in a number of academic
  disciplines, and its programs range from long-established majors
  such as agronomy and animal science to newer fields of study such as
  forensics and spatial sciences; moreover, in their research,
  faculty members address many vital issues, including fuels for the
  future, potential cures for diseases, and the safety and abundance
  of the food supply; graduates of the school have gone on to
  distinguish themselves as leaders in science, industry, business,
  and government at the local, state, and national levels; and
         WHEREAS, For a century, the College of Agriculture and Life
  Sciences has remained committed to meeting the educational needs of
  its students, and the school has played an integral role in helping
  many individuals in Texas and beyond build a bright and prosperous
  future for themselves while contributing to the greater good; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Texas A&M University College of
  Agriculture and Life Sciences be honored on the 100th anniversary
  of its founding and that all those associated with the institution
  be extended sincere best wishes for the future.