82R12641 JEN-D
  By: Hunter H.R. No. 958
         WHEREAS, Family and friends are mourning the loss of Diana
  Kirby of Rockport, who passed away on February 10, 2011, at the age
  of 53; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Fairbanks, Alaska, Diana Maria Kirby grew up
  in Memphis, Tennessee, and Irving; she earned a bachelor's degree
  in history from Memphis State University and a master's degree in
  education counseling from Corpus Christi State University; she also
  did graduate work in public history at the University of Houston;
         WHEREAS, Ms. Kirby was able to turn her love of history into a
  career, and she worked at museums and historic sites for three
  decades; in 1984, she moved to Rockport to serve as the curator at
  the Fulton Mansion State Historic Site and she was promoted to
  director soon thereafter; in 2008, her expertise and experience
  were rewarded when she was promoted to historic site supervisor for
  the Texas Historical Commission, and she divided her time between
  Rockport and Austin; in her new position, she was responsible for
  overseeing 10 sites around the state, including the Fulton Mansion,
  the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, the Sam
  Rayburn House Museum in Bonham, and the Varner-Hogg Plantation in
  West Columbia; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Kirby loved to travel with family and friends
  and enjoyed trips to Europe and Canada as well as antiquing jaunts
  around Texas; she was known for her warm and giving nature and was
  an excellent listener who could always be counted on to give wise
  and caring advice; and
         WHEREAS, Greatly admired for her dedication to the rich
  history of the Lone Star State, Diana Kirby made a positive
  difference in the lives of countless people, and she has left behind
  a legacy that will continue to resonate for years to come; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Diana Maria Kirby
  and extend sincere condolences to the members of her family: to her
  mother, Jen Kirby; to her stepmother, Sandra Kirby; to her
  brothers, Tony Kirby and Richard "Sam" Kirby and his wife, Leigh; to
  her sister, Donna Barnett, and her husband, Donald; to her
  stepbrother, Steve Bell; to her longtime friend, Ruth Davis; and to
  her other loved ones; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Diana