82R16138 JH-D
  By: Smith of Harris H.R. No. 1051
         WHEREAS, With its focus on economic well-being and civic
  development, the Deer Park Chamber of Commerce has been an enduring
  and positive influence in its community, assisting business owners
  and other area citizens in ways that contribute to the city as a
  whole; and
         WHEREAS, Reflecting the close-knit character of Deer Park,
  the chamber is a vibrant coalition of businesses and individuals
  that seeks to enhance the economic vitality and quality of life in
  the area; its initiatives to boost local enterprise range from
  monthly luncheons to leadership seminars to workshops on essential
  business skills; moreover, the organization provides its members
  with a voice in the legislative process at the state and federal
  levels as well as offers them useful information on governmental
  affairs; and
         WHEREAS, The Deer Park Chamber also undertakes a host of
  worthwhile civic projects; understanding the importance of
  learning, the organization encourages young people to excel by
  offering scholarships to deserving seniors in the Deer Park
  Independent School District, and it recognizes the essential work
  taking place in the classroom with its Salute to Education/New
  Teacher Luncheon; other projects such as the annual Christmas tree
  lighting and prayer breakfast serve to bring residents together so
  that they can better appreciate the mutual interests they share;
         WHEREAS, This exceptional organization also takes an active
  role in promoting the Deer Park area as a tourism destination and as
  an outstanding location for businesses to establish operations, and
  its success in this mission has created additional business and
  employment prospects in the city; and
         WHEREAS, In carrying out its work, the chamber draws on the
  leadership of its president, Tim Culp, and its chairman of the
  board, Mike Mills, as well as the contributions of its involved
  membership, and their united efforts are helping to ensure that
  Deer Park is well positioned to meet the challenges and
  opportunities of the future; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the Deer Park Chamber of Commerce for its
  outstanding work in behalf of the community it serves and extend to
  its members sincere best wishes for continued achievement; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the chamber as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.