82R17384 BPG-D
  By: Lavender H.R. No. 1098
         WHEREAS, The city of Texarkana lost one of its most admired
  educators with the passing of former band director Bob G. Ingram on
  January 30, 2011, at the age of 77; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Greenville on July 31, 1933, Mr. Ingram
  excelled in music at an early age; he took a summer lawn-mowing job
  in order to purchase a Silvertone metal clarinet as a sixth grader,
  and he was drafted into the Greenville High School Band two years
  before he entered high school and served as its president and
  student director; East Texas State Teachers College awarded him a
  full scholarship and he served as president and student director of
  the college band, and he was a member of the orchestra and ROTC
  marching band as well; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Ingram began his teaching career in the Longview
  Independent School District in 1955 and then became band director
  at East Mountain High School before leading Sabine Senior High
  School to four consecutive Sweepstakes awards; during his
  subsequent two-year tenure as band director and supervisor of music
  for Greenville High, the band received its first Sweepstakes award;
         WHEREAS, In 1964, Mr. Ingram joined the Texarkana Independent
  School District as supervisor of the instrumental music program and
  director of the Texas High School marching, concert, and jazz
  bands; he continued to serve the district with great distinction
  until his retirement in 1992; under his direction, the band
  received numerous Sweepstakes awards and first division ratings in
  Class 5A competition, and it played for four United States
  presidents; in addition, the Fighting Tigers performed around the
  country, delighting audiences at Disney World and in Cheyenne,
  Wyoming, and Memphis, Tennessee, as well as at an Astros baseball
  game in Houston and the Hemisfair in San Antonio; and
         WHEREAS, This kind and caring educator made a positive
  difference in the lives of innumerable young Texans, teaching them
  what was possible with hard work and a commitment to excellence;
  while helping musicians reach their potential and expanding their
  horizons, he also mentored youths who were not involved in band, and
  he endeared himself to his colleagues with his warmth, exuberance,
  quick wit, and readiness to lend assistance; and
         WHEREAS, Inducted into the Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Mu in
  1960, Mr. Ingram served as the fraternity's chair of the
  hospitality and program committee; he was a charter member of the
  Texas Music Adjudicators Association and judged band and music
  competitions in almost every region in Texas, as well as in six
  other states; moreover, he served as president of the Four States
  Bandmasters Association and as sergeant at arms and president of
  the board of the Texas Bandmasters Association; he was inducted
  into the Texas Bandmasters Hall of Fame in 1999; active in community
  service, he was president of the Lions Club from 1981-1982; and
         WHEREAS, Devoted to his wife of more than 50 years, Wanda, Mr.
  Ingram was the proud father of a son, Mike; in later years, he also
  knew the joy of becoming a grandfather; and
         WHEREAS, Bob Ingram taught precious life lessons while
  sharing his love of music with many young people, and he will
  forever hold a special place in the hearts of all who were
  privileged to know him; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Bob G. Ingram and
  extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife,
  Wanda Ingram; to his son, Mike Ingram, and his wife, Elizabeth; to
  his granddaughter, Catherine Ingram, and her fiance, Andrew Shope;
  and to his other relatives and friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Bob G.